安捷伦 N4690B N4690B校准件
点击次数:299发布时间:2015/8/17 18:15:27
更新日期:2017/11/8 14:37:09
所 在 地:中国大陆
安捷伦 N4690B N4690B校准件
N4690B|Agilent N4690B|二手两端口电子校准件|网络分析仪校准件|18GHz|N型
品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
主要技术指标* 300 kHz to 18 GHz frequency range * USB interface for direct control with PNA and ENA series of network analyzers * Alternative 85097B interface when used with other analyzers * Fast calibration * Full two-port calibration with a single connection * Reduced connector wear * NIST traceable accurate calibrations * Reliable solid-state switching
主要描述The Agilent N4690B MW electronic calibration (ECal) module makes calibration of vector network analyzers fast, easy and accurate. The MW ECal system is now easily controlled by one of two methods depending on the network analyzer. The Agilent PNA and ENA series of network analyzers controls the module directly via the USB interface. The modules can also be controlled via an 85097B interface kit when used with an Agilent 8753E/ES/ET or 8720D/ES/ET. (This requires a special parallel cable).
ECal is an ideal solution for calibrating network analyzers. Performing a full two-port calibration takes
主要技术指标×300 kHz频率范围是18 GHz的直接控制与USB接口为*真的*和analyzers ENA系列的网络接口时,与其他的用来替代85097b * *全analyzers快速校准与校准两港连接,减少磨损connector单* * * traceable NIST accurate calibrations reliable固体州交换
主要描述the agilent n4690b兆瓦(ecal电子校准模块使校准矢量网络)的analyzers快速,容易和accurate。现在的ecal兆瓦的系统是容易控制他们的两个方法depending他网络分析仪。真的agilent EAW和控制网络的一系列analyzers directly模块通过USB接口。可以同时控制模块的接口是通过一个85097b当用试剂盒与一个agilent 8753e / ES / ET或8720d / ES /等。(这一特殊的requires并行电缆)。
ecal是一个理想的解决方案为analyzers calibrating网络。