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点击次数:636发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00


更新日期:2009/8/7 20:52:58

所 在 地:美国





  • 全自动热脱附
  • 食品分析和香料分析的理想选择
  • 非常广泛的应用半导体和塑料行业中固体样品检测
  • "移动烤箱"独特技术
  • 容易安装在气相色谱仪进样口上方,方便快速安装和拆除
  • 智能样品传送通过CTC PAL
  • 直接从样品管热萃取样品到GC进样口
  • 加热炉温度高达350℃
  • 特制聚四氟乙烯插头和TDAS样品管密封圈
  • 无加热传送线或阀门切换-无残留
  • 适用于大体积进样(liquid N2 or liquid CO2 cooling required)
  • Cycle Composer软件控制
  • 可配备Agilent ChemStation or ThermoFinnigan Xcalibur 插件
  • 安装TDAS后,仍然具有CTC所有的已有液体进样、顶空进样、SPME和SPDE等模块的功能.


系统按照如下操作运行,首先解吸小瓶,开启脱附管压盖, 通过PAL的进样单元将样品管从抽样托盘运送到加热器进口。尽快将吸附管放入加热炉,进样单元将吸附管推下,刺破吸附管两端。加热炉底部装有针头,注入样品到PTV. 承气流入阀门开关,并通过解吸管传送到冷却的PTV.
所有样品都被聚集到冷却的衬垫上。经过3-5分钟,在高温下脱附, PAL把热脱附单元从进样口移开. 此时,载气切入进样口,使之不再经过吸附样品管.
经过短暂平衡时,PTV进样口迅速升高到它的温度,如果在加热时你选择PTV在不分流模式,它将提供灵敏度。现在吸附管可以再TDAS加热炉里继续设定的步骤,否则吸附管将会运回托盘. 选择适当TDAS参数(例如,解吸温度、解吸时间),也可能是控制萃取样品的数量以及分子量分布.


  • 采用热脱附系统测定三卤代甲烷(THM)在游泳馆空气中含量.CHROMTECH(t201e)
  • TDAS2000直接热萃取应用. CHROMTECH,04/2004(t401e)
  • 热脱附气相色谱分析高沸点、高分子量化合物04/2004 (T402e).
The PAL TDAS was engineereddeveloped for fully automated thermal desorption. Organic compounds that vaporize or semi-vaporize can easily be analyzed in solid, liquid or gaseous samples with the PAL TDAS connected to a GC or GC/MS system.

TDAS 2000: Transports desorption vials automaticly via injection unit


  • Ideal for foodflavor analyses
  • Solid sample analyses for semiconductorplastics industries
  • Easy to use for gas samples, using pre-filled adsorption tubes
  • Sample capacity of up to 296 samples
  • No transfer linesno switching valves. No carryover
  • Crimped sample container. No contamination of sample
  • Easy mounting on top of GC. Quick installationremoval
  • Smart vial transport by PALSystem
  • Direct thermal extraction from sample vial to GC injector.
  • Heater oven temperature of up to 350''C
  • Adaptable to existing PTV injectors
  • Software integrated with HP/Agilent ChemStation or ThermoFinnigan Xcalibur


CHROMTECH is known for its reliable automation products. Based on that reputation, we have designed an easily attachable thermal desorption system. At the same time, the Combi PAL still performs its headspace, SPMEliquid injections. It can be transformed to a thermal desorption system in five minutes or less. Given CHROMTECH''s background in automation, our focus is on large-sample capacity. Up to 294 samples can be analyzed using our system.

The PAL TDAS features a unique, retractable desorption heater that is mounted on top of the GC injector.No heated transfer lines and/or switching valves are in its flowpath. The body of the thermal desorption unit retracts, so that errors related to sample contaminationlow reproducibility are eliminated.Generally, PTV injectors-cooled by liquid nitrogen or CO2-are used in conjunction with our system for thermal desorption analysis.

The system works as follows. First, desorption vials, crimped with regular caps, are transported from the sample tray to the heater inlet port by the PAL''s injection unit. As soon as the vial is placed into the heater, the injection unit pushes the vialheater downwards, piercing both vial ends. The bottom of the heater, which is fitted with a syringe needle, injects the sample into the PTV when the heater is pushed down. The carrier gas flow then switches direction, passing through the desorption vialonto the cooled PTV. All analytes are thereby refocused onto the cooled liner. After a 3-5 minute desorption at a high temperature, the PAL will move the thermal desorption unit out of the inlet. At this point, the flow will be redirected back to the inlet, so that it no longer passes through the sample. After a short equilibration time, the PTV inlet will heat rapidly to its maximum temperature. If you choose to do the heating while the PTV is in splitless mode, it will provide maximum sensitivity.
TDAS 2000: Direct injection into PTV

Ambient Air:5.3 litres pretrappeddesorbed with TDAS 2000


Thermal desorption is a long-known technique, which offers a wide range of applications. Most common applications include gas analyses with adsorption materials like Tenax or Carbotrap. For your convenience, you can purchase packed tubes with any kind of trapping material from Supelco.

Other applications include the analysis of solids, which is an extremely sensitive technique. Typical thermal desorption applications involve foodflavor, plasticenvironmental samples. Any material can be packed into the sample glass tube. The use of a closed container ensures that any analytes will stay within the glass tube. Moreover, it is easy to take field samplesanalyze them in your laboratory at a later time.






  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

