东北亚北方商品交易中心招代理,【刘先生Q-657169128;15820782920】(运营中心)面向全国诚招会员,代理商;银代理,燃料烃代理,铜代理,铂金代理 回本点低;建行农行,第三方托管,免费开户,盘面清晰不卡盘不滑点,资金无门槛!东北亚北方个人代理以及公司代理!正规平台资金雄厚,服务到位,欢迎咨询洽谈:
从上周中开始,提振油价的消息逐渐增加,原油期货价格周五(6月23日)收盘上涨,但在上周的整体交易中则有所下跌。NYMEX 8月交割的WTI原油期货价格上涨0.27美元或0.6%,至43.01美元/桶;ICE 8月交割的布伦特原油期货价格也上涨0.32美元或0.7%,至45.54美元/桶,但从周线来看,美布两油本周分别下跌了4.4%和3.9%,为连续第五周下跌。
In the aftermath of the referendum on whether to stay in the EU, investors are faced with a host of uncertainties – not only around the realities of Brexit but also, a little further down the line, over other international concerns – from the state of the Chinese economy to the US presidential elections in November. Further ahead still is a trench of European elections.
This selection of investment trusts is in the main a conservative one, focusing on diversity and on steady, dependable trusts with high quality managers and an element of income. But though most of the choices are relatively defensive, it also includes some slightly more adventurous options with more concentrated portfolios.
One or two – for example, Foreign & Colonial or Edinburgh investment trust – could be used by starting investors looking for a single broad-based core holding. But most of the others would sit better in a small portfolio of holdings for greater overall balance.
We hope you find some useful ideas among them. Performance figures come from Morningstar and are to 1 July.