QUINTOLUBRIC 807-IS/QUINTOLUBRIC807-IS 详细说明 (浏览974次) | QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS HIgH WaTER-BaSEd FLUId CONCENTRaTE appLICaTION SHEET BENEFITS APPLICATIONS QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS is a synthetic, water soluble hydraulic system additive that has been specifically designed for use at 2-5% concentration in water hydraulic systems with reciprocating piston pumps. QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS contains proprietary lubricants, stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, and bactericides in a ratio balanced to meet the lubrication requirements of pumps, packings, and valves. It provides effective protection against rust and micro-organism growth when used at 2-5% dilution. The proprietary lubricants in QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS have a strong affinity for metal, and provide effective boundary lubrication between sliding steel surfaces. The biocides used in QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS are effective against both bacteria and mold/yeast. The biocide package in QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS will protect against bacteria and fungal growth at the minimum concentration of 2%. There is plenty of reserve alkalinity in QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS to maintain proper pH for corrosion inhibition and to assist in bacteria control. Solutions are blue, completely stable in high temperatures and freeze-thaw conditions, and very resistant to hard water soap formation. These solutions will not form insoluble oily or curdy separations, and will not cause rancidity in the hydraulic system, problems often associated with soluble oils. PROPERTIES PROPERTIES (TEST METhOd) TyPIcal valuES appearance dark Blue density at 15o c (d1290) 1.031 Flash Point (d92) None Freeze Point (d97) 30o F/-1.1o c ph of 5% Solution (d70) approx. 9.1 Recommended concentration 2-5% in Water TyPIcal PERFORMaNcE 5% SOluTION IMMERSION TESTS (120O F, 72 hOuRS) Steel No Stain/corrosion Brass No Stain/corrosion copper No Stain/corrosion aluminum No Stain/corrosion Bioresistance (aSlE d-2) Passes = 14 days Residue characteristics light, Slippery Film: Readily SolubilizedPrior to using this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for instructions regarding safe handling and environmental issues. The information contained herein is based on data available to us and is believed to be accurate. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY USE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR TO BE IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THESE DATA. THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF, OR THE HAZARDS CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT. Quaker Chemical Corporation assumes no liability for any alleged ineffectiveness of the product or any injury or damage, direct or consequential, resulting from the use of this product unless such injury or damage is solely attributable to negligence on the part of Quaker Chemical Corporation. 011880 05/2013 quakerchem.com | quintolubric.com | info@quakerchem.com QUINTOLUBRIC® 807-IS HIgH WaTER-BaSEd FLUId CONCENTRaTE appLICaTION SHEET STORAGE AND HANDLING If the following criteria are adhered to, the product can be stored for at least twelve months. Recommended long-term storage temperature range: 0-40°C. Keep containers/drums tightly closed when not in use and store in a dry and wellventilated area. | |