- 会员类型:免费会员
- 工商认证: 【已认证】
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- 企业类型:经销商
- 注册资金:人民币万
奉化市大桥中兴电子仪器厂 公司和产品简介
电火花检测仪,国外同类产品称针孔检测仪或微孔探测器,该仪器主要用来检测金属表面耐腐蚀覆层,绝缘层,复合层(钢塑复合管),衬胶层等的涂复质量,检测时该仪器的高压探头贴近被检测物,移扫时,当一旦遇到针孔,气泡等类似质量缺陷,高电压将此处的气隙击穿产生电火花,此时仪器就发出报警声。也可通过观察火花来判别表面涂覆层质量。 我厂生产的电火花检测仪主机不带高压,输出电压连续可调,检测灵敏度高,高压枪采用棒形全封闭式,安全可靠,整机结构紧凑;体积小巧轻便,特别适用于野外施工检测。自七十年代末生产检测仪以来,我厂根据用户需要不断更新改进,使产品的质量更加完善。 brief lntroduction i factory electricity light pinprick test apparatus speciality manufactrre ,70 year come,basis consumer need ameliorate tachnic perfect product. electricity light test apparatus,mostly use come test metal base ob-ject go to of target non metal transmit,such as:cauterization layer and insulated layer complex layer and latex porcelain enamel ,discorer pinprick and crack. i fac- tory electricity light test apparatus mostly enginery no cincture nigh volta- ge may adjust,test be sensitve to good.nigh voltage detect caput,using stick shape complete closein pattem,safety trustiness configuration refinement,bulk handiness,especially in order field employment. i factory tnnee:ceaseless advanee product quality seek progerss! with puice serve choiceness seek narket!