点击次数:5发布时间:2017/6/15 10:10:01
更新日期:2017/10/23 17:54:19
所 在 地:中国大陆
西门子伺服电缆西门子S7 控制器中的高级控制器
高级控制器尤其适用于具有中等和较高复杂程度的应用。SIMATIC S7-1500 ActiveX Control 是 SIMATIC S7-300 和 SIMATIC 的长期后续产品6FX8002-2CA31-1BB06FX8002-2CA31-1BB0
上海仁彩自动化科技有限公司 联系人:邓 杰 (销售工程师) |
手 机:18321021125 |
商务QQ:3199208773 |
电话(TEL):021-67353305 |
传真(FAX):021-33697655 |
24小时销售技术服务热线:17316599215 |
微信号:17316599215 地址:上海市金山区枫泾镇新泾路59号 |
由于采用革新电路设计(直流环节减少的双向输入整流器),因此可将一个负载的能量回馈到电源系统。这种回馈能力提供了巨大的节约,因为不再需要将所产生的能量在一个制动电阻器中转换为热量。无需使用制动电阻器和电抗器 - 这是一个特别的优点,因为可以节省空间,并降低实现 IP65 高防护等级的安装成本。
面向未来的分布式驱动设计的模块化结构提高了灵活性,并具有 IP65 防护等级
可通过采用 PROFIdrive Profile 4.0 行规的 PROFINET 或 PROFIBUS 进行通讯
能够将*多 6 个传感器和*多 2 个执行器直接连接到控制单元,这意味着可对几乎所有驱动信息能够直接管理;信号的本地处理在较高和可重复性响应时间上减轻了现场总线上的负荷。
集成 A 类 EMC 滤波器(符合 EN 55011),集成制动控制(400 V 1 AC 整流,相当于 180 VDC),基于电机热模型和 PTC 或 KTY 84 温度传感器分析实施集成电机保护
可通过软件参数方便地适应 50 Hz 或 60 Hz 电机(IEC 或 NEMA 电机)
通过可选的 MMC 存储卡方便地更换设备,省时地复制参数
通过 SIZER(V2.9 及更高版本)、STARTER(V4.1、SP1 及更高版本)和 Drive ES 等统一工程工具进行组态与调试:确保快速组态和方便地调试 – STARTER 集成在带有 Drive ES Basic 的 STEP 7 中,具有集中数据存储和全集成通讯的所有优点。
全球范围的认证:符合 CE、UL、cUL、c-tick,安全集成系统符合 EN 954-1,Cat.3 和 IEC 61508 SIL 2
Area of application
SINAMICS G120D 非常适用于工业环境中具有苛刻要求的输送系统应用,在这些应用中,需要使用具有通讯功能的分布式驱动系统。它尤其适用于汽车工业,例如,在装配线上使用。
SINAMICS G120D 还适用于其他高性能应用,例如,在飞机场、食品与饮料工业(无表面活性剂)和物流分配过程中(如架空单轨系统)中使用。
SINAMICS G120D 分布式变频器是一种用于标准驱动器的模块化变频器。每台 SINAMICS G120D 都包含两个运行单元,即电源模块和控制单元。
带输入和电机接口的电源模块 PM250D 和控制单元 CU240D
以下电源模块可用于 SINAMICS G120D 分布式变频器:
PM250D 电源模块
PM250D 电源模块(0.75 kW 至 7.5 kW)采用了一种革新电路设计,可实现电源的电网换相能量恢复。这种革新的电路可将发电机电能回馈到电源系统,因而节省了电能。
以下控制单元可用于 SINAMICS G120D 分布式变频器:
CU240D 控制器
MMC 存储卡
变频器的参数设置可存储在 MMC 存储卡上。当对装置进行维护时,可在更换了变频器并传输了存储卡数据之后,立即将装置投入使用。相关插槽位于控制单元的后部。
用于与 PC 通讯的 RS232 接口电缆
在安装了适宜软件(调试工具 STARTER V4.1、SP1 及更高版本)的情况下,用于直接从 PC 控制和调试变频器。
提供了一个备件套件,其中包含密封件、护盖、PROFIBUS 地址窗口和螺丝等小型零件。
柔性连接电缆,用于在工业以太网设备或 PROFIBUS 设备之间传输数据,以及用于控制单元的电源。
以下电子组态工具可用于 SINAMICS G120D 分布式变频器:
CA 01 内的 SD 组态器选择帮助
交互式产品目录 CA 01 是西门子自动化与驱动集团 (A&D) 的离线产品商城,其中包括 100000 多种产品,大约 5 百万个驱动系统产品型号。SD Configurator 是为了促进从广泛的标准驱动器产品中选择正确的电机和/或变频器而开发的。该组态软件集成在产品目录中,在第 2 张光盘上的“组态”中以“选型助手”的形式提供了选型与组态工具。
SIZER 组态工具
使用 PC 设计工具SIZER,可以轻松地对 SINAMICS 和MICROMASTER4 驱动产品系列进行组态。它可在您对驱动任务中所需要的硬件和软件组件中的技术进行配置时提供支持。SIZER能对整套驱动系统组态,包括简单的独立驱动装置直至复杂的多轴应用系统。带有从 V2.9 版起的 SIZER 软件的 SINAMICS G120D
STARTER 调试工具提供了菜单引导的调试、优化和诊断帮助。STARTER 不仅可在 SINAMICS 变频调速柜上使用,而且还可用于 MICROMASTER 4 以及用于分布式 I/O SIMATIC ET 200S FC 和 SIMATIC ET 200pro FC 变频器。用于 STARTER 软件的版本从 V4.1、SP1 起的 SINAMICS G120D。
Drive ES工程系统
Drive ES是一种工程系统,使用该系统可将西门子的驱动技术以轻松、省时、节约的方式集成到与通讯、组态和数据管理有关的SIMATIC自动化产品世界中。STEP 7 Manager的操作界面是所有这一切的基础。各种软件包(即 Drive ES Basic、Drive ES SIMATIC 和 Drive ES PCS 7)可用于 SINAMICS。
Technical Specifications
除非另外明确规定,以下技术数据对于 SINAMICS S120D 变频器的所有下列部件均有效。
运输 1)
EN 60068?2?6
5 ~ 9 Hz:偏转常数 3.1 mm
9 ~ 200 Hz:加速常数 = 9.81 m/s2(1 g)
EN 60068?2?6
10 ~ 58 Hz:偏转常数 0.15 mm
58 ~ 200 Hz:加速常数 = 19.62 m/s2(2 g)
运输 1)
EN 60068?2?27
147.15 m/s2 (15 g)/11 ms;
每个轴及方向 3 次冲击
EN 60068?2?27
147.15 m/s2 (15 g)/11 ms;
每个轴及方向 3 次冲击
符合 EN 61800-5-1 的 Class III (PELV)
符合 EN 61800-5-1 的 Class I(带 PE 导体系统)
-10 至 +40 °C 无降额,
> 40 … 55 °C, 参见降容特性
-10 … +55 °C
带 CU240D DP?F 和/或 CU240D PN-F:0 … 40 °C
至海拔高度 2000 米
EN 60068-2-1
温度 -40 ~ +70 °C
运输 1)
EN 60068-2-1
温度 -40 ~ +70 °C
空气湿度 95 %,40 °C 时
EN 60068?2?2
温度 -10 至 +40 °C 无降额
Class 3C2,符合标准 EN 60721-3-3
2,符合标准 EN61800-5-1
UL, cUL, CE, c-tick
CE 标识
低压规程 73/23/EEC 和机器规程 98/37/EEC
框架规格 FSA 至 FSC 带有集成 A 类输入滤波器
C2 类3)符合 EN 61800?3(相当于 EN 55011 的 A 类)
注意:EMC 产品标准 EN 61800-3 并不直接适用于变频器,但是适用于一个 PDS(动力传动系统),这个PDS除了变频器外,还包括完整的电路系统,电机和电缆。变频器本身一般不需要按照 EMC 导则来标识
2)关于更详细的一般信息,请另见 SINAMICS G110 的“技术数据”和“符合标准”部分。
3)带*长为 15 m 的屏蔽电缆。
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元示例
- CU240D DP
- CU240D DP-F
- CU240D PN
- CU240D PN-F
- CU240D PN-F PP(推拉)
推拉型包含一种用于 24 V 电源电压和 PN 通信的替代连接方法。
Safety Integrated 功能
SINAMICS G120D 故障安全变频器提供了 3 个安全功能,它们都按照 EN 954-1(Cat 3)和 IEC 61508 SIL 2 进行了认证:
- 安全转矩断开 (STO) 功能用于防止驱动器产生运动
- 安全停止 1 (SS1) 功能用于连续监视一个安全制动斜坡
- 安全限制转速 (SLS) 功能用于防止超过某个转速限值的危险移动
“安全停止 1”和“安全限制转速”功能都无需使用电机编码器或编码器来执行,执行成本非常低。现有系统也可通过安全技术来更新,不需要改变电机或机械系统。
安全功能“安全限制转速”和“安全停止 1”不能在使用起重机和退绕机的情况下用于穿设负载。
已使用固件 V3.2 扩展了安全功能。
通信 | 数字量输入 | 数字量输出 | 编码器接口 | 名称 | CU240D 控制器 订货号 |
标准型 | |||||
PROFIBUS DP | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D DP | 6SL3544-0FA20-1PA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN | 6SL3544-0FA20-1FA0 |
Safety Integrated 故障安全功能 | |||||
PROFIBUS DP | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D DP?F | 6SL3544-0FA21-1PA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN?F | 6SL3544-0FA21-1FA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN?F PP | 6SL3544-0FA21-1FB0 |
CU240D DP 控制单元
CU240D DP-F 控制单元
CU240D PN 控制单元
CU240D PN-F 控制单元
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元
从后面看,MMC 卡插槽位于控制单元顶部,PM-IF 接口位于底部中间
Basic positioner (EPos)
- Absolute and relative positioning
- Linear and rotary axis
- Motor encoder or direct measuring system
- 4 referencing modes
- 16 traversing blocks
- Direct setpoint input (MDI)
- Jog mode
- Backlash compensation
- Following error monitoring
- Cam signals
The positioning functions are only available in the CU250D?2 Control Unit and are functionally identical to the positioning functionality of SINAMICS S110. Due to its flexibility and adaptability, the basic positioner can be used for a wide range of positioning tasks.
The functions are easy to handle both during commissioning and during operation. Furthermore, they are characterized by their comprehensive monitoring functions.
Many applications can be carried out without external position controllers.
The EPos basic positioner is available as an additional function module that can be activated, and is used for the absolute/relative positioning of linear and rotary axes (modulo) with both rotary and linear motor encoders (indirect measuring system).
User-friendly configuring and commissioning including control panel (operation using PC) and diagnostics with the STARTER commissioning tool V4.3 or higher.
In addition to extremely flexible positioning functions, EPos offers a high degree of user-friendliness and reliability thanks to integral monitoring and compensation functions.
Different operating modes and their functionality increase flexibility and plant productivity, for example, by means of "on-the-fly" and bumpless correction of the motion control.
Preconfigured PROFIdrive positioning frames are available which, when selected, automatically establish the internal "connection" to the basic positioner.
Functionality of the EPos basic positioner
Lower-level closed-loop position control with the following essential components
- Position actual value sensing (including the lower-level measuring input evaluation and reference mark search)
- Position controller (including limits, adaptation and pre-control calculation)
- Position control cycle 8 ms (speed control cycle 2 ms)
- Monitoring functions (standstill, positioning and dynamic following error monitoring, cam signals)
Mechanical system
- Backlash compensation
- Speed/acceleration/delay/jerk limitation
- Software limit switches (traversing range limitation by means of position setpoint evaluation)
- Stop cams (traversing range limitation by means of hardware limit switch evaluation)
Referencing or adjustment
- Set reference point (for an axis at standstill)
- Search for reference (separate mode including reversing cam functionality, automatic reversal of direction, referencing to "output cam and encoder zero mark" or only "encoder zero mark" or "external zero mark (BERO)")
- Flying referencing (seamless subordinate referencing is possible during "normal" traversing with the aid of measuring input evaluation; generally evaluation, e.g. of a BERO). Subordinate function for the modes "jog", "direct setpoint input/MDI" and "traversing blocks")
- Absolute encoder alignment
Traversing blocks mode (16 traversing blocks)
- Positioning by means of traversing blocks stored in the device, including continuation conditions and specific jobs for previously homed axis
- Traversing block editor using STARTER
- A traversing block contains the following information:
- Job number and job (e.g. positioning, waiting, GOTO block jump, setting of binary outputs, travel to fixed endstop)
- Motion parameters (target position, override speed for acceleration and deceleration)
- Mode (e.g.: hide block, continuation conditions such as "Continue_with_stop", "Continue_flying" and "Continue_externally using high-speed measuring inputs")
- Job parameters (e.g. wait time, block step conditions)
Direct setpoint specification mode (MDI)
- Positioning (absolute, relative) and setting-up (endless closed-loop position control) using direct setpoint inputs (e.g. via the PLC using process data)
- It is always possible to influence the motion parameters during traversing (on-the-fly setpoint acceptance) as well as for on-the-fly changes between the setup and positioning modes.
- The direct setpoint specification mode (MDI) can also be used in the relative positioning or setup mode if the axis is not referenced. This means that on-the-fly synchronization and re-referencing can be carried out using "flying referencing".
Jog mode
- Closed-loop position controlled traversing of the axis with "endless position controlled" or "jog incremental" modes (traverse through a "step width"), which can be toggled between
CU240D DP 和 CU240D DP?F 控制单元的接线图
CU240D PN 和 CU240D PN?F 控制单元的接线图
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元的接线图
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元示例
- CU240D DP
- CU240D DP-F
- CU240D PN
- CU240D PN-F
- CU240D PN-F PP(推拉)
推拉型包含一种用于 24 V 电源电压和 PN 通信的替代连接方法。
Safety Integrated 功能
SINAMICS G120D 故障安全变频器提供了 3 个安全功能,它们都按照 EN 954-1(Cat 3)和 IEC 61508 SIL 2 进行了认证:
- 安全转矩断开 (STO) 功能用于防止驱动器产生运动
- 安全停止 1 (SS1) 功能用于连续监视一个安全制动斜坡
- 安全限制转速 (SLS) 功能用于防止超过某个转速限值的危险移动
“安全停止 1”和“安全限制转速”功能都无需使用电机编码器或编码器来执行,执行成本非常低。现有系统也可通过安全技术来更新,不需要改变电机或机械系统。
安全功能“安全限制转速”和“安全停止 1”不能在使用起重机和退绕机的情况下用于穿设负载。
已使用固件 V3.2 扩展了安全功能。
通信 | 数字量输入 | 数字量输出 | 编码器接口 | 名称 | CU240D 控制器 订货号 |
标准型 | |||||
PROFIBUS DP | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D DP | 6SL3544-0FA20-1PA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN | 6SL3544-0FA20-1FA0 |
Safety Integrated 故障安全功能 | |||||
PROFIBUS DP | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D DP?F | 6SL3544-0FA21-1PA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN?F | 6SL3544-0FA21-1FA0 |
PROFINET | 6 | 2 | 1 | CU240D PN?F PP | 6SL3544-0FA21-1FB0 |
CU240D DP 控制单元
CU240D DP-F 控制单元
CU240D PN 控制单元
CU240D PN-F 控制单元
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元
从后面看,MMC 卡插槽位于控制单元顶部,PM-IF 接口位于底部中间
Basic positioner (EPos)
- Absolute and relative positioning
- Linear and rotary axis
- Motor encoder or direct measuring system
- 4 referencing modes
- 16 traversing blocks
- Direct setpoint input (MDI)
- Jog mode
- Backlash compensation
- Following error monitoring
- Cam signals
The positioning functions are only available in the CU250D?2 Control Unit and are functionally identical to the positioning functionality of SINAMICS S110. Due to its flexibility and adaptability, the basic positioner can be used for a wide range of positioning tasks.
The functions are easy to handle both during commissioning and during operation. Furthermore, they are characterized by their comprehensive monitoring functions.
Many applications can be carried out without external position controllers.
The EPos basic positioner is available as an additional function module that can be activated, and is used for the absolute/relative positioning of linear and rotary axes (modulo) with both rotary and linear motor encoders (indirect measuring system).
User-friendly configuring and commissioning including control panel (operation using PC) and diagnostics with the STARTER commissioning tool V4.3 or higher.
In addition to extremely flexible positioning functions, EPos offers a high degree of user-friendliness and reliability thanks to integral monitoring and compensation functions.
Different operating modes and their functionality increase flexibility and plant productivity, for example, by means of "on-the-fly" and bumpless correction of the motion control.
Preconfigured PROFIdrive positioning frames are available which, when selected, automatically establish the internal "connection" to the basic positioner.
Functionality of the EPos basic positioner
Lower-level closed-loop position control with the following essential components
- Position actual value sensing (including the lower-level measuring input evaluation and reference mark search)
- Position controller (including limits, adaptation and pre-control calculation)
- Position control cycle 8 ms (speed control cycle 2 ms)
- Monitoring functions (standstill, positioning and dynamic following error monitoring, cam signals)
Mechanical system
- Backlash compensation
- Speed/acceleration/delay/jerk limitation
- Software limit switches (traversing range limitation by means of position setpoint evaluation)
- Stop cams (traversing range limitation by means of hardware limit switch evaluation)
Referencing or adjustment
- Set reference point (for an axis at standstill)
- Search for reference (separate mode including reversing cam functionality, automatic reversal of direction, referencing to "output cam and encoder zero mark" or only "encoder zero mark" or "external zero mark (BERO)")
- Flying referencing (seamless subordinate referencing is possible during "normal" traversing with the aid of measuring input evaluation; generally evaluation, e.g. of a BERO). Subordinate function for the modes "jog", "direct setpoint input/MDI" and "traversing blocks")
- Absolute encoder alignment
Traversing blocks mode (16 traversing blocks)
- Positioning by means of traversing blocks stored in the device, including continuation conditions and specific jobs for previously homed axis
- Traversing block editor using STARTER
- A traversing block contains the following information:
- Job number and job (e.g. positioning, waiting, GOTO block jump, setting of binary outputs, travel to fixed endstop)
- Motion parameters (target position, override speed for acceleration and deceleration)
- Mode (e.g.: hide block, continuation conditions such as "Continue_with_stop", "Continue_flying" and "Continue_externally using high-speed measuring inputs")
- Job parameters (e.g. wait time, block step conditions)
Direct setpoint specification mode (MDI)
- Positioning (absolute, relative) and setting-up (endless closed-loop position control) using direct setpoint inputs (e.g. via the PLC using process data)
- It is always possible to influence the motion parameters during traversing (on-the-fly setpoint acceptance) as well as for on-the-fly changes between the setup and positioning modes.
- The direct setpoint specification mode (MDI) can also be used in the relative positioning or setup mode if the axis is not referenced. This means that on-the-fly synchronization and re-referencing can be carried out using "flying referencing".
Jog mode
- Closed-loop position controlled traversing of the axis with "endless position controlled" or "jog incremental" modes (traverse through a "step width"), which can be toggled between
CU240D DP 和 CU240D DP?F 控制单元的接线图
CU240D PN 和 CU240D PN?F 控制单元的接线图
CU240D PN-F PP 控制单元的接线图