深圳市鑫世隆贸易有限公司在深圳成立。代理壳牌润滑油(SHELL)、埃克森美孚润滑油(MOBIL)、埃索润滑油(ESSO)、福斯润滑油(fuchs)、克鲁勃润滑油(Klueber)、嘉实多润滑油(CASTROL)、BP润滑油等知名品牌润滑油,产品含涵盖美孚液压油、美孚齿轮油、壳牌齿轮油、壳牌液压油、克鲁勃液压油、克鲁勃齿轮油、BP液压油、BP齿轮油、嘉实多切削液、嘉实多切削油、BP冷冻机油、美孚工业润滑油、美孚润滑脂、美孚冷冻机油、壳牌冷冻机油、壳牌机油、壳牌空气压缩机油、专注服务于工业,依托于高品质的产品、的技术、专业的人才、完善的服务为客户提供高效益的综合解决方案。 始终如一的提供用户满意的润滑油产品,满足多元化的不同需求,保证了产品品质与世界同步集油品储运、销售、服务于一体,拥有稳定的质量保障体系,创新的企业经营营销理念,能够为市场和广大消费者提供世界水平的优质产品! 成立数年以来先后已成为众多知名企业的供应商,服务范畴涵盖汽车、汽车制造、机械、冶金、采矿、钢铁、工程、农业、电梯、石油化工等领域。在全国各地销售的产品已达千余个品种,除了标准产品之外,更有大量专业性的定制产品,可满足不同的客户需求。并不断突破创新取得了可喜的经营业绩,得到了众多客户和供应商伙伴一致的高度认可。 今天的科技将继续充分发挥人才、产品、服务的专业优势,实现与客户、合作伙伴,为客户创造价值
美孚润滑脂XHP220系列 详细说明 |
Mobilgrease XHP 220 Series
(美孚滑脂 XHP 220系列)润滑脂
美孚滑脂 XHP 220 系列产品是具有优异性能的长效复合锂基润滑脂,适用于广泛的应用和工作条件。.这些润滑脂采用专有的尖端 复合锂 生产技术,性能优于传统的产品。它们具有杰出的高温性能和极高附着力、结构稳定性和抗水污染能力。这些润滑脂化学稳定性高,抗锈蚀和腐蚀性能优异。本系列润滑脂具有高滴点的特性,其推荐应用温度为140°C(284° F)。美孚滑脂 XHP 220 润滑脂分 NLGI 00级、0级、1 级、2 级 和 3 级,基础油粘度为 ISO VG 220。 美孚滑脂 XHP 220 润滑脂应用范围广泛,包括工业、汽车、建筑和船舶业。本系列润滑脂的性能特性特别适用于恶劣的工作条件,包括高温、水污染、高负荷和冲击载荷以及加脂周期长的应用。美孚滑脂XHP 222 特级是一种极压润滑脂,含二硫化钼,能够在枢轴旋转及其它破坏油膜的条件下提供抗磨保护。 |
MOBIL DTE21|美孚DTE21抗磨液压油 |
MOBIL DTE22|美孚DTE22抗磨液压油 MOBIL DTE24|美孚DTE24抗磨液压油 MOBIL DTE25|美孚DTE25抗磨液压油 MOBIL DTE26|美孚DTE26抗磨液压油 MOBIL DTE27|美孚DTE27抗磨液压油 MOBIL DTE29|美孚DTE29抗磨液压油 特性: 1、优异的抗水冲失和喷淋能力。 2、高附着和凝聚结构。 3、抗锈蚀和抗腐蚀性能优异。 4、抗高温热、氧化和结构抗高温劣化性能非常好。 5、很好的抗磨和极压 (EP) 性能。 6、广泛的应用范围。 优点及潜在效益: 1、在*严重的进水条件下可确保可靠润滑和设备保护。 2、润滑脂的韧度佳,减少泄漏和延长添加润滑脂周期,从而降低设备维护要求。 3、在恶劣的含水特别是在酸性水环境中,对润滑的零件提供保护。 4、在高温下具有长的使用寿命和极佳的轴承保护,降低设备维护和更换零件费用。 5、在高滑动和冲击载荷下,仍能为润滑的设备提供可靠润滑,可延长设备寿命和降低意外停工。 6、可使库存工作合理化,降低库存费用。 |
美孚滑脂XHP 220 润滑脂广泛适用于各种设备,包括工业、汽车、建筑和船舶业应用。其蓝色便于确认施用情况。 美孚滑脂 XHP 005和220 是较软的高温润滑脂,推荐用于集中供脂系统、齿轮润滑,以及需要极低温泵送性的应用。 美孚滑脂 XHP 221 推荐用于工业应用和船用、底盘部件和农场设备,具有出色的低温性能。 美孚滑脂 XHP 222 推荐用于工业应用和船用、底盘部件和农场设备,其高粘度配方使用期较长。 美孚滑脂XHP 223 推荐用于要求高温性能和抗泄漏性能好的情况。该产品特别适用于在恶劣条件下行驶的卡车车轮轴承或经受震动的滚动轴承,或者高速运行要求润滑脂更为稳定而具有沟流特点的应用。 美孚滑脂 XHP 222 Special 含有钼,呈灰色,适合中等负荷的工业应用、底盘部件和农场设备。它也可用于中心销、U 形接合器、中铰轴和铲斗销。
Mobil SHC™ 600 系列
Mobil Industrial, 中国
(*) 在应用于循环系统和齿轮时,相比具有同样粘度等级的常规参比油(矿物油),Mobil SHC 600 的能效仅与其性能相关。在受控的实验条件下的蜗轮箱中进行测试时,相对参比油,本系列产品所采用的技术可使能效提高达 3.6%,能效的提高与操作条件和设备类型有关。
美孚SHC品牌润滑油因其创新及杰出的性能而受到广泛公认和赏识。这些由本公司的科学家开发和设计的合成产品,正是本公司承诺继续不断地采纳技术,提供杰出的润滑油产品的象征。Mobil SHC 600系列产品成功开发的关键因素在于我们的科学家与产品应用专家,与主要的原设备制造商 (OEM) 之间的紧密联系,这有助于确保我们的产品在不断进展的工业设备设计中具有卓越的性能。
我们与设备制造商的协作,帮助我们确证来自实验室台架测试的结果,这显示出Mobil SHC 600系列润滑油的卓越性能。在与原设备制造商的协作中发现的众多效益,是该系列产品与矿物油相比,具有高达 3.6% 的能效提高潜能 (*)。这些效益在机械损耗水平较高的设备中特别明显(例如高传动比的蜗轮)。
为开发出针对Mobil SHC 600 系列油品的Mobil SHC技术,我们的产品配方科学家精选出具有卓越的抗高温/氧化潜能的基础油,并将其与一个平衡的添加剂系统结合,进而完善了基础油的内在效益,使产品具有杰出的油品寿命、油泥控制和抗高温/氧化及抗化学降解的特性。该系列产品具有卓越的低温流动特性,性能超越许多传统矿物油,特别适用于偏远的、低环境温度用。
Mobil SHC 600 系列润滑油具有以下特性和潜在效益:
特性 | 优点及潜在效益 |
高温下卓越的抗高温及抗氧化性能 | 扩大设备在高温下作业的能力 |
高粘度指数 | 在高温下仍能保持粘度和油膜厚度 |
低牵引系数 | 有助于降低摩擦力,改善以滑动摩擦为主的装置(如齿轮)的效率,具有减少动力消耗和降低稳定状态操作温度的潜能 |
高承载能力 | 有助于保护设备并延长其寿命,较大程度减少非计划停机并延长保养间隔。 |
添加剂配方平衡 | 在防锈、防腐蚀、分水性、泡沫控制、空气释放性等方面表现卓越,能帮助确保在许多工业应用场合无故障运行,减少运营成本 |
(*) 在应用于循环系统和齿轮时,相比具有同样粘度等级的常规参比油(矿物油),Mobil SHC 600 的能效仅与其性能相关。在受控的实验条件下的蜗轮箱中进行测试时,相对参比油,本系列产品所采用的技术可使能效提高达 3.6%,能效的提高与操作条件和设备类型有关。测试结果基于可控实验室测试,其测试结果随着操作条件的改变而有所不同
普通工业齿轮油,由精致矿物油加入抗氧、防锈添加剂调配而成,有严格的抗氧、防锈、抗泡、抗乳化性能要求,适用于一般轻载荷的齿轮润滑。相对应的国外标准为AGMA R和O型;
中载荷工业齿轮油,由精制矿物油加入抗氧、防锈、极压抗磨剂调配而成,比CKB具有较好的抗磨性,适用于中等载荷的齿轮润滑。相对应的国外标准为AGMA 250.03EP;
涡轮涡杆油,由精制矿物油或合成烃加入油性剂等调配而成,具有良好的润滑特性和抗氧、防锈性能,适用于蜗轮蜗杆齿轮之润滑。相对应的国外标准为AGMA中 250.03的COMP油;
低温中载荷工业齿轮油。由合成烃成为基础油,加入同CKC相似的添加剂,性能除具有CKC特性外,有更好的低温、高温性能,适用于在高、低温环境下的中载荷齿轮之润滑。相对应的国外标准为AGMA 250.03合成烃油;
由精制润滑油加抗氧防锈 剂调制而成,具有较好的抗氧、防锈性和一定的抗磨性。适用于一般载荷的开式齿轮和半封闭式齿轮润滑。
由高粘度的普通开式或极压开式齿轮油加入挥发性溶剂调制而成,当溶剂挥发后,齿面上形成一层油膜,该油膜具有一定的极压性能。溶剂挥发后的油膜强度Timken OK值不小于200N,或FZG齿轮试验通过九级以上。
由精制润滑油加入多种添加剂调制而成,它比CKH或FZG油具有更好的极压性能。适用于苛刻条件下的开式或半封闭式的齿轮箱润滑。Timken OK值不小于200N,或FZG齿轮试验通过九级以上。
Mobil SHC™ 600 Series
Mobil Industrial, Philippines
Product Description
Mobil SHC™ 600 Series lubricants are exceptional performance gear and bearing oils designed to provide outstanding service in terms of equipment protection, oil life and problem-free operation helping to enable increased customer productivity. These scientifically engineered oils are formulated using the latest proprietary and patent pending Mobil SHC technology to provide outstanding and balanced performance in demanding applications at high and low temperatures. Mobil SHC 600 products feature excellent low temperature properties, as well as improved air release performance in the lower viscosity grades. These products are resistant to mechanical shear, even in heavily loaded gear and high shear bearing applications, so that there is virtually no loss of viscosity.
Mobil SHC 600 Series products have low traction coefficients relative to mineral oils which derive from the molecular structure of the base stocks used. This results in low fluid friction in the load zone of non-conforming surfaces such as gears and rolling contact bearings. Low fluid friction produces lower operating temperatures and improved gear efficiency, which translates into reduced power consumption. Mobil SHC 600 Series products have demonstrated up to 3.6% improvement in energy efficiency in controlled laboratory testing(*). Mobil SHC 600 Series formulation also provides excellent resistance to oxidation and deposit formation at elevated temperatures, as well as exceptional resistance to rusting and corrosion, antiwear, demulsibility, foam control and air release properties, and multi-metal compatibility. Mobil SHC 600 Series oils maintain good compatibility with seals and other materials used in equipment normally lubricated with mineral oils.
Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants are suitable for use in a wide range of equipment, not only as high temperature problem solvers, but also because of the other benefits they offer.
(*) Energy efficiency relates solely to the performance of Mobil SHC 600 when compared to conventional (mineral) reference oils of the same viscosity grade in circulating and gear applications. The technology used allows up to 3.6% efficiency compared to the reference when tested in a worm gearbox under controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements will vary based on operating conditions and application.
Features and Benefits
The Mobil SHC brand of lubricants are recognized and appreciated around the world for their innovation and outstanding performance. These synthetic products, molecularly designed and pioneered by our research scientists, embody the continuing commitment to using advanced technology to provide outstanding lubricant products. The development of Mobil SHC 600 Series was preceded by close contacts between our scientists and application specialists with key Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to ensure that the products provide exceptional performance in the continually evolving industrial equipment designs.
Our work with key equipment builders has helped confirm the results from our own laboratory and rig tests showing the exceptional performance of Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants. Not least among the benefits, shown in work with OEMs, is the potential for energy efficiency improvements up to 3.6% relative to mineral oils (*). These benefits are particularly evident in equipment with a high level of mechanical losses, such as high ratio worm gears.
To develop the latest Mobil SHC technology for Mobil SHC 600 Series oils, our product formulation scientists chose select base oils because of their exceptional thermal/oxidative resistance potential and combined them with a balanced additive system, which complements the inherent benefits of the base oils to provide excellent oil life, deposit control and resistance to thermal/oxidative and chemical degradation. This formulation approach provides low temperature fluidity characteristics exceeding that of many conventional mineral products and is a key benefit for remote, low ambient temperature applications. Mobil SHC 600 Series oils offer the following features and potential benefits:
Features | Advantages and Potential Benefits |
Superb high temperature thermal/oxidation resistance | Helps extend equipment high temperature operating capability Long oil life, helps reduce maintenance costs Helps minimize deposits to enable trouble-free operation and long filter life |
High Viscosity Index and absence of wax | Maintains viscosity and film thickness at high temperatures Helps enable exceptional low temperature performance, including start-up |
Low traction coefficient | Helps reduce friction and increase efficiency in sliding mechanisms such as gearing, with potential for reduced power consumption and lower steady-state operating temperatures. Helps minimize the effects of micro slip in rolling contact bearings to potentially extend rolling-element life |
High load carrying capability | Helps protects equipment and extends life; helps minimize unexpected downtime and extends service periods |
Balanced additive combination | Provides excellent performance in terms of rust and corrosion prevention, water separability, foam control and air release performance enabling problem-free operation in a wide range of industrial applications, and reduced operating costs |
(*) Energy efficiency relates solely to the performance of Mobil SHC 600 when compared to conventional (mineral) reference oils of the same viscosity grade in circulating and gear applications. The technology used allows up to 3.6% efficiency compared to the reference when tested in a worm gearbox under controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements will vary based on operating conditions and application.
While Mobil SHC 600 Series are generally compatible with mineral oil based products, admixture may detract from their performance. Consequently it is recommended that before changing a system to one of Mobil SHC 600 Series products, it should be thoroughly cleaned out and flushed to achieve the maximum performance benefits. Mobil SHC 600 Series oils are compatible with most NBR, FKM and most other elastomeric seal materials that are used with mineral oils. There is the potential for substantial variations in the elastomers. For best results, consult your equipment supplier, seal manufacturer, or your local company representative to verify compatibility.
Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants are recommended for use in a wide variety of gear and bearing applications where high or low temperatures are encountered or where operating temperatures or bulk oil temperatures are such that conventional lubricants give unsatisfactory life, or where improved efficiency is desired. They are particularly effective in applications where the maintenance costs of component replacement, system cleaning and lubricant changes are high. Specific applications require selection of the appropriate viscosity grade and include:
- Filled for life gearboxes, especially high ratio/ low-efficiency worm gears
- Remotely located gearboxes, where oil change-out is difficult
- Low temperature applications, such as ski lifts where seasonal oil changes can be avoided
- Mixer roll bearings and roll neck bearings where high temperatures are encountered
- Plastic calenders
- Severe centrifuge applications, including marine centrifuges
- Railroad A/C Traction Drives
- Mobil SHC 626, 627, 629 and 630 are suitable for Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors compressing natural gas, field gas gathering, CO2 and other process gasses used in the natural gas industry
- Mobil SHC 629, 630, 632, 634, 636, and 639 are approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender gearboxes
Specifications and Approvals
Mobil SHC 600 Series meets or exceeds the requirements of: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
AGMA 9005 E02 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
DIN 51517-3 CLP | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
ISO 12925-1 CKB | X | |||||||||
ISO 12925-1 CKD | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Mobil SHC 600 Series has the following builder approvals: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
Fives Cincinnati | P-63 P-80 | P-76 | P-77 | P-34 | P-78 | |||||
SIEMENS AG Flender gear units, T 7300, Table A-c, Flender Code No. | A36 | A35 | A34 | A33 | A32 | A31 | ||||
SEW Eurodrive: SEW IG CLP HC SEW SG CLP HC | 32 32 | 68 68 | 150 150 | 220 220 | 320 | 460 460 | 680 | 1000 |
Typical Properties
Mobil SHC 600 Series | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
ISO Viscosity Grade | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
Viscosity, ASTM D 445 | ||||||||||
cSt @ 40ºC | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
cSt @ 100ºC | 6.3 | 8.5 | 11.6 | 15.3 | 21.1 | 28.5 | 38.5 | 50.7 | 69.0 | 98.8 |
Viscosity Index, ASTM D2272 | 148 | 161 | 165 | 162 | 166 | 169 | 172 | 174 | 181 | 184 |
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D5950 | -57 | -54 | -51 | -45 | -39 | -36 | -33 | -30 | -30 | -27 |
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 | 236 | 225 | 225 | 235 | 220 | 220 | 225 | 228 | 225 | 222 |
Density @ 15°C (60°F) (g/cc) ASTM D4052 | 0.85 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 |
Appearance, visual | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange | Orange |
TOST, ASTM D 943 mod, hours | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ |
RPVOT, ASTM D 2272, minutes | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 |
Rust protection, ASTM D665B, Synthetic Sea Water | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Water Separability, ASTM D1401,Min. to 37 ml water @ 54ºC | 10 | 15 | 15 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Water Separability, ASTM D1401,Min. to 37 ml water @ 82ºC | - | - | - | 15 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 |
Copper Corrosion, ASTM D130, 24 hrs @ 121ºC | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Foam Test, ASTM D892, Seq I,II,IIITendency / Stability, ml/ml | 15/0, 20/0, 25/0 | 10/0, 30/0, 10/0 | 10/0, 20/0, 10/0 | 0/0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0,0/0 | 0/0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0,0/0,0/0 | 0/0,0/0,0/0 | 0/0,0/0,0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 |
FZG gear scuffing test, A/8.3/90, ISO 14635-1 (mod), Failure Stage | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ |
FAG FE8 Bearing Wear Test 7.5/80-80 ((DIN 51819-3) Roller Wear (mg) | - | - | - | 2 |
Mobil SHC 600 系列产品虽与矿物油产品相容,但混用可能削弱其性能。因此,在某一系统改用Mobil SHC 600 系列产品之前,建议将旧油彻底清除并将系统冲洗干净,以获得较大的性能效益。Mobil SHC 600 系列油品与下列材料相容:大多数的橡胶 (NBR)、氟橡胶 (FKM) 和其他与矿物油同用的弹性油封材料。所采用的弹性体可能有较大的不同。要获得理想效果,请咨询设备供应商、油封制造商或者当地的公司代表,以确定其相容性。
Mobil SHC 600 系列润滑油推荐用于多种含有齿轮与轴承、需在高温或低温下运行的设备,运行温度或油温会使传统的润滑油使用寿命缩短及需要提高能效的场合。在更换备件、系统清洗和润滑油更换等保养费用较高的应用场合,它们特别有效。需要选择适当粘度等级的特定应用包括:
- 永久装填的齿轮箱,特别是高传动比/低效能的蜗轮
- 偏远地区,换油困难的齿轮箱
- 低温应用如滑雪吊车,可避免季节性换油
- 在高温环境下运行的混合机滚动轴承和滚颈轴承
- 塑料压延机
- 严苛操作条件下的离心机应用,包括船用离心机
- 铁路交流电牵引车
- Mobil SHC 626、627、629 及 630 适用于喷油螺杆式压缩机,供压缩天然气、矿场收集的天然气、二氧化碳及其他在天然气行业采用的加工气体
- Mobil SHC 629、630、632、634、636 和 639 已经西门子 AG 批准,可用于 Flender 齿轮箱
请注意,Mobil SHC 600 系列不得用于航空领域,这表示该类产品不得设计或推荐用于飞机部件的润滑。
Mobil SHC 600 系列满足或超过以下要求: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
AGMA 9005 E02 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
DIN 51517-3 CLP | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
ISO 12925-1 CKB | X | |||||||||
ISO 12925-1 CKD | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Mobil SHC 600 系列具有以下制造商认可: | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
Fives Cincinnati | P-63 P-80 | P-76 | P-77 | P-34 | P-78 | |||||
SIEMENS AG Flender gear units, T 7300, Table A-c, Flender Code No. | A36 | A35 | A34 | A33 | A32 | A31 | ||||
SEW Eurodrive: SEW IG CLP HC SEW SG CLP HC | 32 32 | 68 68 | 150 150 | 220 220 | 320 | 460 460 | 680 | 1000 |
Mobil SHC 600 系列 | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 629 | 630 | 632 | 634 | 636 | 639 |
ISO 粘度等级 | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
粘度,ASTM D 445 | ||||||||||
cSt @ 40º C | 32 | 46 | 68 | 100 | 150 | 220 | 320 | 460 | 680 | 1000 |
cSt @ 100º C | 6.3 | 8.5 | 11.6 | 15.3 | 21.1 | 28.5 | 38.5 | 50.7 | 69.0 | 98.8 |
粘度指数,ASTM D2272 | 148 | 161 | 165 | 162 | 166 | 169 | 172 | 174 | 181 | 184 |
倾点,ºC,ASTM D5950 | -57 | -54 | -51 | -45 | -39 | -36 | -33 | -30 | -30 | -27 |
闪点,ºC,ASTM D 92 | 236 | 225 | 225 | 235 | 220 | 220 | 225 | 228 | 225 | 222 |
密度 @ 15°C (60°F) (g/cc) ASTM D4052 | 0.85 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 |
肉眼外观 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 | 橙色 |
TOST,ASTM D 943 mod,小时数 | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ | 10,000+ |
RPVOT,ASTM D 2272,分钟 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 |
抗锈蚀试验,ASTM D665B,合成海水 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 | 合格 |
分水性,ASTM D1401,54º C 时达到 37 ml 水的时间,分钟 (min) | 10 | 15 | 15 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
分水性,ASTM D1401,82º C 时达到 37 ml 水的时间,分钟 (min) | - | - | - | 15 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 |
铜片腐蚀试验,ASTM D130, 24 hrs @ 121º C | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
泡沫试验,ASTM D892,顺序I、II、III,倾向性/稳定性,ml/ml | 15/0, 20/0, 25/0 | 10/0, 30/0, 10/0 | 10/0, 20/0, 10/0 | 0/0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | /0, 10/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 | 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 |
FZG 齿轮胶合试验,A/8.3/90, ISO 14635-1 (mod), 失效级数 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ | 13+ |
FAG FE8 轴承磨损试验 7.5/80-80 ((DIN 51819-3) 滚轴磨损 (mg) | - | - |