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百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳

点击次数:15发布时间:2017/2/24 17:25:41

百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳

更新日期:2017/2/24 17:25:41

所 在 地:中国大陆





百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳名表维修连锁电话400-875-1181/400-677-0155全国百家连锁维修领导品牌,百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 服务地区:北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌、西安、南宁、郑州、昆明、苏州 等地区,形成了庞大的腕表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务,百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 专业的维修技术、透明 的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率网上电话预约可享受9折优惠,百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 到店修表立等可取,流程透明,价格公开。





  合肥(安徽店): 合肥市蜀山区长江西路189号合肥之心城环球中心A座20层09室






















【百达翡丽维修费用【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳】











  R; c* C/ c0 p' B+ w轮系洁净的重点在于轮芯与轴孔,以毛刷洗净轮槽与齿轮板今后,再将软木棒尾端削尖沾去渍油,轻轻打亮车芯与车芯上小齿轮中的裂痕。再来是轴孔部分,这里的积污凡是都较深,清理的体例为操纵削得极尖且细的柳枝沾去渍油通清轴孔内部。在这里要注重通清的时辰动作要出格谨严,省得柳枝断在轴孔里面,那可是很麻烦的。机板的洁净则较简单,以毛刷刷洗即可,若有锈斑则以柳枝磨除,这段完成今后即代表A部分零件洁净终了,此时可将所有浸在清洁油盘中的零件掏出,放在白纸上晾干,然后分类置于零件盒中。




  machine wash oil (a):

  you know what oil? I believe a lot of fans had to love table table table to store oil experience, but most of them are scanty for you to wash the wash oil process, the course of curiosity? Do you want to know the watch to wash oil, the master will be how to handle your love table? Firstly the five pace of cleaning and derusting. Watch movement of cleaning and lubricating oil injection is referred to as the "wash", watch a regular repair in the work is very important. The goal is to wash oil in order to lubricate the connection surface clean and machine parts, machine parts of the table to ensure careful density, improve the accuracy of the clock and delay machine table machine operating life. Under normal circumstances, the general table of machine operation two years after a wash. In any case, the work is often wash oil and at the same time adjust and repair parts.

  1, ready to work with the former


  has mechanical and artificial wash wash wash oil two. To do good work, must first sharpen his tools, which require the following tools ready before (1 to wash oil stain Oil 2 wind ball 3 brush 4 scouring pan 5 6 soft sticks and diamagnetic tweezers willow 7 screwdriver. Depending on the habit will be different), the next start to carry out the movement of the dismantling.

  first, the details of the door movement parts, and then divided into two parts: A. board, gem, gear, wheel, spring, cowboys and spring, this part of the oil less parts. B. spring box and screw, this part of the heavy oil. A parts because more careful, dirty level is light, so you must first wash, to avoid being left parts cleaning heavy oil grease pollution; part B part of the first well placed in liquidation or small parts box inside the oil pan. Good will in future two classification prebrushing pan down on the eight minute full naphtha, and then a clip to the forceps soaking in a pan with oil stains to A parts, another pan first idle, prepare has influence as the clean parts, to do two times cleaning use.


  and clean balance wheel hairspring

  is a mechanical watch hairspring balance wheel and the heart, running for a long time a car core will accumulate in sludge, but also because of sticky grease hairspring caused abnormal swing frequency. A clean first from the shaft head, with fingers gently pick up the balance shaft upward part (half immersed in scouring oil) and then to, sharpened stick to oil stains and cork cleaning dirt and stone wheel shaft, the action should be to focus on here is very gentle, to avoid the hairspring balance wheel deformation; next will turn to brush with cleaning oil, gently scrub, shock absorber seat and the balance sheet gem bridge to the light without scale so far; then the gossamer part, absolutely should pay attention not to brush or other tools to clean, or will cause the spring deformation, the right way is to tweezers since the balance table Bridge, and opened a prebrushing Shu gossamer light oil Akira, to wash away the greasy dirt on it. The above parts and then into another clean soiled pan frequently above, and then placed in dry white paper.

  3, clean stones, cowboys and stopper

  watch brand in mechanical table layout, jewel box spring is next to the accumulation of grease easily place for a long time will lead to resistance to change and influence the accuracy of operation. Because of the gem is very small, so when you use tweezers and clean clamping, and soaked in scrubbing soiled oil, do not take away from the surface of oil or stones out of trouble; Ma Chai is also very small parts, also should pay attention to strength when cleaning, to avoid injury to the gem and the Cowboys Cowboys then the stopper body; clean, as also with fingers or forceps Clip Light keeper plate and then to brush above has gone into the dirty oil stains scrub down, and sometimes because of water invasion mechanism. If not to brush the root, it must be sharpened with oil stains on switchgrass, gradually in addition to wear light so far. Gem, cowboys and stopper clean and rust end in the future, as well as placed in clean scouring oil immersion.

  4, clean gear train, board,

  R; c* C/ C0 p'B+ w focuses on the clean gear wheel core and shaft hole, with the brush cleaning wheel groove and a gear plate in the future, then the end of the stick to the cork stick sharpened oil stains, gently lit car core and car core cracks in the small gear. Then the shaft hole part, dirt here everything is deep, clean style for the manipulation of cut pole tip and fine willow stick to the oil stains through shaft hole internal clearance. Pay attention to the hour passes clear here the action should be especially careful, not broken in the shaft hole inside the willow, that's very troublesome. The board is relatively simple to clean, scrub brush can be, if there is rust in willow mill except the complete A part represents the future of clean end, at this time can be all soaked in clean oil in parts out, airing in the white paper, and then placed in a box of parts classification.

  5, clean spring box and screw

  spring box is the power source of mechanical watch, but also the most important place on the oil, so with the screws as the last part of the cleaning section. The clockwork box cover removed, then all parts including screw immersed in scouring the oil pan for about 10 minutes, in his brush shampoo box and screws, and to clear the box hole barber sharpened willow, the reader may doubt





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