电话:025-85567896 手机:15380954981 联系人:薛经理 Q Q:2278637113
膜管可采用橡胶密封,大大降低了密封难度;膜管一端封闭,在与金属连接时,避免了因热膨胀 系数差异带来的影响。
Key words: Stainless steel exposed the trachea, the metal film, porous stainless steel materials, stainless steel aerator, porous stainless steel filter, stainless steel filter, porous stainless steel, the gradient type stainless steel membrane, porous metal, powder sintering filter, porous stainless steel sheet, stainless steel sintered filter, aperture tester, aperture analyzer, pore size distribution, the membrane pore size analyzer, membrane aperture tester, membrane pore size distribution , microfiltration membrane pore size distribution, ultrafiltration membrane pore size distribution, microfiltration membrane pore size analyzer, ultrafiltration membrane pore size analyzer, bubble point method aperture tester, bubble pressure method of aperture analyzer, battery diaphragm aperture analyzer, capillary flow method of aperture tester, capillary flow method of aperture analyzer, liquid-liquid method aperture analyzer, gas-liquid pore size analyzer, porous materials aperture analyzer, bubbling pore size Analysis instrument, bubble point method aperture analyzer, organic membrane pore size analyzer, the diaphragm aperture analyzer, lithium-ion battery diaphragm aperture analyzer, ceramic membrane pore size analyzer, non-woven aperture analyzer, hollow fiber membrane pore size analyzer, flat membrane pore size analyzer, metal film aperture analyzer palladium membrane and palladium membrane module, hydrogen purification, hydrogen purification, bubble point instrument, integrity tester, filter Integrity tester, filter material integrity tester, filter element integrity tester, respirator integrity tester
电话:025-85567896 手机:15380954981 联系人:薛经理 Q Q:2278637113