- 会员类型:免费会员
- 工商认证: 【已认证】
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- 企业类型:经销商
- 注册资金:人民币万
Nexus 不用活化的固相萃取柱,应用系列
1. 上样,将1ml血清样品直接放在干的吸附剂床体上(有时需要在样品中加入20m磷酸以防止蛋白质的凝结)
2. 用水淋洗,用1ml去离子水进行冲洗(或低有机溶剂)
3. 有机溶剂洗脱,用1ml甲醇洗脱,收集洗脱液浓缩干燥后再分析
1 | Applicability of solid phase extraction with Nexus cartridges in the field of toxicological screening (Original language: german: Anwendbarkeit der Festphasenextraktion mit NEXUS-Kartuschen für das toxikologische Screening) nexus在毒理筛选分析的应用 | |
2 | Development of a quantitative checking method for codeine with FT-IR (Original language: german: Entwicklung einer quantitativen Nachweismethode für Codein mit Hilfe der FT-IR Spektroskopie) | |
3 | Use of novel solid-phase extraction sorbent material for high-performance liquid chromatography quantitation of caffeine metabolism products methylxanthines and methlyluric acids in samples of biological origin咖啡因代谢物的分析 | |
4 | On-site solid-phase extraction and laboratory analysis of ultra-trace synthetic musks in municipal sewage effluent using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in full-scan mode | |
5 | Multiresidue non-conditioning SPE of pesticides in high sugar foods高糖食品中多残留农药萃取 | |
6 | Benzodiazapines in Porcine Serum. 猪血浆中苯(并)二氮的萃取和分析 | |
7 | Procainamide in Porcine Serum猪血浆中普鲁卡因胺的萃取和分析 | |
8 | Alprazolam and Naltrexone in Porcine Serum猪血浆中阿普唑仑,纳曲酮的萃取和分析 | |
9 | NEXUS Application: Steroids in Porcine Serum猪血浆中类固醇的萃取和分析 | |
10 | NEXUS Application: Tricyclic antidepressants in Porcine Serum猪血浆中三环抗抑郁药的萃取和分析 |
11 | NEXUS Application: Analgesics in Porcine Serum猪血浆中镇痛药的萃取和分析 | |
12 | NEXUS application: Salicylic acid in Porcine Serum猪血浆中水杨酸的萃取和分析 | |
13 | Reduced blocking rates through application of a new NC-SPE sorbent to the extraction of equine urine | |
14 | Cyclosporin A in whole blood全血中环孢霉素A萃取和分析 |