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Castrol Techniclean D 890新闻资讯

点击次数:127发布时间:2018/7/18 17:13:44

Castrol Techniclean D 890新闻资讯

更新日期:2024/10/25 10:32:10

所 在 地:中国大陆



相关标签:Castrol Techniclean D 890 



厂房一角深圳市鑫世隆贸易有限公司在深圳成立。代理壳牌润滑油(SHELL)、埃克森美孚润滑油(MOBIL)、埃索润滑油(ESSO)、福斯润滑油(fuchs)、克鲁勃润滑油(Klueber)、嘉实多润滑油(CASTROL)、BP润滑油等知名品牌润滑油,产品含涵盖美孚液压油、美孚齿轮油、壳牌齿轮油、壳牌液压油、克鲁勃液压油、克鲁勃齿轮油、BP液压油、BP齿轮油、嘉实多切削液、嘉实多切削油、BP冷冻机油、美孚工业润滑油、美孚润滑脂、美孚冷冻机油、壳牌冷冻机油、壳牌机油、壳牌空气压缩机油、专注服务于工业,依托于高品质的产品、的技术、专业的人才、完善的服务为客户提供高效益的综合解决方案。  始终如一的提供用户满意的润滑油产品,满足多元化的不同需求,保证了产品品质与世界同步集油品储运、销售、服务于一体,拥有稳定的质量保障体系,创新的企业经营营销理念,能够为市场和广大消费者提供世界水平的优质产品!  成立数年以来先后已成为众多知名企业的供应商,服务范畴涵盖汽车、汽车制造、机械、冶金、采矿、钢铁、工程、农业、电梯、石油化工等领域。在全国各地销售的产品已达千余个品种,除了标准产品之外,更有大量专业性的定制产品,可满足不同的客户需求。并不断突破创新取得了可喜的经营业绩,得到了众多客户和供应商伙伴一致的高度认可。  今天的科技将继续充分发挥人才、产品、服务的专业优势,实现与客户、合作伙伴,为客户创造价值,为社会创造财富,使科技成为客户值得信赖的长期合作伙伴和有影响力的行业新典范。  未来,我们将持续秉承“专业、整合、服务”的经营理念,在各个事业领域,为企业提供专业、 系统、高效的解决方案,*终提升客户价值,实现双赢!

Castrol Techniclean AC 8629 Acidic process cleaner Description Castrol Techniclean™ AC 8629 is an aqueous, acidic industrial cleaner, containing highly effective biodegradable surfactants and corrosion inhibitors. Application Techniclean AC 8629 is particularly designed for process cleaning operations of tungsten carbide goods, suitable for use in spray, dip and ultrasonic applications. However, it is also well suited for use on steel and aluminium surfaces. Techniclean AC 8629 effectively removes soluble oils, neat cutting oils, particles and general dirt as well as oxides and hard water scale from metal surfaces in industrial cleaning. Techniclean AC 8629 is recommended to be applied as a pre-wash cleaner in a multi-stage cleaning process, followed by an alkaline cleaning step and/or proper water rinsing stages in order to remove any acidic residues from the metals surface. Conditions of Use Optimum conditions of use are depending on the detailed application requirements and the amount and nature of the soil being removed. Advantages • Highly effective biodegradable surfactant package improves parts cleanliness and reduces re-work. • Versatile, suitable for use in a wide range of applications • Non-abrasive removal of oxide films and tarnish colours from steel and hard metals improves parts quality Special corrosion inhibitors protect against corrosion and oxidation during cleaning and rinsing which minimises the scrap rate. • Typical Characteristics Page 1 / 2 21 January 2009, Version 1 Concentration Control 1. Pipette 20 ml bath solution in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask and add 50 ml deionised water 2. Add 2 - 3 drops of indicator solution phenolphthalein 3. Titrate with KOH-solution (c = 1,4 %) until colour changes from colourless to pink 4. Calculation: Concentration in % = required ml KOH-solution * factor 1,0 





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币666万

