
  • 会员类型:免费会员
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  • 注册资金:人民币万





北京凯奥科技发展有限公司 公司和产品简介

〈TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 width=”96%” align=center border=0〉
〈TD class=unnamed1〉
〈P〉  北京凯奥特科技发展有限公司是专业从事各种仪器仪开发、研制、生产和销售代理的高科技股份制公司。公司的主要产品有高效毛细管电泳仪、高效液相色谱仪等分析仪器。产品广泛应用于生物学、医学、药学、材料学以及与化工有关的化工、环保、食品饮料等各个领域。 〈BR〉   公司拥由一批由博士后、博士生、高级工程师、高级工程技术人员组成的研发队伍,公司具有强大的技术创新能力和产品开发能力。强大的开发实力和不断更新的知识结构造就了北京凯奥特科技发展有限公司强大的科技实力。 〈BR〉   公司不断吸纳国外同类产品的经验,研制高技术含量产品。目前公司自己研制生产的产品有:LC3300 系列高效液相色谱仪,LC3600系列液相色谱仪,LC6000制备液相色谱仪,柱温箱,各类分析,半制备等,生化培养箱,电子天平,各类循环水至真空泵,旋转蒸发器,低温冷却循环泵;主要代理的产品有:毛细管电泳仪,生化分析仪,分光光度计,薄层色谱仪等。〈BR〉  业精于勤,凯奥特科技的全体员工精诚团结,不断进取,以他们的汗水,为振兴民族产业作出贡献。〈/P〉
〈P〉〈SPAN class=style1〉〈FONT face=Arial〉 Beijing Kaiaote technology development Co Ltd is concentrating on the research, development, production and sales of many kinds of analytical equipment. The main products of our company include HPCE,HPLC, etc, which were widely applied in Biology, Medicine, Phamacy, Materials and Chemical Engineering related fields such as Environmental Protection, and Food Industry.〈BR〉 Our R&D department which was made up of many doctors, advanced engineers and technicians. We have strong ability of creation and product development, and have continuously up-dated knowledge structure; which ensured our great power.〈BR〉 We are absorbing the advanced experiences of foreign products of the same kinds, and developing high-tech products. At present, we have many products developed by ourselves, including LC3300 series of High Performance Liquid Chromatography, LC3600 series of Liquid Chromatography, LC6000, etc.〈BR〉 Diligence is our tenet. The crew of our company are holding together to develop ourselves continuously, trying our best to contribute for the rise of national industry〈/FONT〉〈/SPAN〉〈/P〉〈/TD〉〈/TR〉〈/TBODY〉〈/TABLE〉

