点击次数:19发布时间:2016/11/22 12:03:20
更新日期:2016/11/22 12:03:20
所 在 地:中国大陆
维修售后服务电话:4 0 0 - 6 2 8 - 5 5 7 5
北京精时恒达钟表有限公司是一家专注于钟表维修的现代服务型企业。历经十多年的发展,公司已在华北、华东和华南等地区拥有百多家专业的全国连锁手表维修售后服务中心。同时也是百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、爱彼、宝玑、万国、伯爵、卡地亚、积家、劳力士、芝柏、宝珀、萧邦、 欧米茄等各大世界名表的特约指定维修网点。【免费项目】手表消磁 手表防水测试 手表电压检测 手表外观清洗 手表检测快慢 手表表带截取拆装。
【维修品牌】百达翡丽 朗格 江诗丹顿 积家 宝珀 宝玑 卡地亚 爱彼 伯爵 格拉苏蒂 芝柏 雅典 劳力士 欧米茄 万国 沛纳海 萧邦 尊皇 昆仑 浪琴 豪利时等。
【服务优势】遍及全国的服务网络 专业的维修技术 透明的维修价格 立等可取的维修效率 电话提前预约可享受9折优惠!
Before introduce mechanical watch steal stop reasons, we first introduce simple what is a stop watch stolen. Stop watch stolen is under the condition of the power is enough, watch doesn't work, or stop myself began to walk away again later.
Mechanical watch stolen stopped basically has the following reasons:
Watch lockout: know about mechanical watch a little knows, automatic mechanical watch is completely depend on the motion of the arm to complete the bent. So once the watch place time is too long or bent arm activity wasn't up to watch every day requirements, watches can lead to spring for the string and the potential energy is insufficient, thus caused the watches as unstable or don't wear in the night come when you least expect them to stop walking. If you encounter this situation, we can do it manually before watch placed arcs. Or use the manual winding function for winding the watch. So keep watch enough kinetic energy storage, watch running to the next day.
Watch knock against, because watches in the process of wear, most of the time are bare outside, so work in walk easily into the other hard objects. If in the course of everyday use accidentally into the or to watch, hard hit the watch, it may lead to the inside of the watch machine core gear such as loose parts, dislocation, etc., it also can lead to mechanical watch steal stop condition. When this happens, we need to watch repair shop for maintenance. Try to avoid a collision and strenuous exercise daily wear.
Also add to the balance spring problem: balance spring failure mechanical watch when normal walking to steal one of reasons for stopping. Front we said some people because of the lack of activity leads to watch steal stop, and if the activity is too large, will for a long time because of a clockwork article on tight and cause failure. Can also cause lack of power. General will happen this stop walking around nine o 'clock to twelve o 'clock in the evening, at this time, watch the clock with calendar function cycle calendar wheel. As a direct result of underpowered calendar jam stopped walking.
All three of these are mechanical watch had stopped three reasons. In addition there are other such as watches by magnetic, excessive sludge and other conditions can also lead to mechanical watch had stopped. If you find a watch in the process of normal wear appeared stop walking, something should be done in a timely manner to watch troubleshooting as soon as possible. When it comes to mechanical watch movement of fault areas will need to watch to professional maintenance watch repair centers for testing.
精时恒达是多家名表指定的维修点,如您的爱表有问题,请选择就近城市或拨售后服务电话:4 0 0 - 6 2 8 - 5 5 7 5咨询相关事宜,有专门的技师为您解答。
Watch repair service center
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