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Abcam,Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker

点击次数:154发布时间:2019/7/29 15:24:06

Abcam,Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker

更新日期:2024/10/10 16:02:28

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker Abcam Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker ab10169,Abcam代理,Abcamab10169,Abcam全国总代,Abcam



Q.Q:   T.E.L:  
产品特点上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品牌,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。

Prothrombin Fragments PA174091 PIERCE 3247 500 µg
Prothrombin (HRP) PA174092 PIERCE 4275 200 µg
Prothrombin PA174093 PIERCE 1700 10 mg
Factor IX PA174094 PIERCE 3658 500 µg
Factor IX (HRP) PA174095 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Factor IX PA174096 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Fibrin Fragment E (HRP) PA174097 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Fibrinopeptide A PA174099 PIERCE 4667 500 µg
SAP97 PA1741 PIERCE 4425 100 µl
Fibrinopeptide A (HRP) PA174100 PIERCE 4061 200 µg
Fibrinopeptide A PA174101 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Factor V PA174102 PIERCE 4667 500 µg
Factor V (Biotin) PA174103 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Factor V (FITC) PA174104 PIERCE 3361 100 µg
Factor V (HRP) PA174105 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Factor V PA174106 PIERCE 3563 10 mg
Factor VII PA174107 PIERCE 4477 500 µg
Factor VII (Biotin) PA174108 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Factor VII (FITC) PA174109 PIERCE 3602 100 µg
Factor VII PA174111 PIERCE 4061 10 mg
Factor X PA174112 PIERCE 4400 500 µg
Factor X (FITC) PA174114 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Factor XI PA174115 PIERCE 3741 500 µg
Factor XII PA174116 PIERCE 3741 500 µg
Factor XI PA174117 PIERCE 3563 5 mg
Factor XII PA174118 PIERCE 3384 5 mg
Factor XIII PA174120 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Hirudin PA174121 PIERCE 4477 500 µg
Hirudin (HRP) PA174122 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Hirudin PA174123 PIERCE 4061 10 mg
Thrombin PA174124 PIERCE 3943 500 µg
Thrombin (Biotin) PA174125 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Thrombin (FITC) PA174126 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Thrombin (HRP) PA174127 PIERCE 3602 200 µg
Thrombin PA174128 PIERCE 1615 10 mg
Kininogen PA174129 PIERCE 4180 500 µg
Kininogen (HRP) PA174130 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Kininogen PA174131 PIERCE 3006 10 mg
Neutrophil Elastase PA174132 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Neutrophil Elastase (HRP) PA174133 PIERCE 3327 200 µg
Neutrophil Elastase PA174134 PIERCE 2288 10 mg
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor type 1 ( PA174135 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor type 1 PA174136 PIERCE 3006 10 mg
Protein C PA174137 PIERCE 3741 500 µg
Protein C (HRP) PA174138 PIERCE 3947 200 µg
Protein C PA174139 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Platelet Factor 4 PA174140 PIERCE 3327 500 µg
Platelet Factor 4 (HRP) PA174141 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Platelet Factor 4 PA174142 PIERCE 3006 10 mg
Plasminogen PA174143 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Plasminogen PA174144 PIERCE 1615 5 mg
Prekallikrein PA174145 PIERCE 3086 500 µg
Prekallikrein (HRP) PA174146 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Prekallikrein PA174147 PIERCE 3339 10 mg
Protein S PA174148 PIERCE 3741 500 µg
Protein S (HRP) PA174149 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Protein S PA174150 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Protein Z PA174151 PIERCE 4667 500 µg
Protein Z (HRP) PA174152 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Protein Z PA174153 PIERCE 4275 10 mg
Antithrombin PA174155 PIERCE 3247 500 µg
Antithrombin (HRP) PA174156 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Antithrombin PA174157 PIERCE 1927 10 mg
Fibrinogen (HRP) PA174159 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
von Willebrand Factor (HRP) PA174161 PIERCE 3602 200 µg
von Willebrand Factor PA174162 PIERCE 4275 5 mg
Tissue Factor (HRP) PA174163 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Tissue Factor PA174164 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor PA174165 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator PA174166 PIERCE 3938 500 µg
Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (Bioti PA174167 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (FITC) PA174168 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (HRP) PA174169 PIERCE 3006 200 µg
Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator PA174170 PIERCE 3384 10 mg
Vimentin (HRP) PA174172 PIERCE 3339 100 µg
Vitronectin PA174174 PIERCE 4477 500 µg
Vitronectin (HRP) PA174175 PIERCE 3006 100 µg
Vitronectin PA174176 PIERCE 3563 10 mg
ORAI1 PA174181 PIERCE 4288 100 µg
Munc-18 PA1742 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
Mouse IgG2a (RPE) PA174287 PIERCE 4275 100 µg
Cannabinoid Receptor 1 PA1743 PIERCE 4204 100 µl
GABA A Receptor delta PA174326 PIERCE 6745 100 µl
Rabbit IgA (HRP) PA174362 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
CDNF PA174371 PIERCE 3384 100 µg
Human IgA (HRP) PA174395 PIERCE 2173 1 ML
Mouse IgA (HRP) PA174397 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Cannabinoid Receptor 2 PA1744 PIERCE 4425 100 µl
Human Ig, kappa LC (FITC) PA174405 PIERCE 3563 1 mg
Pierce(R) Human Ig, kappa LC  (HRP) Polyclonal Goat, 1 ml PA174407 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Human Ig, kappa LC (RPE) PA174408 PIERCE 3384 500 µl
Mouse IgG1 (HRP) PA174421 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Mouse IgG2a PA174423 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Mouse IgA PA174460 PIERCE 3384 500 µg
Cannabinoid Receptor 1 PA1745 PIERCE 4425 100 µl
Cannabinoid Receptor 2 PA1746A PIERCE 4513 100 µl
Vanilloid Receptor 1 PA1748 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
Herpes Simplex Virus 1&2 (HRP) PA17487 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 1&2 (Biotin) PA17488 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 PA17489 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
Ataxin 7 PA1749 PIERCE 4239 100 µg
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (FITC) PA17490 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HRP) PA17491 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (Biotin) PA17492 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 PA17493 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (FITC) PA17494 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HRP) PA17495 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (Biotin) PA17496 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 PA17497 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 (HRP) PA17498 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 (Biotin) PA17499 PIERCE 4263 1 ML
Prion Protein PA1750 PIERCE 4156 100 µl
Bolde PA175001 PIERCE 6459 100 µl
Estradiol PA175002 PIERCE 16337 1 ML
Estradiol PA175003 PIERCE 7813 100 µl
Nortestosterone PA175005 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Testosterone PA175007 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Trenbolone PA175009 PIERCE 7813 100 µl
Bolde PA175011 PIERCE 6700 100 µl
Estradiol PA175014 PIERCE 9037 1 ML
Estradiol PA175015 PIERCE 6700 100 µl
Testosterone PA175021 PIERCE 10438 1 ML
Testosterone PA175022 PIERCE 9550 1 ML
Testosterone PA175023 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Testosterone PA175024 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Trenbolone PA175028 PIERCE 4363 100 µl
Benzimidazole PA175031 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Clostebol PA175035 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Albendazole PA175040 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Androstanedione PA175046 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Bacitracin PA175050 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Buprenorphine PA175056 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Carbonic Anhydrase III PA175061 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Chlormadi Acetate PA175067 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Clostebol PA175073 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Clostebol PA175075 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Codeine PA175083 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Cortisol PA175084 PIERCE 7975 1 ML
cAMP PA175088 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
CDK4 PA175092 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Cytokeratin-18 PA175097 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Parkin PA1751 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Dehydroepiandrosterone PA175101 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Diclazuril PA175109 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Dienestrol PA175112 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Diethylstilbestrol PA175116 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Dihydrotestosterone PA175119 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Dinitrosalicylic Acid Hydrazide PA175121 PIERCE 7422 110 µl
Dipyrone PA175123 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Eotaxin PA175125 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Epiandrosterone PA175128 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
E-Selectin PA175130 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Estriol PA175133 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Estriol PA175135 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Ethinylestradiol PA175138 PIERCE 6700 100 µl
Ethinylestradiol PA175139 PIERCE 6700 100 µl
Etodolac PA175141 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
FABP Muscle,Heart PA175144 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Fentanyl PA175146 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Despropionyl Fentanyl PA175148 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Flumequine PA175152 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Flunixin PA175156 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Granulocyte Macrophage CSF PA175160 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Hexestrol PA175163 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Hydromorphone PA175167 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
ICAM1 PA175169 PIERCE 14350 500 µg
IFN gamma PA175172 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IFN gamma IP-10 PA175175 PIERCE 16925 500 µg
IL-1 alpha PA175178 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-1R agonist PA175184 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-10 PA175187 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-12A p35 subunit PA175190 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-12B p40 subunit PA175193 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-13 PA175196 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-15 PA175199 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Fe65 PA1752 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
IL-2 PA175205 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-3 PA175208 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-4 PA175211 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-6 PA175214 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-7 PA175217 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
IL-8 PA175220 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Isoxsuprine PA175223 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Kanamycin PA175225 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Kebuzone PA175227 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Ketoprofen PA175228 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
Ketoprofen PA175229 PIERCE 3384 100 µl
Leucomalachite Green PA175233 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Levo-alpha-Acetylmethadol PA175235 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
L-Selectin PA175241 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
LSD PA175244 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
MIP-1A PA175246 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate PA175249 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Melengestrol Acetate PA175255 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Meloxicam PA175257 PIERCE 7813 100 µl
Mestanolone PA175261 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methadone PA175264 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Methadone PA175265 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methadol PA175267 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methamphetamine PA175270 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
Methamphetamine PA175273 PIERCE 3384 100 µl
Methandriol PA175274 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
Methandriol PA175275 PIERCE 3384 100 µl
Methaqualone PA175279 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methaqualone PA175280 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methaqualone PA175281 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Methylbolde PA175283 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Methylprednisolone PA175286 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
MCP1 PA175292 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Morphine PA175296 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Morphine PA175297 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Myoglobin PA175298 PIERCE 10438 1 ML
BACE2 PA1753 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Nalidixic Acid PA175301 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
NGAL PA175310 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Nicarbazin PA175314 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Nicarbazin PA175315 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Oxazepam PA175328 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Oxycodone PA175335 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Phencyclidine PA175340 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Phencyclidine PA175343 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Phenobarbital PA175344 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
Phenobarbital PA175347 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Pirlimycin PA175351 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 PA175353 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
PDGF A PA175356 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
PDGF B PA175359 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Procalcitonin PA175361 PIERCE 4192 1 ML
Procalcitonin PA175362 PIERCE 15996 500 µg
Progesterone PA175366 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Progesterone PA175367 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Propoxyphene PA175369 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Ractopamine PA175374 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Ractopamine PA175375 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
CCL5 PA175377 PIERCE 16079 500 µg
Resistin PA175380 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Retinol Binding Protein PA175383 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
S100A10 PA175390 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
S100A11 PA175393 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
S100B PA175395 PIERCE 4400 1 ML
S100B PA175396 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
BACE2 PA1754 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Secobarbital PA175403 PIERCE 7576 100 µl
Secobarbital PA175405 PIERCE 3586 100 µl
Spiramycin PA175409 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Sulfaguanidine PA175427 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Sulfamerazine PA175430 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Taleranol PA175443 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Testosterone PA175446 PIERCE 7576 1 ML
Testosterone PA175447 PIERCE 3384 100 µl
Tetracycline PA175450 PIERCE 4275 100 µl
Tetrahydrocannabinol PA175456 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Tetrahydrocannabinol PA175457 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Tobramycin PA175463 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Toltrazuril PA175467 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Tramadol PA175470 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Tramadol PA175471 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Triclabendazole PA175473 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Amitryptyline PA175475 PIERCE 4144 100 µl
Imipramine PA175479 PIERCE 7422 100 µl
Nortriptyline PA175481 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
TREM1 PA175482 PIERCE 4400 1 ML
TREM1 PA175484 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
M2Pk PA175495 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Prostate Apoptosis Response-4 PA1755 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
Virginiamycin PA175508 PIERCE 6365 100 µl
Visfatin PA175510 PIERCE 13633 500 µg
Zilpaterol PA175517 PIERCE 5530 100 µl
BACE1 PA1757 PIERCE 4425 100 µg
Nicastrin PA1758 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
Ubiquilin PA1759 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
Serotonin N-AT PA1760 PIERCE 4156 50 µg
Phospho-Serotonin N-AT pThr29 PA1761 PIERCE 4263 50 µg
Serotonin N-AT PA1762 PIERCE 4156 50 µg
Phospho-Serotonin N-AT pSer206 PA1763 PIERCE 4263 50 µg
VAMP-1 PA1765 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
VAMP-2 PA1766 PIERCE 4475 100 µg
COOMBS PA17678 PIERCE 3183 100 ug
VAMP-3 PA1767A PIERCE 4375 100 µg
VAMP-4 PA1768 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
RAB3A PA1770 PIERCE 4425 100 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-RAB3C Rabbit   Polyclonal Antibody, 100 ug. PA1772 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
RAB3D PA1773 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Rabphilin 3A PA1774 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
RAB11 PA1775 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
Cysteine String Protein alpha PA1776 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
TPH1 PA1777 PIERCE 4204 100 µl
TPH2 PA1778 PIERCE 4425 100 µl
Melanopsin PA1780 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
Melanopsin PA1781 PIERCE 4425 100 µg
PAX6 PA1801 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
FoxL2 PA1802 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
TBX19 PA1803 PIERCE 4156 100 µl
FOXO1 PA1804 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
FOXO3 PA1805 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
FOXP3 PA1806 PIERCE 3539 100 µg
FOXC1 PA1807 PIERCE 4192 100 µg
PTEN PA1808 PIERCE 4216 100 µg
PNR PA1809 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Retinoic Acid Receptor alpha PA1810A PIERCE 4156 100 µl
Retinoic Acid Receptor beta PA1811 PIERCE 4156 100 µl
ROR alpha PA1812 PIERCE 4109 100 µg
FOXA3 PA1813 PIERCE 3725 100 µg
Retinoid X Receptor beta PA1815 PIERCE 4156 100 µl
NANOG PA1816 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
NANOG PA1817 PIERCE 4204 100 µg
Phospho-PPAR alpha pSer12 PA1820 PIERCE 4463 100 µg
Phospho-PPAR alpha pSer21 PA1821 PIERCE 4513 100 µg
PPAR alpha PA1822A PIERCE 4513 100 µl
PPAR delta PA1823A PIERCE 4425 100 µl
PPAR gamma-2 PA1824 PIERCE 4425 100 µl
C/EBP alpha PA1825 PIERCE 4475 100 µg
c-Fos PA1830 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
FosB PA1831 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
Fra2 PA1832 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
c-Jun PA1833 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
JunD PA1834 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
JunB PA1835 PIERCE 4156 200 µg
SNX1 PA1836 PIERCE 3539 100 µg
SRC1 PA1840 PIERCE 4425 100 µg
MyD88 PA184056 PIERCE 4400 100 µg
Serotonin PA184058 PIERCE 1175 1 ML
PUMA alpha PA184091 PIERCE 3479 100 µg
Porcine IgG, H&L chains PA184097 PIERCE 2163 1 mg
RIP140 PA1841 PIERCE 4475 100 µg
Proprotein Convertase 2 PA184119 PIERCE 4338 100 µl
Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 PA184128 PIERCE 3741 100 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-Amyloid Precursor Protein Rabbit Polylclonal PA184165 PIERCE 4725 100 µg
Synphilin 1 PA184168 PIERCE 3741 100 µl
Caspase 13 PA184169 PIERCE 3663 100 µg
Laminin PA184171 PIERCE 1175 50 µl
8-Hydroxyguanosine PA184172 PIERCE 5498 100 µl
RAGE PA184173 PIERCE 3741 100 µl
TGF alpha PA184179 PIERCE 5350 100 µg
RANTES PA184182 PIERCE 7063 100 µg
IL-17 PA184183 PIERCE 7063 100 µg
RANTES PA184201 PIERCE 7063 100 µg
TdT PA184205 PIERCE 7063 6 ml
Lymphotactin PA184207 PIERCE 5650 100 µg
Cytochrome P450 2A6 PA184212 PIERCE 5788 50 µl
Cytochrome P450 2C9 PA184219 PIERCE 5788 50 µl
Cytochrome P450 2C19 PA184220 PIERCE 5788 50 µl
Cytochrome P450 2E1 PA184226 PIERCE 5788 50 µl
Cytochrome P450 3A4 PA184227 PIERCE 5788 50 µl
MCP-1 PA184244 PIERCE 5083 100 µg
Rat IgE PA184247 PIERCE 5914 500 µg
IL-4 PA184272 PIERCE 7063 100 µg
MIP-1 alpha PA184295 PIERCE 5350 100 µg
Ncor2 PA1843 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
IL-6 (Biotin) PA184304 PIERCE 7063 50 µg
IL-4 (Biotin) PA184310 PIERCE 7063 50 µg
IL-12 (Biotin) PA184321 PIERCE 7063 50 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-Complement CC1q(HRP) Sheep Polyclonal PA184324 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Pierce(R) CD144 (Azide Free)  Polyclonal Rabbit, 100 ug. PA184328 PIERCE 6175 100 µg
VEGF PA184331 PIERCE 7025 100 µg
Histone H4 (acetyl Lys5) PA184334 PIERCE 5498 100 µl
Human IgG (RPE) PA184341 PIERCE 4725 1 ML
Mouse IgG (FITC) PA184348 PIERCE 4489 1 mg
Ovine IgG (HRP) PA184349 PIERCE 6472 1 ML
Mouse IgM (HRP) PA184383 PIERCE 4275 1 mg
Mouse IgG/IgM/IgA (HRP) PA184388 PIERCE 4275 1 mg
Mouse IgG (FITC) PA184390 PIERCE 3384 500 µg
Rat IgG (HRP) PA184392 PIERCE 3384 500 µg
Mouse IgG (RPE) PA184395 PIERCE 3938 100 Tests
Mouse IgG (HRP) PA184396 PIERCE 3384 500 µg
Rat IgG (Biotin) PA184402 PIERCE 3384 800 µg
Hamster IgG (RPE) PA184422 PIERCE 3741 500 µl
Human IgG PA184427 PIERCE 4275 800 µg
Human IgG (FITC) PA184428 PIERCE 4275 700 µg
Human IgG (HRP) PA184429 PIERCE 4275 800 µg
Mouse IgG (Biotin) PA184430 PIERCE 3741 1 mg
Mouse IgG (RPE) PA184431 PIERCE 4061 100 Tests
Rat IgG PA184434 PIERCE 3563 1 mg
Guinea pig IgG, H&L chains PA184452 PIERCE 2163 1 mg
Calcitonin Receptor PA184457 PIERCE 5368 100 µg
Mouse IgG (AP) PA184469 PIERCE 4725 500 µg
Calreticulin PA184481 PIERCE 3938 100 µl
CD230 PA184495 PIERCE 4121 100 µl
TGN38 PA184496 PIERCE 5788 100 µl
NCoR PA1844A PIERCE 4463 50 µg
SRC3 PA1845 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
Histone H4 (acetyl Lys 5/8/12/16) PA184526 PIERCE 5013 100 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-IL-6 Rabbit    Polyclonal, 100 uL. PA184531 PIERCE 4713 100 µl
XRCC4 PA184542 PIERCE 4121 100 µl
Presenilin 1 PA184544 PIERCE 3741 100 µl
DPP4 PA18455 PIERCE 3218 100 µg
Arginine Vasopressin PA184556 PIERCE 4940 100 µl
Dynorphin A PA184557 PIERCE 5200 100 µl
Dynorphin B PA184561 PIERCE 4940 100 µl
Glutamate Decarboxylase (GAD65/67) PA184572 PIERCE 8713 100 µl
Cdk9 PA184581 PIERCE 7315 100 µl
DNA PKcs PA184583 PIERCE 4121 100 µl
Neurofilament, Medium chain PA184587 PIERCE 7063 100 µl
Complement CC1q (FITC) PA184593 PIERCE 4287 1 ML
alpha-1 Antitrypsin (HRP) PA184595 PIERCE 4489 1 ML
GRIP1 PA1846 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Fibronectin PA184601 PIERCE 4725 1 ML
Apolipoprotein A1 PA184608 PIERCE 4489 1 ML
Pierce(R) Apolipoprotein B    Polyclonal Sheep, 1 mL. PA184609 PIERCE 3938 1 ML
Porcine IgM (HRP) PA184622 PIERCE 4725 1 mg
Porcine IgA (FITC) PA184624 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Porcine IgA (HRP) PA184625 PIERCE 4725 1 mg
Porcine IgG, Fc (HRP) PA184628 PIERCE 4725 1 mg
Monkey IgG, H&L chains PA184629 PIERCE 3384 1 mg
Monkey IgG, H&L chains (HRP) PA184631 PIERCE 4725 1 mg
Canine IgM (FITC) PA184637 PIERCE 3741 1 mg
Canine IgM (HRP) PA184638 PIERCE 3741 1 mg
Canine IgA (HRP) PA184641 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Canine IgG (HRP) PA184644 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Equine IgM (HRP) PA184647 PIERCE 3741 1 mg
Bovine IgG1 (HRP) PA184658 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Bovine IgG2 (HRP) PA184661 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Bovine IgG (HRP) PA184664 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Feline IgG (HRP) PA184673 PIERCE 4477 1 mg
Chicken IgM (HRP) PA184676 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Chicken IgA (HRP) PA184679 PIERCE 4338 1 mg
Serum Albumin PA184684 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
Pierce(R) Sheep anti-Bovine   IgM (HRP) Secondary Antibody, PA184688 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
CREB Binding Protein PA1847 PIERCE 4375 100 µg
GDNF PA184700 PIERCE 5350 100 µg
Pierce(R) Goat Anti-Rat IgA   (HRP) Secondary Antibody, PA184707 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-Rat IgG1 (HRP) Polyclonal Goat Antibody, PA184708 PIERCE 4275 500 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-Rat IgG2a (HRP)Polyclonal Goat Antibody, PA184709 PIERCE 4275 500 µg
Pierce(R) Goat Anti-Rat IgG2b (HRP) Secondary Antibody, PA184710 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Rat IgG2c (HRP) PA184711 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Rat IgM (HRP) PA184712 PIERCE 3563 500 µg
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase PA184729 PIERCE 6413 1 ML
Rat IgG2a PA184755 PIERCE 3384 500 µg
Rat IgG2a (FITC) PA184761 PIERCE 4275 500 µg
Mouse IgE (HRP) PA184764 PIERCE 4489 500 µg
BARD1 PA184781 PIERCE 3741 50 µg
p300 PA1848 PIERCE 4156 100 µg
Phospho-p38 MAPK pThr180/Tyr182 PA184807 PIERCE 7063 100 µl
Phospho-Synapsin 1 pSer603 PA184809 PIERCE 7100 100 µl
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase PA184814 PIERCE 4477 50 µg
Mouse IgG, Fc (HRP) PA184824 PIERCE 5038 1 mg
BIM PA184838 PIERCE 3663 100 µg
Phospho-GluR1 pSer831 PA184839 PIERCE 7100 150 µl
XIAP PA184846 PIERCE 3663 100 µg
Porcine IgG, H&L chains (FITC) PA184850 PIERCE 3938 1 mg
Phospho-Tryptophan Hydroxylase2 pSer19 PA184851 PIERCE 4188 100 µl
Transferrin PA184854 PIERCE 1863 1 mg
Histone H2Ax PA184856 PIERCE 4725 50 µg
Adiponectin PA184881 PIERCE 4275 100 µg
Dopamine Transporter PA184886 PIERCE 6750 100 µl
Glycine Receptor alpha 1&2 PA184890 PIERCE 3978 200 µg
GABA-A Receptor alpha-1 PA184892 PIERCE 6225 100 µl
GABA-A Receptor beta-2 PA184895 PIERCE 6225 100 µl
GABA-A Receptor gamma-2 PA184899 PIERCE 6225 50 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-IL-1 beta      (Azide free) Rabbit Polyclonal PA184913 PIERCE 6363 500 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-IL-6 (Azide-   free) Rabbit Polyclonal Anti- PA184914 PIERCE 6363 500 µg
LOX-1 PA184920 PIERCE 4786 50 µg
Interferon alpha (Azide free) PA184928 PIERCE 5368 500 µg
Interferon gamma (Azide free) PA184947 PIERCE 6056 500 µg
Interferon beta (Azide free) PA184948 PIERCE 5650 500 µg
GFP PA184952 PIERCE 2750 100 µg
Interferon gamma (Biotin) PA184955 PIERCE 5350 50 µg
Phospho-Chk2 pThr68 PA184959 PIERCE 4625 50 µg
CNTF PA184969 PIERCE 5083 100 µg
Granulocyte Macrophage-CSF PA184972 PIERCE 7063 100 µg
Wnt1 PA184986 PIERCE 6750 100 µg
Granulocyte Macrophage-CSF (Biotin) PA184988 PIERCE 7063 50 µg
CREB PA1850 PIERCE 4425 100 µg
CD98, Light chain PA185012 PIERCE 7100 50 µg
Acetaminophen PA185021 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Nitrobenzofurazan PA185035 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
S-Adenosyl-Homocysteine PA185037 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Pierce(R) Anti-Strep. pyogenesLipotechoic Acid Rabbit PA185038 PIERCE 4400 1 ML
Pierce(R) Clostridium difficile Toxin A Polyclonal Rabbit, PA185042 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Pierce(R) Anti-Melatonin      Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, PA185053 PIERCE 4775 1 ML
Bradykinin PA185080 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
Thioredoxin PA185081 PIERCE 4775 1 ML
Adenovirus (HRP) PA185108 PIERCE 5788 1 ML
ACTH PA185109 PIERCE 3978 500 µl
Adenosine Nucleotide Translocator 1 PA185116 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
COX1 PA185118 PIERCE 4952 100 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-Isocitrate     Dehydrogenase Rabbit PA185126 PIERCE 2888 1 ML
Albumin PA185133 PIERCE 3175 5 ml
Albumin PA185142 PIERCE 2750 1 ML
Aldosterone PA185149 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Aldosterone PA185150 PIERCE 2738 100 µl
BRCA2 PA185156 PIERCE 5038 1 ML
Complement C4d PA185168 PIERCE 10750 250 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-Placental      Alkaline Phosphatase Sheep PA185170 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
salivary Amylase PA185176 PIERCE 4713 1 ML
Human IgG, Fab'2 (HRP) PA185183 PIERCE 4275 500 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-alpha          Antitrypsin Rabbit Polyclonal, PA185199 PIERCE 2743 1 ML
Phospho-CREB pSer133 PA1851B PIERCE 4475 100 µl
KAP1 PA1852 PIERCE 4156 100 µl
Asialofetuin PA185209 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
Asialo GM1 PA185210 PIERCE 4536 1 ML
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide PA185216 PIERCE 4679 50 µl
Benzoylecgonine PA185222 PIERCE 2888 1 ML
Fer De Lance (B. atrox) Venom PA185241 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
des-Arg9 Bradykinin PA185242 PIERCE 4925 50 µl
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide PA185250 PIERCE 3384 100 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-Cholera Toxin  (HRP) Rabbit Polyclonal PA185293 PIERCE 5350 1 ML
Clostridium perfringens PA185310 PIERCE 3613 1 ML
Clostridium perfringens Toxin B PA185311 PIERCE 3705 500 µl
Collagen I PA185312 PIERCE 6056 50 µg
Collagen III PA185314 PIERCE 6225 500 µl
Collagen I PA185317 PIERCE 3289 500 µl
Collagen I PA185319 PIERCE 5738 100 µl
Collagen IV PA185320 PIERCE 5038 100 µl
Collagen III PA185323 PIERCE 4786 100 µl
Collagen I,II,III,IV,V PA185324 PIERCE 4786 50 µg
Collagen I,III PA185328 PIERCE 5038 500 µl
Complement C8 PA185339 PIERCE 3978 1 ML
11-Deoxycorticosterone PA185344 PIERCE 3384 1000 Tests
Cortisol PA185346 PIERCE 3563 1000 Tests
Cortisol PA185347 PIERCE 2613 1 ML
Yeast Cytosine Deaminase PA185365 PIERCE 4275 1 ML
Pierce(R) Anti-Digoxigenin    Sheep Polyclonal Antibody, 1ml PA185378 PIERCE 4700 1 ML
Dinitrophenol PA185384 PIERCE 2888 500 µl
Erythropoietin PA185404 PIERCE 4338 100 µg
E. coli 987P Pili PA185409 PIERCE 3705 1 ML
E. coli K88Ab Pili PA185411 PIERCE 3705 1 ML
Factor H PA185423 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
Pierce(R) Anti-Fibrinogen     Sheep Polyclonal Antibody, 1ml PA185429 PIERCE 2888 1 ML
FITC PA185438 PIERCE 3563 1 ML
FITC PA185439 PIERCE 5498 1 mg
Pierce(R) Anti-FITC (HRP)     Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, PA185440 PIERCE 5788 1 ML
FSH PA185442 PIERCE 3563 250 µg
Pierce(R) Anti-FSH Sheep      Polyclonal Antibody, 100 ul PA185443 PIERCE 2288 100 µl
FSH PA185444 PIERCE 4679 50 µl
FSH PA185445 PIERCE 4925 50 µl
FSH PA185446 PIERCE 3900 1000 Tests
Gelsolin PA185459 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
GFAP PA185463 PIERCE 5225 500 µl
Pierce(R) Anti-Glucagon Goat  Polyclonal Antibody, 500 ul PA185464 PIERCE 2173 500 µl
Glucagon PA185465 PIERCE 2750 500 µl
Aspergillus niger Glucose Oxidase PA185473 PIERCE 3463 2 ml
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase PA185474 PIERCE 4287 1 ML
Glucose Transporter 3 PA185477 PIERCE 6750 100 µl
GFP PA185515 PIERCE 3384 1 ML
Growth Hormone PA185518 PIERCE 4061 50 µl
Growth Hormone PA185519 PIERCE 2738 250 µl
Growth Hormone, Bovine PA185520 PIERCE 4925 50 µl
Growth Hormone PA185521 PIERCE 4925 50 µl
Hemoglobin PA185524 PIERCE 4275 250 µl
Haemophilus Influenzae PA185527 PIERCE 4725 500 µl
Histamine PA185547 PIERCE 4061 1 ML
Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker Abcam代理,Abcamab10169,Abcam全国总代,Abcam Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker 上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品牌,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。合作单位公司成立以来与一大批医药集团建立了长期稳定的合作,价格优势、信誉良好。客户包括清华、北大、中科院、上海交通、复旦、国药等等。产品涵盖了试剂、耗材、小型仪器、原材料等各种实验室使用的材料。公司介绍 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有强大的采购系统。只要您想得到。没有公司采购办不到的。 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有完善的售后平台。只要有售后。我们时间为您解决。 上海易汇生物科技有限公司直接与厂家合作。保证货源正品。购买无后顾之忧。 上海易汇生物科技有限公司不保证100%价格zui低。但保证100%产品都是正品。 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid,illumina等知名各大品牌保持合作。主要优点代理品牌 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等知名各大品牌保持合作。 3HelixAAT BioquestAbsolute AntibodyAlpha Diagnostic InternationalAmerican Research ProductsAntigenixARBOR ASSAYSAvidityAxis-ShieldBertin PharmaBethylBiolegendBiolegend(Covance)BioServBiovisionCedarlaneCell biologicsCELLutions Biosystems INCChromatrapClare Chemical ResearchCollagen SolutionsCytoskeletonDB BiotechDe Novo SoftwareDiagenodeEDIGENE EliteCellEpigentekEquitech-BioEton BioscienceEverest BiotechExalphaExpedeonFabGennixFitzgeraldFormuMaxGelcompanyGeneMarkbioGenWayGloboZymesHeliosHMGBiotechHybrigenicsHycult BiotechIBA Life SciencesImmundiagnostikImmunoChemistry TechnologiesInnova BiosciencesInvivoGenKamiya BiomedicalKingfisher BiotechKollodisLABOR DIAGNOSTIKA NORDLGC(Lucigen)MabTechMagtivioMBL(CycLex & CircuLex)Milenia BiotecMONOSANNanoprobesNeuromicsNexcelom BioscienceNichireiNissan Chemical IndustriesNordic-MUbioNoviocellOxford Expression TechnologiesPeproTechPeprotech(Biogems)Percipio BiosciencesPlatypus Technologies LLCPluriselectPolyplus TransfectionProgenProSpec-TanyProtein ArkQuartettReddot BiotechRelia TechRHINO BIORocklandSartoriusSCICONSSciencellScyTekSignosisSPL life sciencesStressmarqSurModicsSYnAbsTanttiU-CyTechVergent BioscienceVertebrate AntibodiesViGene BiosciencesZiath张经理:Q上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,,Mouse monoclonal [5A4] to NSE - Neuronal Marker





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