On the component level, we have complete solutions for your fiber optic needs: from DWDM, CWDM, MWDM (band pass and edge filters), Isolator, and GFF, to fused fiber couplers, WDM and Raman Pump Combiners. AC offers complete and flexible solutions for your WDM module applications, including 100GHz and 200GHz DWDM, and CWDM MUX/DEMUX modules and OADMs. AC also provides PLC Splitters, a full range of opto-mechanical switches and reconfigurable Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADM). Our InGaAs photodiodes and tap-photodiodes utilize planar semiconductor design with dielectric passivation, and have high Responsivity and low noise from 1000nm to 1650nm. We also have a broad line of PM products and Lithium Niobate modulators. Based on our advanced packaging technology, all our products have passed their respective Telcordia Standards. |