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点击次数:7308 发布时间:2020/9/1 8:56:44


一、FT-3400型粉体流变仪适用范围Scope of application:

Applicable to: chemical, ceramic processing, food, cosmetics, pigments, pharmaceuticals, metal powder, graphite powder, plastics, rubber, concrete, agriculture, hopper design, etc. Quality control and research in the field of powder materials, often used in production and processing enterprises R & D departments, research institutes, colleges and universities, laboratories.

参照ASTM_D6128-97;ASTM D6682-2008;ASTM_D6773-2008;GB/T31057.3-2018附录B;Jenike方法分析粉体流动行为表征特性。
Refer to ASTM_D6128-97; ASTM D6682-2008; ASTM_D6773-2008; GB/T31057.3-2018 Appendix B; Jenike method for characterizing powder flow behavior

三、FT-3400型粉体流变仪功能描述Functional description:
The flow behavior characterization is described by analyzing the powder shear dynamic data. The powder industry often has arch/rat hole structure in processing, storage, transportation and silo; friction between materials and materials and solid wall; in hopper design In the middle, the size of the discharge opening, the inclination angle of the hopper wall, and the pressure of the powder on the hopper wall, the irrationally designed hopper will cause great difficulty in production; these behavioral characteristics affecting the fluidity of the powder are measured by measuring the inside of the powder. Strength, flow function, friction function, density, time function and other data analysis of the above phenomena and states. Real-time analysis of data models using PC software.

四、FT-3400型粉体流变仪功能项目Test items:
预固结处理;瞬态剪切函数;时效剪切函数;壁摩擦函数;时效壁摩擦函数 ;松装密度函数 ;数据管理与分析;系统管理。
Pre-consolidation treatment; transient shear function; aging shear function; wall friction function; aging wall friction function; loose density function; data management and analysis;     

五、FT-3400型粉体流变仪工作原理working principle:
It is applied to the shear cap by an automatically controlled load; and acts on the sample in the annular shear box which is rotated at a known speed, so that the sample and the sample flow under different pressures.

六、FT-3400型粉体流变仪测试和分析数据Test and analyze data:
Analyze and test the following data: Mohr stress circle, internal friction angle, principal stress, shear force, yield trajectory, steady flow, flow function, open yield strength (unlimited yield strength), internal friction time angle, aging yielding Trajectory, bulk density, density trajectory, wall friction angle, adhesion, wall shear force, wall stress, wall trajectory, motion friction angle, static friction angle, hopper half apex angle of the silo design, discharge diameter, flow and no Data analysis, flow factor, initial shear strength (cohesion) and other data analysis.

七:FT-3400型粉体流变仪参数资料Technical indicators:


