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更新日期:2017/2/24 19:44:52
所 在 地:中国大陆
华东地区维修服务热线:4006807911 济南(山东店):济南市历下区泉城路180号齐鲁大厦B座10层1005室 南京(江苏店):南京市秦淮区汉中路1号南京金融中心10楼H室 合肥(安徽店): 合肥市蜀山区长江西路189号合肥之心城环球中心A座20层09室 杭州(杭州店):杭州市下城区环城北路208号杭州大厦C座坤和中心30层06室 上海(上海店):上海市黄浦区南京东路409-459号上海置地广场9楼918室 厦门(福建店):厦门市思明区鹭江道8号厦门银行大厦24层C单元 华南地区维修服务热线:4008092655 广州(广州店):广州市天河区体育西路103号维多利广场写字楼A座2605室 深圳(深圳店):深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦写字楼25层2510室 南宁(广西店):南宁市青秀区金湖北路59号地王大厦12楼 华中地区维修服务热线:4006807911 武汉(湖北店):武汉市汉江区中山大道818号平安大厦22层11室 郑州(河南店):郑州市金水区花园路39号国贸中心招银大厦14层1406室 南昌(江西店):南昌市东湖区胜利路步行街32号裕泰福珠宝二层 华北地区维修服务热线:4008092655 北京(北京店):北京市西城区西单北大街甲131号西单大悦城写字楼7楼702室 天津(天津店):天津市和平区南京路219号天津中心写字楼9楼903室 太原(山西店):山西省太原市迎泽区解放路3号亨得利钟表眼镜店三层 西南地区维修服务热线:4008751181 成都(四川店):成都市锦江区东御街18号天府广场百扬大厦21层2107室 东北地区维修服务热线:4006770155 沈阳(辽宁店):沈阳市和平区中华路69-1号富丽华商务中心9楼903室 哈尔滨(黑龙江店):哈尔滨市南岗区东大直街146号上和置地广场金座12楼1214室

Theconsists of a single walking development to kinetic, quartz watch, multifunction sports calendar watch, two time display and a moon phase display electronic watch, the global positioning system (G, P, S) quartz electronic watches and so on. The middle of 80s due to the rise of Japan Electronic Technology quartz quartz electronic watches into a market, watchmaking brand word traditional especially quartz electronic watches have great impact was almost on the verge of collapse, but the watchmaking brand word always adhere to their own sophisticated style. In 80s by the brand name}{ETA} movement production plant production of quartz electronic watches, such as: 255411, 255441, 255111, 976.001, 210.001, 282.001, and so on. The movement generally uses the logic frequency modulation circuit, precision control system with concealed, the precision control system to do IC circuit without manual adjustment circuit board precision, greatly improves the accuracy and stability of circuit board, completely change the shortcomings of the traditional manual adjustment of the tuning capacitor. In the circuit board IC circuit also set the minimum operating voltage starting R.T test point, it is to test the mechanical transmission system is working properly, the battery life of the main means to obtain important data.
IC电路中还增加了步进马达脉冲减量抑制式ASS、EOL装置,二针手表如:、雷达、、西马等所采用的ETA976.001石英手表机芯IC电路中,ASS装置以改变或顺应机械电能所需求的脉冲来达到省电的效果,抑制以周期产生的误差值这种误差值的校正,是由特殊电子连锁点脉冲不间断的对其扫描对比调校,平均工耗0.6.uA/h、月误差±4~8s从而达到抑制校正目地。三针手表如:帝舵、西马、、雷达、梅花、等等采用的ETA255.411石英电子手表机芯IC电路EOL电能耗尽预警装置,此装置提前十五天提示电池能量已耗尽会出现四秒一跳的现象。在机械传动系以及夹板加工方面,1983年ETA生产厂生产的210.001型号机芯此机芯采用镀金、镀铑水波纹磨花做工是非常的精致,单走时机芯厚度仅 H0.98mm不论是齿轮加工还是夹板加工其难度都是非常大的,但是此类型号机芯走时精度、使用可靠性却非常之好。
IC circuit is also added in step motor pulse reduction inhibit type ASS, EOL device, two needle watches such as: brand word, radar, , Malaysia etc. brand word by ETA976.001 quartz watch core IC circuit, ASS device to change or adapt to mechanical electric energy pulse to achieve the energy saving effect the demand, to restrain the error cycle value generated by correcting the error value, by the special electronic pulse chain uninterrupted on the contrast adjustment, the average power consumption of 0.6.uA/h, error 4~8s so as to achieve the purpose of inhibiting correction. Three needle watches such as Tudor, Malaysia, brand word, radar, , Meihua brand word ETA255.411 uses quartz electronic watch core IC EOL circuit power depletion warning device, this device is fifteen days in advance that has run out of battery energy will be four seconds a jump phenomenon. In the mechanical transmission and processing of 210.001 types of plywood, 1983}ETA brand movement {factory production of this machine adopts gold, rhodium plated ripplequot wear flowers workmanship is very delicate, single core thickness is only H0.98mm whether walking gear processing or plywood processing difficulty is very large, but such models as core the use of precision, reliability has very good.
I often encounter some technical problems in the process of repairing high-grade quartz watch.
1, the battery is less than a year has no electricity, we should exclude factors such as battery battery life gauge, followed by the movement of viscera, lubricating oil dry, mechanical transmission system is caused by the increase of friction coefficient, the battery life is not enough reason, should be the core gas cleaning maintenance.
2, travel time is slow to stop the phenomenon, mainly the internal organs, the rotor surface of metal cutting or coil inside a short circuit phenomenon, which is to clean the machine movement to replace the circuit board.
3, walking fast mainly quartz oscillator circuit board changes, the reason is that two of the quartz resonator pin loosening or quartz resonator sealing tube seal is not good, will cause the frequency change of the quartz resonator. Another is the IC circuit in the control accuracy of the system problems, also can make the quartz resonance frequency change need to replace the circuit board.
4, the second is to go down, this is mainly because the stator geometry deformation or internal stator material changes, so that the magnetic problems change pit location is the main cause of second hand go down, should replace the stator.