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济南美腾机械设备有限公司 主营产品:膨化食品机械、夹心米果生产线、早餐谷物生产线、营养米粉生产线、双螺杆膨化机、单螺杆膨化机、大豆组织蛋白生产线、营养强化大米生产线、油炸膨化食品设备、狗粮猫粮设备、鱼饲料生产线、拉丝蛋白设备、妙脆角设备、包装设备等

当前位置:易推广>济南美腾机械设备有限公司>技术文章>BSG65客家小米酥原料膨化机械 米花糖坯料膨化设备


BSG65客家小米酥原料膨化机械 米花糖坯料膨化设备

点击次数:260 发布时间:2020/11/7 10:30:41

 BSG65客家小米酥原料膨化机械 米花糖坯料膨化设备

BSG65客家小米酥原料膨化机械 米花糖坯料膨化设备

BSG65客家小米酥原料膨化机械 米花糖坯料膨化设备

BSG65 Hakka millet cake raw material puffing machine popcorn sugar blank puffing equipment

When the grain is placed in the main extruder, with the process of heating and pressurizing, the moisture in the raw material is superheated and the raw material itself becomes soft. When the screw of the extruder is pushed to the third area, the material reaches the state of high temperature and high pressure. When a certain high pressure is reached and the die of the extruder is opened, the high pressure quickly becomes normal. Pressure, the superheated water in the material suddenly vaporizes and explodes strongly. The water molecule can expand about 2,000 times. The huge expansion pressure not only destroys the external morphology of grain, but also breaks the internal molecular structure of grain. The insoluble long-amylose starch is cut into water-soluble short-amylose starch and dextrin. With sugar, insoluble substances in brown rice rolls decrease and water-soluble substances increase, which makes brown rice rolls crisp and delicious, instant taste and refreshing.

1. Provide you with professional consultation on market, equipment, technology, raw materials and accessories, packaging, etc. 
2. Assist you in equipment selection, process design, plant layout optimization, if necessary, door-to-door service. 
3. We can design the compensation scheme for the change of raw materials according to your products and demonstrate it on the spot. Provide all kinds of basic formula. 
4. Special design, manufacture and application tests can be carried out according to your needs, and targeted training can be provided.
5. Design a reasonable package and transportation plan for you, and send technicians to install, debug and train personnel. 

6. One-year equipment warranty, long-term concessions, supply spare parts. 
7. Undertake the design and processing of parts and components of similar imported equipment.


济南美腾机械设备有限公司坐落在美丽的泉城济南,是一家以挤压膨化机械及配套设备研发、制造为主营业务的企业,多年来汇聚了行业内多位技术人才组成美腾团队,美腾公司依靠专业的膨化技术研发团队,一直致力于挤压膨化设备的研制与开发,是挤压膨化设备专业制造商。美腾公司制造设备种类全,产品多样,配套系列完善,客户可一站式购齐所需全部设备。目前是中国挤压膨化设备及其配套设备主要的专业生产、制造、研发厂家。主要产品有:膨化食品机械、双螺杆膨化机、宠物饲料/鱼饵生产线、休闲膨化食品生产线、组织蛋白生产线、营养米生产线、夹心食品生产线、锅巴沙拉生产线、妙脆角、小鱼酥、黄金角生产线、玉米片生产线、面包糠面包渣生产线、变性淀粉生产线、单螺杆油炸食品生产线、宠物咬胶生产线等。目前公司设备在国内销售已遍布多个省市自治区,国外远销欧洲:英国、乌克兰、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、土耳其;美洲:美国、智利、苏里南、巴西;非 洲:巴西、尼日利亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、刚果(布)、莱索托;亚洲:缅甸、越南、菲律宾、泰国、印尼、马来西亚、印度、乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉 斯斯坦、朝鲜、阿富汗、伊朗、黎巴嫩、塔吉克斯坦等国家。我们深知:客户的发展是我们前进的动力,客户的认可是对我们好的评价,客户的成功是我们的骄傲。我们愿与中外客商携手共进,开拓未来。


