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Bond Elut Plexa PCX固相萃取小柱

点击次数:2777发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00

Bond Elut  Plexa PCX固相萃取小柱

更新日期:2012/3/8 16:46:51

所 在 地:美国

产品型号:可代替Oasis MCX小柱

简单介绍:Bond Elut Plexa PCX固相萃取小柱---可代替Oasis MCX小柱;瓦里安和polymer Lab的专业合作成果专为碱性化合物的萃取而设计,使用简单方便强阳离子交换的聚合物填料流速更高,重复性更好。

相关标签:Oasis MCX Plexa PCX 固相萃取小柱 



Bond Elut Plexa PCX固相萃取小柱(混合型阳离子交换固相萃取柱)-三聚氰胺检测专用

Plexa and Plexa PCX are high performance polymers using novel formats and methods for high throughput automation and simple method development. Plexa PCX is designed specifically to provide a simple method for basic compounds, whereas Plexa is a general purpose choice for a wide range of acid, basic and neutral analytes. Both are ideal for applications in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, forensics and toxicology, foodstuffs and environmental investigation.

Plexa PCX uses a polymer cation exchange mechanism that combines the outstanding properties of Bond Elut Plexa - superior flow characteristics and improved analytical performance - with strong cation exchange capability. This advanced SPE sorbent effectively removes neutral and acidic interferences from the sample matrix and concentrates basic analytes, resulting in improved sensitivity, quantification and analytical performance.

The Plexa range delivers faster flow rates because the particles have much smaller interstitial paths with no fines to cause blockages. Results are more consistent and reproducible because the uniformly sized particles are near mono-dispersed, resulting in homogenous packing. Reproducible results are the norm, with very good tube-to-tube and well-to-well performance. Plexa PCX uses a simplified method for basic compounds, reducing development time and costs. In addition, the Plexa family reduces ion suppression because the highly polar, hydroxylated polymer is entirely amide-free. In contrast to other resins, the Plexa polymer has a totally wettable, but amide-free highly polar surface; the particle exterior excludes proteins and avoids strong binding of phospholipids, and so efficient removal of phospholipids from plasma is ensured.

Bond Elut Plexa  PCX 使用指南userguide 下载!


奶粉/牛奶中的三聚氰胺GC-MS-MS 分析



  • Fraction of Acidic,Neutral, and Basic Drugs from Plasma with Polymeric SPE Cation Exchange, Bond Elut Plexa PCX (.pdf)
  • Extraction of Non-Polar Drugs from Plasma with Polymeric SPE Cation Exchange, Bond Elut Plexa PCX (.pdf)
  • Extraction of Polar Drugs from Plasma with Polymeric SPE Cation Exchange, Bond Elut Plexa PCX (.pdf)

Download the Data Sheet

· Bond Elut Plexa PCX Polymer Cation Exchange Simplified SPE

价 格 更 实 惠!


A4968010 Bond Elut 96 Plexa PCX, 10 mg 1 Plate ¥3,085.97
A4968030 Bond Elut 96 Plexa PCX, 30 mg 1 Plate ¥3,211.70
12108301 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 30 mg, 1 mL 100 tubes/pk ¥1,988.74
12108601 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 60 mg, 1 mL 100 tubes/pk ¥2,114.46
12108303 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 30 mg, 3 mL 50 tubes/pk ¥982.95
12108603 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 60 mg, 3 mL 50 tubes/pk ¥1,100
12108206 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 200 mg, 6 mL 30 tubes/pk ¥1,703.01
12258506 Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 500 mg, 6 mL 30 tubes/pk ¥2,331.63





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【未认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
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  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

