中文名称:ICP-OES雾化器, 雾化器
英文名称:Standard Nebulizer
货 号:842312051431
品 牌:Thermo、赛默飞
适用:ICP-OES Analyzers
842312051431 雾化器
842312051331 高盐雾化器
842312051451 赛默飞耐氢氟酸雾化室
842312051841 赛默飞双向炬管
942347004001 CETAC ASX-520
942347004002 CETAC ASX-260
842347004003 CETAC XLR-8
842347004004 CETAC ASX1400Stirring Autosampler - for Oils and Soils Digests
842347004005 CETAC APS1650Automated Prep Station - Oils Dilutor
942315500161 CETAC 0.5 mm IDCarbon Fiber Probe
942315500171 CETAC 0.8 mm IDfor Carbon Fiber Probe
942347003901 21 Position Rack(50 mL Tubes)
942347003911 24 Position Rack(30 mL Tubes)
942347003921 40 Position Rack(20 mL Tubes)
942347003931 60 Position Rack(14 mL Tubes)
942347003941 90 Position Rack(8 mL Tubes)
942347004151 50 mLPolypropylene Tubes (Pack of 500)
942347004111 30 mL PolypropyleneTubes (Pack of 500)
942347004161 20 mLPolypropylene Tubes (Pack of 500)
942347004131 14 mLPolypropylene Tubes (Pack of 1000)
942347004141 8 mL PolypropyleneTubes (Pack of 1000)
942347004182 Sample Probe (0.8mm)
942347003991 Sample Probe (0.5mm)
942347003971 Drain Pump Tubingand Connector Kit
842347004043 Stirrer forASX-1400
842347004044 Stirring Motor forASX-1400
842347004045 Stirring Kit forDrip Cup Assembly ASX-1400
842312052311 EMT Radial OrganicKit
842312052301 EMT RadialVolatile Organic Kit
842312052281 EMT Radial HighSolids Kit
842312052271 EMT Radial AqueousKit
842312052291 EMT Radial HF Kit
842312052261 EMT Duo OrganicKit
842312052251 EMT Duo VolatileOrganic Kit
842312052231 EMT Duo HighSolids Kit
842312052221 EMT Duo AqueousKit
842312052241 EMT Duo HF Kit
842312051741 EMT Radial Torch
842312051841 EMT Duo Torch
842312051941 EMT 1.0 mm CenterTube
842312051951 EMT 1.5 mm CenterTube
842312051971 EMT 2.0 mm CentreTube
842312051961 EMT 2.0 mm CeramicCenter Tube
842315550171 EMT Torch HolderAssembly Spares