您的位置:易推广 > 智能控制 > 工业以太网 > 以太网交换机 > 上海玉维电子技术有限公司 > 产品展示 > Allen-Bradley > Strstix交换机1783-US5T



点击次数:165发布时间:2018/11/12 13:47:31


更新日期:2023/12/19 12:10:58

所 在 地:中国大陆



相关标签:1783-US5T 交换机1783-US5T 




64MB 闪存
可配置多达 8000 个MAC 地址
可配置多达 255 个IGMP 群组
可配置的传输单元(MTU)为9000字节,以太网帧为9018字节(巨型帧),用于千兆以太网端口上的桥接; 1998 字节,用于10/100 和10/100/1000 端口上多协议标签交换(MPLS)标记帧的桥接
0-40˚C~ 60˚C 的运行环境参数,耐冲击、振动和浪涌。DIN 轨或 19”机架安装
支持 300 种不同的硬件配置
通过 Cisco IOS 软件提供高可用性、关键数据传输保证和可靠安全性
支持 IEEE1588 v2,这一高精度时钟同步协议为高性能应用提供了纳秒级精确度
通过 Web 浏览器简化了初始配置,无需较为复杂的终端模拟程序
EtherNet/IP Smartports 模板使用户只需按下一个按键,即能获得针对这些工业以太网协议的优化设置
支持CIP 管理对象。这其中包括一个提供主要以太网交换机特性的定制档案。能通过基于CIP 的管理工具管理,支持用户使用单一工具来管理整个工业自动化系统
通过 SNMP(v1/v2/v3)支持,能借助 CiscoWorks 等传统 IT 管理工具来进行管理
思科网络助理软件是一个基于Windows 的免费配置软件,能简化用户数目不超过250 名的网络管理。凭借思科网络助理,用户能够管理Stratix 8000 交换机。配置向导只需要用户输入少量信息,就能自动地配置交换机,使其以*优的方式处理不同类型的流量:控制、语音、视频、组播和高优先级数据
每个端口的DCHP 使交换机能够为每个连接到该交换机的终端设备分配IP 地址。这个功能避免了将PC 脱离网络后再重新连接网络时由于前后IP 地址不同而造成的麻烦,从而带来了更加方便的设备替换。这样一来就提升了正常运转时间,并帮助用户降低了维护的时间和费用。

1783-BMS06SAStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06SGAStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06SGLStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06SLStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06TAStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06TGAStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06TGLStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS06TLStratix 5700  6 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CAStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CGAStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CGLStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CGNStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CGPStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS10CLStratix 5700  10 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS12T4E2CGLStratix 5700 18 port managed switch
1783-BMS12T4E2CGNKStratix 5700 18 port managed switch
1783-BMS12T4E2CGPStratix 5700 18 port managed switch
1783-BMS20CAStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS20CGLStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS20CGNStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS20CGPStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS20CGPKStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS20CLStratix 5700  20 Port Managed Switch
1783-BMS4S2SGAStratix 5700 6 port managed switch
1783-BMS4S2SGLStratix 5700 6 port managed switch
1783-EMS04TStratix 6000 4 port Managed Switch
1783-EMS08TStratix 6000 8 port Managed Switch
1783-ETAP3 Port EtherNet/IP Tap
1783-ETAP2F1+2 Port EtherNet/IP Taps
1783-HMS16T4CGNStratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS16TG4CGNStratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS16TG4CGRStratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4C4CGNStratix 5400 8 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4EG8CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4EG8CGRStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4S8E4CGNStratix 5400 16 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4SG8EG4CGNStratix 5400 16 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4SG8EG4CGRStratix 5400 16 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS4T4E4CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8S4CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8SG4CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8SG4CGRStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8T4CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8TG4CGNStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8TG4CGRStratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8TG8EG4CGNStratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch
1783-HMS8TG8EG4CGRStratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28GNACStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28GNDCStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28GRACStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28GRDCStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28NACStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28NDCStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28RACStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMS28RDCStratix 5410 28 Port Managed Switch
1783-IMXACStratix 5410 AC Power Supply
1783-IMXDCStratix 5410 DC power supply
1783-MCFStratix 8000 CompactFlash Spare Card
1783-MS06TStratix 8000 6 Port Managed Switch
1783-MS10TStratix 8000 10 Port Managed Switch
1783-MS06TStratix 8000 6 Port Managed Switch
1783-MS10TStratix 8000 10 Port Managed Switch
1783-MX04EStratix 8000 4 Port PoE Exp. Module
1783-MX04SStratix 8000 4 Port SFP Exp. Module
1783-MX04T04EStratix 8000 4+4 Port PoE Exp. Module
1783-MX08FStratix 8000 Fiber 8 Port Exp. Module
1783-MX08SStratix 8000 8 Port SFP Exp. Module
1783-MX08TStratix 8000 Copper 8 Port Exp. Module
1783-NATRConfigurable NAT router
1783-RMCFStratix 8300 CompactFlash Spare Card
1783-RMS06TStratix 8300 6 Port Ethernet Switch
1783-RMS10TStratix 8300 10 Port Ethernet Switch
1783-SAD2T2SBK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SAD2T2SPK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SAD4T0SBK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SAD4T0SPK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SFP100EXC100M EX single mode fiber SFP
1783-SFP100FX100FX SFP Fiber Transceiver
1783-SFP100LX100LX SFP Fiber Transceiver
1783-SFP100T100M copper SFP
1783-SFP100ZXC100M ZX single mode fiber SFP
1783-SFP10GLRE10G LR single mode fiber SFP
1783-SFP10GSRE10G SR multi mode fiber SFP
1783-SFP1GEXE1G EX single mode fiber SFP
1783-SFP1GLX1000LX SFP Fiber Transceiver
1783-SFP1GSX1000SX SFP Fiber Transceiver
1783-SFP1GTE1G copper SFP
1783-SFP1GZX1G ZX single mode fiber SFP
1783-SRKITStratix 5900 Services Router Kit
1783-US14T2SStratix 2000 14+2 port unmanaged switch
1783-US16TStratix 2000 16T Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US4T1FStratix 2000 4+1 port unmanaged switch
1783-US5TStratix 2000 5T Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US6T2FStratix 2000 6+2 port unmanaged switch
1783-US6T2HStratix 2000 6+2 port unmanaged switch
1783-US6TG2CGStratix 2000 6+2 port Gb unmanaged switc
1783-US7T1FStratix 2000 7+1 port unmanaged switch
1783-US7T1HStratix 2000 7+1 port unmanaged switc
1783-US8TStratix 2000 8T Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-WAPBK9Stratix 5100 Wireless AP-WGB (RegD B)
1783-WAPCK9Stratix 5100 Wireless AP-WGB (RegD C)
1783-ZMS16TAArmorStratix 5700 16 port managed switch
1783-ZMS24TAArmorStratix 5700 24 port managed switch
1783-ZMS4T4E2TGNArmorStratix 5700 10 port managed switch
1783-ZMS4T4E2TGPArmorStratix 5700 10 port managed switch
1783-ZMS8T8E2TGNArmorStratix 5700 18 port managed switch
1783-ZMS8T8E2TGPArmorStratix 5700 18 Port managed switch
1783-ZMS8TAArmorStratix 5700 8 port managed switch
1783C-SADTA1YENTMStratix 5950 Sec Appl 1 Y Subsc MED S/WC
1783C-SADTA1YENTMA1Stratix 5950 SecApp 1Y Sub MED 7x24 S/WC
1784-CF128ControlLogix CompactFlash Card
1784-CP10PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP11PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP14SLC Communication Cable
1784-CP6PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP7PLC-5 Communication Adaptor
1784-PCC1ControlNet 1784-PCC Communication Cable
1784-PCD1DeviceNet Comms Cable for 1784-PCD Card
1784-PCICControlNet PCI PC Comms Card
1784-PCM5Data Highway Plus Cable
1784-PCM6Data Highway Plus Cable
1784-PKTCSControlNet 1.5 PC Card
1784-PKTXData Highway Plus PC Card
1784-PKTXDData Highway Plus PC Card
1784-SD1ControlLogix Secure Digital Card
1784-SD2ControlLogix Secure Digital Card
1784-U2CNCNet to PC USB Port Interface Cable
1784-U2DHPData Highway Plus Cable
1784-U2DNDeviceNet to PC USB Interface Cable
1785-ACC5LBPLC-5 Accessory Kit
1785-L40CPLC-5 ControlNet 1.25 Processor
1785-L80BPLC-5 Processor
1785-L80CPLC-5 ControlNet 1.25 Processor
1785-L80C15PLC-5 ControlNet 1.5 Processor
1785-L80EPLC-5 Ethernet Processor
1785-ME16PLC-5 16 K Words Memory Memory Module
1786-BNCControlNet Media Coaxial BNC Connector
1786-BNC2TNCCNet Media BNC to TNC Bulkhead Connector
1786-BNCJCNet Media Jack-to-Jack TNC Connector
1786-BNCJICNet Media TNC Bulkhead Connector
1783-MX04EStratix 8000 4 Port PoE Exp. Module
1783-MX04SStratix 8000 4 Port SFP Exp. Module
1783-MX04T04EStratix 8000 4+4 Port PoE Exp. Module
1783-MX08FStratix 8000 Fiber 8 Port Exp. Module
1783-MX08SStratix 8000 8 Port SFP Exp. Module
1783-MX08TStratix 8000 Copper 8 Port Exp. Module
1783-NATRConfigurable NAT router
1783-RMCFStratix 8300 CompactFlash Spare Card
1783-RMS06TStratix 8300 6 Port Ethernet Switch
1783-RMS10TStratix 8300 10 Port Ethernet Switch
1783-SAD2T2SBK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SAD2T2SPK9Net Security Appliance
1783-SAD4T0SBK9Net Security Appliance
1783-US5TStratix 2000 5T Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US5TGStratix 2000 5TG unmanaged switch
1783-US6T2FStratix 2000 6T+2F Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US6T2HStratix 2000 6T+2H Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US6T2TG2FStratix 2000 6T2TG2F Port Unmanged Swtch
1783-US6T2TG2HStratix 2000 6T2TG2H Port Unmanged Swtch
1783-US7T1FStratix 2000 7T+1F Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US7T1HStratix 2000 7T+1H Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US8TStratix 2000 8T Port Unmanaged Switch
1783-US8TG2GXStratix 2000 8TG2GX Port Unmanged Swtch
1783-WAPCK9Stratix 5100 Wireless AP-WGB (RegD C)
1783-ZMS16TAArmorStratix 5700 16 port managed switch
1783-ZMS24TAArmorStratix 5700 24 port managed switch
1783-ZMS4T4E2TGNArmorStratix 5700 10 port managed switch
1783-ZMS4T4E2TGPArmorStratix 5700 10 port managed switch
1783-ZMS8T8E2TGNArmorStratix 5700 18 port managed switch
1783-ZMS8T8E2TGPArmorStratix 5700 18 Port managed switch
1783-ZMS8TAArmorStratix 5700 8 port managed switch
1783C-SADTA1YENTMStratix 5950 Sec Appl 1 Y Subsc MED S/WC
1783C-SADTA1YENTMA1Stratix 5950 SecApp 1Y Sub MED 7x24 S/WC
1784-CF128ControlLogix CompactFlash Card
1784-CP10PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP11PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP6PLC-5 Communication Cable
1784-CP7PLC-5 Communication Adaptor
1784-PCC1ControlNet 1784-PCC Communication Cable
1784-PCD1DeviceNet Comms Cable for 1784-PCD Card
1784-PCICControlNet PCI PC Comms Card
1784-PCICSControlNet PCI PC Comms Scanner Card
1784-PCM6Data Highway Plus Cable
1784-PKTCSControlNet 1.5 PC Card
1784-PKTXData Highway Plus PC Card
1784-PKTXDData Highway Plus PC Card
1784-SD1ControlLogix Secure Digital Card
1784-SD2ControlLogix Secure Digital Card
1784-U2CNCNet to PC USB Port Interface Cable
1784-U2DHPData Highway Plus Cable





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

