CALTEX Synlube220
点击次数:123发布时间:2018/5/10 21:00:52
更新日期:2024/10/25 10:30:52
所 在 地:中国大陆
Mobil SHC™ 600 系列
Mobil Industrial, 中国
(*) 在应用于循环系统和齿轮时,相比具有同样粘度等级的常规参比油(矿物油),Mobil SHC 600 的能效仅与其性能相关。在受控的实验条件下的蜗轮箱中进行测试时,相对参比油,本系列产品所采用的技术可使能效提高达 3.6%,能效的提高与操作条件和设备类型有关。
美孚SHC品牌润滑油因其创新及杰出的性能而受到广泛公认和赏识。这些由本公司的科学家开发和设计的合成产品,正是本公司承诺继续不断地采纳技术,提供杰出的润滑油产品的象征。Mobil SHC 600系列产品成功开发的关键因素在于我们的科学家与产品应用专家,与主要的原设备制造商 (OEM) 之间的紧密联系,这有助于确保我们的产品在不断进展的工业设备设计中具有卓越的性能。
我们与设备制造商的协作,帮助我们确证来自实验室台架测试的结果,这显示出Mobil SHC 600系列润滑油的卓越性能。在与原设备制造商的协作中发现的众多效益,是该系列产品与矿物油相比,具有高达 3.6% 的能效提高潜能 (*)。这些效益在机械损耗水平较高的设备中特别明显(例如高传动比的蜗轮)。
为开发出针对Mobil SHC 600 系列油品的Mobil SHC技术,我们的产品配方科学家精选出具有卓越的抗高温/氧化潜能的基础油,并将其与一个平衡的添加剂系统结合,进而完善了基础油的内在效益,使产品具有杰出的油品寿命、油泥控制和抗高温/氧化及抗化学降解的特性。该系列产品具有卓越的低温流动特性,性能超越许多传统矿物油,特别适用于偏远的、低环境温度用。
Mobil SHC 600 系列润滑油具有以下特性和潜在效益:
特性 | 优点及潜在效益 |
高温下卓越的抗高温及抗氧化性能 | 扩大设备在高温下作业的能力 |
高粘度指数 | 在高温下仍能保持粘度和油膜厚度 |
低牵引系数 | 有助于降低摩擦力,改善以滑动摩擦为主的装置(如齿轮)的效率,具有减少动力消耗和降低稳定状态操作温度的潜能 |
高承载能力 | 有助于保护设备并延长其寿命,较大程度减少非计划停机并延长保养间隔。 |
添加剂配方平衡 | 在防锈、防腐蚀、分水性、泡沫控制、空气释放性等方面表现卓越,能帮助确保在许多工业应用场合无故障运行,减少运营成本 |
(*) 在应用于循环系统和齿轮时,相比具有同样粘度等级的常规参比油(矿物油),Mobil SHC 600 的能效仅与其性能相关。在受控的实验条件下的蜗轮箱中进行测试时,相对参比油,本系列产品所采用的技术可使能效提高达 3.6%,能效的提高与操作条件和设备类型有关。测试结果基于可控实验室测试,其测试结果随着操作条件的改变而有所不同
Mobil SHC 600 系列产品虽与矿物油产品相容,但混用可能削弱其性能。因此,在某一系统改用Mobil SHC 600 系列产品之前,建议将旧油彻底清除并将系统冲洗干净,以获得较大的性能效益。Mobil SHC 600 系列油品与下列材料相容:大多数的橡胶 (NBR)、氟橡胶 (FKM) 和其他与矿物油同用的弹性油封材料。所采用的弹性体可能有较大的不同。要获得理想效果,请咨询设备供应商、油封制造商或者当地的公司代表,以确定其相容性。
Mobil SHC 600 系列润滑油推荐用于多种含有齿轮与轴承、需在高温或低温下运行的设备,运行温度或油温会使传统的润滑油使用寿命缩短及需要提高能效的场合。在更换备件、系统清洗和润滑油更换等保养费用较高的应用场合,它们特别有效。需要选择适当粘度等级的特定应用包括:
- 永久装填的齿轮箱,特别是高传动比/低效能的蜗轮
- 偏远地区,换油困难的齿轮箱
- 低温应用如滑雪吊车,可避免季节性换油
- 在高温环境下运行的混合机滚动轴承和滚颈轴承
- 塑料压延机
- 严苛操作条件下的离心机应用,包括船用离心机
- 铁路交流电牵引车
- Mobil SHC 626、627、629 及 630 适用于喷油螺杆式压缩机,供压缩天然气、矿场收集的天然气、二氧化碳及其他在天然气行业采用的加工气体
- Mobil SHC 629、630、632、634、636 和 639 已经西门子 AG 批准,可用于 Flender 齿轮箱
请注意,Mobil SHC 600 系列不得用于航空领域,这表示该类产品不得设计或推荐用于飞机部件的润滑。
Mobil SHC 600 系列满足或超过以下要求: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
AGMA 9005 E02 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
DIN 51517-3 CLP | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
ISO 12925-1 CKB | X | |||||||||
ISO 12925-1 CKD | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Mobil SHC 600 系列具有以下制造商认可: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
Fives Cincinnati | P-63 P-80 | P-76 | P-77 | P-34 | P-78 | |||||
SIEMENS AG Flender gear units, T 7300, Table A-c, Flender Code No. | A36 | A35 | A34 | A33 | A32 | A31 | ||||
SEW Eurodrive: SEW IG CLP HC SEW SG CLP HC | 32 32 | 68 68 | 150 150 | 220 220 | 320 | 460 460 | 680 | 1000 |
Mobil SHC 600 系列 | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
ISO 粘度等级 | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
粘度,ASTM D 445 | ||||||||||
cSt @ 40º C | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
cSt @ 100º C | 6.3 | 8.5 | 11.6 | 15.3 | 21.1 | 28.5 | 38.5 | 50.7 | 69.0 | 98.8 |
粘度指数,ASTM D2272 | 148 | 161 | 165 | 162 | 166 | 169 | 172 | 174 | 181 | 184 |
倾点,ºC,ASTM D5950 | -57 | -54 | -51 | -45 | -39 | -36 | -33 | -30 | -30 | -27 |
闪点,ºC,ASTM D 92 | 236 | 225 | 225 | 235 | 220 | 220 | 225 | 228 | 225 | 222 |
密度 @ 15°C (60°F) (g/cc) ASTM D4052 | 0.85 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 |
肉眼外观 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 |
TOST,ASTM D 943 mod,小时数 | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ |
RPVOT,ASTM D 2272,分钟 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 |
抗锈蚀试验,ASTM D665B,合成海水 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 |
分水性,ASTM D1401,54º C 时达到 37 ml 水的时间,分钟 (min) | 10 | 15 | 15 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
分水性,ASTM D1401,82º C 时达到 37 ml 水的时间,分钟 (min) | - | - | - | 15 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 |
铜片腐蚀试验,ASTM D130, 24 hrs @ 121º C | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
泡沫试验,ASTM D892,顺序I、II、III,倾向性/稳定性,ml/ml | 15/0, 20/0, 25/0 | 10/0, 30/0, 10/0 | 10/0, 20/0, 10/0 | 0/0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | /0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 |
FZG 齿轮胶合试验,A/8.3/90, ISO 14635-1 (mod), 失效级数 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ |
FAG FE8 轴承磨损试验 7.5/80-80 ((DIN 51819-3) 滚轴磨损 (mg) | - | - | - | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Refrigeration Oils
Product Description
Mobil EAL Arctic Series are high performance Environmental Awareness Lubricants (EAL) that are fully synthetic products designed specifically for the lubrication of refrigeration compressors and systems, using ozone-friendly HFC refrigerants. (HFCs are chlorine-free products replacing chlorine-containing refrigerants in the world market).They are also recommended for carbon dioxide applications, with appropriate miscibility for proper oil return to compressor (typically piston type applications). Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are formulated from proprietary synthesized Polyol Esters (POEs) and a unique additive system to provide outstanding lubricity, wear protection, chemical and thermal stability, and hydrolytic stability. They are miscible with HFC refrigerants and have well-defined viscosity/temperature/pressure relationships with a widel range of HFCs. The performance of the Mobil EAL Arctic Series has been well documented with HFCs in a broad range of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and are used by many major compressor and system builders around the world.
Mobil EAL Artic Series are available in ISO Viscosity grades 15 to 220. They are recommended for use in household and commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems where HFC or carbon dioxide refrigerants are used.
Features and Benefits
The Mobil EAL brand of lubricants are recognised and appreciated around the world for their compatibility with the environment and their excellent performance. The Mobil EAL Arctic Series of products were designed by our research scientists to complement the new generation of ozone-friendly refrigerants mandated by the Montreal Protocol and succeeding world-wide agreements. Development of these products symbolises our continuing commitment to use advanced technology to provide outstanding lubricant products. A key factor in the development of Mobil EAL Arctic Series of lubricants was our close contacts between our scientists and key compressor OEMs and system designers to ensure that our product offerings will provide exceptional performance in a wide range of applications.
This work in combination with our lab testing has helped confirm the exceptional performance of the Mobil EAL Arctic Series lubricants. This cooperative work allowed our scientists to design optimum synthetic POE structures for each viscosity grade in the product series and to develop an additive package to meet the stability and compatibility requirements for refrigeration applications
Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils offer the following features and potential benefits:
Features | Advantages and Potential Benefits |
Excellent high temperature stability | Improved evaporator cleanliness, less unscheduled downtime and reduced maintenance costs |
Well defined miscibility and P-V-T relationships with HFC refrigerants | Assures high system efficiency and proper oil return in refrigeration system designs |
Very good anti-wear properties | Reduced compressor wear resulting in lower maintenance costs |
High Viscosity Index and wax-free | Excellent low temperature fluidity, no waxy deposits and improved evaporator efficiency |
Wide viscosity range | Can meet specific viscosity requirements of a wide range of equipment and applications |
Application considerations: Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are hygroscopic and care must be taken to avoid moisture absorption during handling. Packages should be tightly closed when not in use, and small packaging preferred. Product should not be transferred to plastic containers that may allow moisture ingress.
Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are recommended for refrigeration systems where HFC or carbon dioxide refrigerants are used. Specific applications include:
Household refrigeration such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and heat pumps
Commercial refrigeration applications such as business, shopping mall and hotel air conditioning, and low temperature transportation
Industrial applications such as food preparation and freezing, as well as cryogenic applications
Typical Properties
Mobil EAL Arctic Series | 15 | 22 | 22 CC | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 220 |
ISO Viscosity Grade | 15 | 22 | 22 | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 220 |
Viscosity, ASTM D 445 |
cSt @ 40º C | 15.9 | 23.2 | 24 | 34.2 | 49.2 | 68.0 | 105.0 | 226 |
cSt @ 100º C | 3.6 | 4.6 | 4.8 | 5.8 | 7.3 | 8.7 | 11.6 | 18.5 |
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 | 108 | 130 | 129 | 115 | 115 | 95 | - | 90 |
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 | -60 | -57 | -54 | -48 | -42 | -36 | -30 | -21 |
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 | 236 | 236 | 236 | 236 | 230 | 230 | - | 290 |
Specific Gravity @15º C, ASTM D 1298 | 1.02 | 1.00 | 0.991 | 0.98 | 0.97 | 0.96 | 0.96 | 0.96 |
Health and Safety
Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 150 200L
加德士授权经销商 原装进口 100%正品 进口工业润滑油 导轨油 润滑脂 食品级齿轮油,重负荷齿轮油 减速机用机油加德士合成工业齿轮油WS
本产品含有有效的极压添加剂和抗磨添加剂,再加上极性聚乙二醇的高油膜形成特 性,即使在高负荷的条件下,也能够将磨损降低到*小。
聚亚烷基二醇的合成基础液所自有的高润滑特性,可以减小运动部件间的摩擦。本 合成基础液的粘度指数非常高,这意味着它在低温下粘度不会明显变大,在高温下 粘度也不会明显减小,因而避免高温下因粘度不足而可能出现金属与金属间的直接 接触,进而减少摩擦。
聚亚烷基二醇的合成基础液所自有的高氧化稳定性,再加上非常有效的抗氧化剂, 使得本产品不会在使用过程中出现明显的酸值增大和稠化现象,当然也就不会有胶 质、漆质和油垢的生成。
2.各种由正齿轮、锥齿轮、特别是蜗轮传动齿轮构成的闭式工业齿轮箱,包括一次 灌油终身润滑的装置
3.各种齿轮装置应用领域,如辊式破碎机、水泥磨机、造纸机、采矿机、压光机、 搅拌装置、橡胶捏和机、炉门、集合式输送机、发电站、各种绞车、疏浚机、各 种吊车和起重机
4.在非常重负荷条件下工作的各种滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承及普通轴承 本产品与矿物油基润滑剂是不混溶的。
ISO VG 680
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 150
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 220
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 320
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 460
加德士合成工业齿轮油WS Caltex Synlube WS 680