
  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【未认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币万





宁波盘羊仪器有限公司 公司和产品简介

宁波盘羊仪器有限公司 (简称:盘羊仪器)英文名称:Ningbo Argal instrument Co.,Ltd (Abbreviation:Argal instrument)从事新材料测试技术及精密测量仪器的开发、生产及售后服务一体的实业企业,涉及新材料产业与新能源材料、半导体、导体、超导体、绝缘性材料、高分子、纳米材料的测量与分析.公司秉承“专业与精密;质量与服务并进的经营理念,采用测量技术为科研院所,大中专院校、企业研发及品质管理提供可靠数据资讯;同时为自动化系统集成商提供配套衔接服务.人才始终是我们的资本,‘盘羊人’具有盘羊一样的精神:团队合作,勇于挑战,不断追求,我们实行有效而民主的扁平管理模式,更加注重员工对企业经营管理的参与性,盘羊仪器通过创新技术的应用,在环境保护、节能事业做出努力.Ningbo Argal instrument Co., Ltd (Abbreviation: Argal instrument) engaged in the development of new materials testing technology and precision measuring instruments, production and after-sales service one of the Industrial enterprises, involving industry, new materials and new energy materials, semiconductors, conductors, superconductors, insulation materials, polymers, measurement and analysis of nano-materials company adhering to the "professional and precision; the quality and service philosophy in hand, the use of advanced measurement techniques for the scientific research institutes, colleges, research and development and quality management to provide reliable data information; while automation system integrators to provide supporting convergence services.Talent is always our capital, 'argali people' has argali same spirit: teamwork, courage to challenge, the constant pursuit, we implement effective and democratic flat management model, pay more attention to the staff of the enterprise management participation, disc sheep instruments through the application of innovative technologies, environmental protection, energy conservation efforts.四探针粉末电阻率测试仪,四探针测试仪,电压降测试仪,高温电阻率测试仪,表面和体积电阻测试仪,方阻仪,方阻计,表面电阻测试仪,表面电阻率测定仪,方块电阻测试仪,半导体电阻率测试仪,,体积电阻测试仪,体积电阻率测试仪, 双电四探针测试仪, ,四探针方阻测试仪,接触压降测试仪,线束电压降测试系统,,表面体积电阻率测试仪,四探针导电率测试仪

