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点击次数:1081发布时间:2017/12/27 16:24:35


更新日期:2023/10/17 14:59:55

所 在 地:中国大陆





















找深圳市住建工程检测有限公司, 李永江     

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房屋称重检测各种主要构件等级检测 :主要构件等级按构造、结构损伤和结构强度、裂缝及风化(或粉化)进行检测分析。 构造的检测,受检房屋的连接与砌筑方式不当,部分构件及连接部位开裂、变形、位移及松动现象明显,不符合国家现行规范要求。

一般什么情况下进行嘉兴市房屋称重检测呢? 房屋周边有工地像基坑开挖或新建地铁时担心对周边房屋有影响,这时需通过专业的第三方检测鉴定单位对基坑周边房屋的沉降情况进行监测。或者房屋新建好后,看房屋的沉降情况也会对房屋进行监测,如上海是软土地质,房屋在新建竣工后,因地质问题需几年时间进行沉降,这时需通过检测公司进行监测沉降情况。房屋沉降分为均匀沉降和不均匀沉降,当房屋产生不均匀沉降时需及时请第三方房屋鉴定单位对房屋进行整体的安全性检测评估,分析房屋有无存在安全隐患,发现问题及时进行加固,确保房屋的安全使用。








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钢筋桁架楼承板主要优势筋桁架楼承板是属于无支撑压型组合楼承板的一种;钢筋桁架是在后台加工场定型加工,现场施工需要先将压型板使用栓钉固定在钢梁上,再放置钢筋桁架进行绑扎,验收后浇筑混凝土。钢筋桁架楼承板主要优势:实现了机械化生产,有利于钢筋排列间距均匀、混凝土保护层厚度一致,提高了楼板的施工质量。装配式钢筋桁架楼承板可显着减少现场钢筋绑扎工程量,加快施工进度,增加施工安全保证,实现文明施工。 装配式模板和连接件拆装方便,可多次重复利用,节约钢材,符合国家节能环保的要求。钢构自主研发的产品配套自动化生产设备,大大提高了劳动生产率,有效降低了产品成本,并编制了产品生产企业标准、设计手册和节点构造图集以及施工手册。该产品通过浙江大学土木工程测试中心检测,并经过多项工程应用,各项性能可以满足现浇钢筋混凝土楼板承载力和变形的要求。













 "Technical specification for building foundation treatment" JGJ79-2012 stipulates that:

1. The main points of this test are applicable to load test of single pile composite foundation and load test of multi pile composite foundation.

2. The load test of composite foundation is used to determine the bearing capacity of the composite soil layer under the main influence of the stress under the pressure plate. The loading test of composite foundation should have sufficient stiffness. The bearing plate of single pile composite foundation load test can be circular or square, and the area is the treatment area of a pile. The bearing plate of multi pile composite foundation load test can be square or rectangular, and its size is determined according to the actual area of the pile. The center of the pile (or the center of shape) should be consistent with the center of the pressure plate and coincide with the loading point.

3. The test should be carried out at the height of the pile top design. Under the bottom of the pressure plate, the 100 ~ 150mm medium and coarse sand cushion should be laid (when the strength of the pile is high). For example, the design foundation width should be adopted for independent foundation and strip foundation if the design cushion thickness is used. Considering the difficulty of large foundation, the influence of bearing plate size and cushion thickness on the test results should be considered.

The width and length of the test pit at the test mark should not be less than 3 times the size of the bearing plate. The base beam and the support point of the loading platform (or anchor pile) should be located outside the test pit, and the net distance from the side of the pressure plate should not be less than 2m.

4, waterproof and drainage measures should be taken in the test pit to prevent the change of soil water content or soil disturbance of foundation soil in the test site before the test, and the test results should be affected. Test report of news news bearing capacity test of floor bearing standard | floor

5, the loading grade can be divided into 8~12 levels. The maximum loading pressure should not be less than 2 times the characteristic value of the design requirement.

6, every load before and after the load should be read and remember the pressure board settlement once, after every half hour read and remember. When the settlement is less than 0.1mm in one hour, the first order load can be added.

7. When one of the following phenomena occurs, the test can be terminated.

(1) the settlement increases rapidly, obvious uplift appears around the soil extrusion or bearing plate;

(2) the accumulative amount of the pressure plate is more than 6% of its width or diameter.

(3) when the limit load is not reached, the maximum loading pressure is more than 2 times the pressure value of the design.

8, unloading series can be half of the load series, equal volume, each unloading level, half an hour interval, read and record resilience, after unloading all loads, interval three hours, read the total resilience.

9. The determination of the characteristic value of the bearing capacity of the composite foundation:

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Two. The steps of checking and identifying the floor weight bearing test:

(1) when the limit load on the pressure settlement curve can be determined, and its value is not less than 2 times the corresponding limit, it is advisable to have a proportional limit; when its value is less than 2 times of the corresponding limit, it can take half of the ultimate load.

(2) when the pressure settlement curve is a smooth and smooth curve, it can be determined according to the relative deformation value.

1) of sand pile, vibro pile composite foundation and dynamic replacement: when the clay based foundation, take s/b or s/d is equal to 0.015, corresponding to the pressure (s for settlement; bearing plate loading test of B and D respectively. The bearing plate width and diameter); when the sand or silt. The foundation, take s/b or s/d is equal to 0.01, corresponding to the pressure.

2) for soil compaction pile, lime pile or column hammer flushing pile composite foundation, it is advisable that s/b or s/d be equal to the corresponding pressure of 0.012. There are 0.008 corresponding pressures on the composite foundation with lime soil compaction pile.

3) of cement fly ash gravel pile or rammed soil cement pile composite foundation, when the pebble, cobble and coarse sand based soil compaction, take s/b or s/d is equal to 0.008, corresponding to the pressure; when the clay, silty soil foundation, the pressure of desirable s/b or s/d is equal to 0.01, corresponding to the.

4) for cement soil mixing pile or rotary jet pile composite foundation, it is advisable that s/b or s/d be equal to the corresponding pressure of 0.006.

5) for experienced areas, relative deformation values can be determined according to local experience. A project with strict deformation control can also be considered as the relative deformation value according to the required settlement allowable value of the design.

6) load test of composite foundation, when the pressure plate with length or diameter more than 2m is tested, B or D is calculated by 2m.

The characteristic value of the bearing capacity determined by the relative deformation value should not be more than half of the maximum loading pressure.

10, the number of test points should not be less than 3 points. When it meets 30% of its average range, the average value of its design is the characteristic value of composite foundation bearing capacity. When the project is checked and accepted, it should be evaluated comprehensively according to the structure and foundation of the building. For the independent foundation, the number of piles is less than 5 or strip foundation, and the minimum value should be when the number of piles is less than 3 rows.











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