Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio艾美捷兔黑色素蛋白多克隆,亲和纯化抗体:
图:使用AB-N39在1:4000的平板小鼠视网膜和AlexaFluor-568二抗体中从单个z系列获得的2-光子共焦显微镜图像。这张图像是通过神经节细胞层的单个视平面,也显示了一些近端RGC树突。图片由Matthew Van Hook博士提供。
Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio艾美捷兔黑色素蛋白多克隆,亲和纯化抗体应用包括免疫荧光(1µg/ml)和靶向(黑色素蛋白SAP中的靶向剂,目录号IT-44)。这种抗体在横截面染色和平板染色中都有效。
Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio 艾美捷其它热门抗体研究:
AB-N39 Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified 黑视素(Melanopsin)
AB-N01AP NGFr (mu p75) Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified NGFr (mu p75)
AB-N07 NGFr (ME20.4, p75) Mouse Monoclonal NGFr (ME20.4, p75)
AB-N33AP NK-1 Receptor Rabbit Polyclonal, affinity-purified NK-1受体
AB-N03 trkA Rabbit Polyclonal trkA
Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio艾美捷兔黑色素蛋白多克隆抗体相关文献:
Examination of zinc in the circadian system.
Moshirpour M, Nakashima AS, Sehn N, Smith VM, Thackray SE, Dyck RH, Antle MC (2020) Examination of zinc in the circadian system. Neuroscience 432:15-29. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.02.016
Objective: To examine the anatomical and functional aspects of zinc in the circadian system.
Summary: Neither enhancement nor chelation of free zinc at either the SCN or IGL altered circadian responses to phase-shifting light in hamsters.
Usage: Retinal immunohistochemistry (1:5000) included a 20-min wash in 4% PFA prior to initiation of the IHC protocol.
Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)
nGnG amacrine cells and Brn3b-negative M1 ipRGCs are specifically labeled in the ChAT-ChR2-EYFP mouse.
Cui LJ, Chen WH, Liu AL, Han X, Jiang SX, Yuan F, Zhong YM, Yang XL, Weng SJ (2020) nGnG amacrine cells and Brn3b-negative M1 ipRGCs are specifically labeled in the ChAT-ChR2-EYFP mouse. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 61(2):14. doi: 10.1167/iovs.61.2.14
Summary: The authors speculated that type II cells might be ipRGCs. This was later verified by the strong immunostaining of type II cells in response to the melanopsin antibody UF006 (100%, 141 of 141 cells collected from 5 retinas, Figs. 6B1–B3), which probes multiple ipRGC subtypes.
Usage: Immunostaining 1:10000
Related Products: Melanopsin Rabbit Polyclonal (Cat. #AB-N38)
Advanced Targeting Systems(ATSbio)主要研究域包含神经靶向毒素,神经生物学研究方面的抗体/蛋白,靶向剂内化水平检测工具等。艾美捷科技是ATSbio的中国代理商,为科研工作者提供优质的产品与服务。