艾美捷5-mC RNA甲基化定量分析试剂盒:一敏感弹性化
点击次数:0发布时间:2022/12/27 16:20:09
更新日期:2022/12/27 16:20:09
所 在 地:中国大陆
艾美捷MethylFlash 5-mC RNA甲基化定量分析试剂盒 (Fluorometric)包含 5-mC RNA 甲基化定量实验所需的所有佳化试剂,可以使用任何物种的 total RNA 样品来进行实验,如哺乳动物、植物、真菌、细菌和病毒等,无论是从培养细胞、新鲜或冷冻的组织、血浆/血清或体液等来源皆可适用。
艾美捷MethylFlash 5-mC RNA甲基化定量分析试剂盒特点:
快速 – 全部反应只需2小时40分
高效 – 稳定的品质让您的数据拥有高度重复性
方便 – 流程简单快速
高敏感性 – 可从200 ng的RNA样品侦测到至低0.02%的5-mC RNA 修饰
一性 – 高一性抗体使用, 不会有其他unmethylated cytosine或 hydroxymethylated cytosine的交互辨识干扰
均一性 – 套组中皆附有positive和negative control
准确性 – 佳的positive control设计可让您的实验数据达到如HPLC-MS分析实验的效能
弹性化 – 採用strip-well的microplate格式, 能依照实验需求来进行少量或是高通量实验
5-mC RNA甲基化定量分析试剂盒引文赏析:
Betlej G et. al. (October 2022). RNA 5-methylcytosine status is associated with DNMT2/TRDMT1 nuclear localization in osteosarcoma cell lines. J Bone Oncol. 36:100448.
Bataglia L et. al. (July 2021). Active genic machinery for epigenetic RNA modifications in bees. Insect Mol Biol.
Park MH et. al. (January 2020). Mono-(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate Regulates Cholesterol Efflux via MicroRNAs Regulated m<sup>6</sup>A RNA Methylation. Chem Res Toxicol.
Lewinska A et. al. (August 2017). Reduced levels of methyltransferase DNMT2 sensitize human fibroblasts to oxidative stress and DNA damage that is accompanied by changes in proliferation-related miRNA expression. Redox Biol. 14:20-34.
Lewinska A et. al. (February 2017). Downregulation of Methyltransferase Dnmt2 Results in Condition-dependent Telomere Shortening and Senescence or Apoptosis in Mouse Fibroblasts. J Cell Physiol.