Klubersynth J 44-402今日新闻
点击次数:157发布时间:2019/4/2 0:11:16
更新日期:2024/3/23 17:19:39
所 在 地:中国大陆
产品型号:Klubersynth J 44-402
Klübersynth J 44-402
Klübersynth J 44-402是基于全合成基础油、特种锂皂增稠剂、抗老化添加剂及防锈添加剂的润滑脂,具有非常强的粘附性、极佳的阻尼感和降低球销起动力矩和运行力矩的作用。Klübersynth J 44-402是专门为避免stick-slip现象、降低摩擦系数以及尽可能地缩小静、动摩擦系数的差距而研发的,并且与常用密封材料如氯丁橡胶(CR)的材料兼容性也一并考虑在内。由于高分子材料的多样性,我们建议您在批量应用前测试与油脂接触的塑料材料和橡胶材料的兼容性。
即使在24小时无任何运动之后也能使球销具有低的起动力矩和运行力矩, 用以避免球销异响
极低的摩擦系数, 在高扭矩载荷下也保证球销的流畅运转
良好的低温润滑性, 球销始终顺畅如一
Klübersynth HBE 94-401
作为在高温下运行的现代化设备的制造商或运营商,您需要在高负载和高比例滑动摩擦的工况下保护部件,避免磨损和腐蚀,即使不是连续润滑(如密封滚动轴承)。请使用我们为您提供的基于优质合成基础油和特殊钙复合钙皂为增稠剂的润滑脂——Klübersynth HBE 94-401。这种组合使其能够形成抗高载荷的润滑膜,从而提供优异的磨损保护。此外,Klübersynth HBE 94-401具有防水性,其特殊的增稠剂而具有良好密封效果。您的部件是否会受到强烈振荡?凭借优异的抗磨性能,Klübersynth HBE 94-401也可解决这一问题。
Klübersynth HB 74-401
Klübersynth HB 74-401是一种含有高质量合成基础油和聚脲皂基的润滑脂。
Klübersynth H 46-702
克鲁勃润滑产品Klübersynth H 46-702为此类应用提供了理想的解决方案。Klübersynth H 46-702包括全合成基础油和特种锂皂。Klübersynth H 46-702与常用塑料件和密封件具有良好的兼容性。
Klübersynth GH 6-80
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-680
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-460
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-46
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-320
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-32
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-220
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-22
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
产品 1
Klübersynth GH 6-1500
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-150
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-1000
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
Klübersynth GH 6-100
基于KlüberComp 润滑技术的合成高温齿轮油
Klübersynth GH 6的基础油是聚乙二醇。它具有极佳的抗刮伤及抗微点蚀性能。
FAG FE 8 滚动轴承测试台架上,KlübersynthGH 6表现出优良的抗磨损性能,可同时对齿轮箱中的滚动轴承起到有效的润滑保护。
Klübersynth GH 6具有优异的抗老化及氧化性能,优良的粘温特性以及热稳定性。
符合DIN 51 517-03 CLP 的要求。若持有油品使用说明,则齿轮箱换油为Klübersynth GH 6前,无需咨询齿轮生产厂家。
KlüberComp 润滑技术涉及高质量原材料的选择和克鲁勃提供的咨询服务,确保齿轮箱部件高效润滑。
ISO VG 220粘度的该款齿轮油达到了API GL 5 的防刮伤等级。即使在高载荷下,齿轮也能有效的防止刮伤。
根据标准试验FVA 54 IV GFT >= 10显示齿轮油的高抗微点蚀保护性,能充分的保护重载齿轮免受损害。
Klübersynth GH 6与72 NBR 902(除了ISO VG 22),75 FKM 585,75 FKM 170055密封件兼容,防止了齿轮油泄漏及污染。
获得Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motors, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord,Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebstechnik, Bonfiglioil, Rossi Motoriduttori,Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear, Baldor等公司的认证。
产品名称 | 描述 | |||
AeroShell Ascender | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 | Special kerosine for aircraft fuel system calibration | |||
AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 (US) | Special kerosine for aircraft fuel system calibration | |||
AeroShell Compound 07 | Glycol for aircraft de-icing | |||
AeroShell Fluid 1 | Mineral lubricating oil for general purpose aircraft use | |||
AeroShell Fluid 12 | Synthetic lubricating oil for general purpose aircraft use | |||
AeroShell Fluid 18 | Mineral lubricating oil for general purpose aircraft use | |||
AeroShell Fluid 2XN | Corrosion inhibited mineral oil for aircraft engine preservation | |||
AeroShell Fluid 3 | Mineral lubricating oil for general purpose aircraft use | |||
AeroShell Fluid 31 | Synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Fluid 41 | Mineral hydraulic fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Fluid 41 (EU) | Aviation mineral hydraulic fluid | |||
AeroShell Fluid 41 (NA) | Mineral hydraulic fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Fluid 5M-A | Mineral lubricating oil for helicopter transmissions | |||
AeroShell Fluid 61 | Synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Fluid 71 | Mineral hydraulic fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Fluid S.8350 | Mineral lubricating oil for helicopter transmissions | |||
AeroShell Grease 14 | Mineral grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Grease 22 | Synthetic grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Grease 33 | Synthetic grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Grease 33MS | Synthetic grease for aircraft, containing molybdenum disulphide | |||
AeroShell Grease 5 | Mineral grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Grease 6 | Mineral grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Grease 64 | Synthetic grease for aircraft, containing molybdenum disulphide | |||
AeroShell Grease 7 | Synthetic grease for aircraft | |||
AeroShell LGF | Mineral shock-absorber fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Oil 100 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil 120 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil 65 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil 80 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft diesel engines | |||
AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines (4-stroke) | |||
AeroShell Oil W 100 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil W 100 Plus | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil W 100 Plus | Aircraft Piston Engine Oil | |||
AeroShell Oil W 120 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 | Aircraft Piston Engine Oil | |||
AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 | Semi-synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil W 65 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell Oil W 80 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines | |||
AeroShell SSF | Mineral shock-absorber fluid for aircraft | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 | Mineral Turbine oil for jet engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 | Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 | Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines | |||
Shell 150N (Daesan) | Group 2 base oil | |||
Shell Advance Ultra 2T | Motorcycle 2 stroke engine oil | |||
Shell Air Tool Oil S2 A 100 | Pneumatic Tool and Rock Drill Oils | |||
Shell Albida Grease 0617 | Special PC Wheel Hub Grease | |||
Shell Alexia 100 | High Performance Cylinder Oil for Low-speed Crosshead Diesel Engines | |||
Shell Alexia 140 | Ultra High BN cylinder lubricant | |||
Shell Alexia 25 | High performance engine oil for cylinder lubrication of 2-stroke low speed dual fuel engines opera... | |||
Shell Alexia 40 | MCL for use in two-stroke low speed diesel engines. Alexia 40 is a BN40, SAE 50 cylinder oil. | |||
Shell Alexia 50 | High Performance Cylinder Oil for Low-speed Crosshead Diesel Engines | |||
Shell Alexia 70 | High Performance Cylinder Oil for Low-speed Crosshead Diesel Engines | |||
Shell Alexia S3 | High performance engine oil for cylinder lubrication of 2-stroke low speed dual fuel engines opera... | |||
Shell Alexia S4 | High Performance Cylinder Oil for Low-speed Crosshead Diesel Engines | |||
Shell Alexia S6 | High Performance Cylinder Oil for Low-speed Crosshead Diesel Engines | |||
Shell Alvania Grease 0854 | Special Automotive Steering Rack & Pinion Grease | |||
Shell Alvania Grease EPD | High Performance Extreme Pressure Railroad Roller Bearing Grease | |||
Shell Argina S 40 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Argina S2 40 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Argina S3 30 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Argina S3 40 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Argina S4 40 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Argina S5 40 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Argina T 30 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Argina T 40 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Argina X 40 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Argina XL 40 | Very High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Caprinus XR 20W-40 | Railroad diesel engine oil | |||
Shell Catenex Oil S 523 | Paraffinic process oil | |||
Shell Catenex T 125 K | High quality paraffinic process oil | |||
Shell Catenex T 141 K | High quality paraffinic process oil | |||
Shell Catenex T 145 | High quality paraffinic process oil | |||
Shell Construction Grease EP2 | Construction Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Construction Grease EP3 | Construction Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Construction HD2 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Construction HD2 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Construction HD3 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Construction HD3 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Construction Hydraulic Oil H2 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Construction Hydraulic Oil H2 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Corena Oil S2 RJ 32 | Very High Performance Synthetic Rotary Screw and Vane Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S2 P 100 | Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S2 P 150 | Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S2 P 68 | Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S2 R 46 | Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S3 R 32 | Premium Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S3 R 46 | Premium Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S3 R 68 | Premium Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S3 RX 46 | Advanced Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S4 P 100 | Advanced Synthetic Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S4 R 32 | Advanced Synthetic Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S4 R 46 | Advanced Synthetic Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S4 R 68 | Advanced Synthetic Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Corena S5 R 46 | Advanced Synthetic Rotary Air Compressor Oil | |||
Shell D971 | Automatic transmission fluid for Mercedes-Benz passenger car automatic transmissions | |||
Shell DCT-M1 | MB Double clutch fluid factory fill fluid | |||
Shell Diala S2 ZU-I Dried NGT | Uninhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Diala S2 ZU-I gt | Uninhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Diala S3 ZX-I | Premium Inhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Diala S3 ZX-I Dried | Premium Inhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Diala X-Ray Oil | Inhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Diala X-Ray Oil Dried | Inhibited Electrical Insulating Oil | |||
Shell Edelex Oil 926 | High quality naphthenic process oil | |||
Shell FBO Super 15W-40 | High performance diesel engine oil for fishing boats meeting CG-4 | |||
Shell Flavex 595 (H) | Good solvency paraffinic process oil (H) suffix denotes delivery via Grasbrook | |||
Shell Flavex 595 B | Good solvency paraffinic process oil | |||
Shell Fleet CI-4 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Fleet CI-4 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Fleet CK-4 10W-30 | Synthetic Technology Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Fleet CK-4 10W-40 | Synthetic Technology Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Fleet CK-4 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Fleet Pro CK-4 10W-40 | Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Flushing Oil 32 | High Performance Flushing Oil | |||
Shell Flushing Oil D 22 | A high detergent flushing oil | |||
Shell Fully Synthetic Motor Oil 0W-30 (SN) | Passenger Car Motor Oil | |||
Shell Fully Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-30 (SN) | Passenger Car Motor Oil | |||
Shell Gadinia 30 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil for use with Distillate Fuels | |||
Shell Gadinia 40 | High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil for use with Distillate Fuels | |||
Shell Gadinia AL 40 | Very High Performance Medium-speed Diesel Engine Oil for use with Distillate Fuels | |||
Shell Gadinia S3 30 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Gadinia S3 40 | Lubricant for modern and highly rated medium-speed trunk-piston diesel engine applications | |||
Shell Gadus 1452 | Low Friction CVJ Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S1 V100 2 | Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S1 V100 3 | Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S1 V160C 3 | Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S1 V220 2 | Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 A320 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 High Speed Coupling Grease | High Performance Gear Coupling Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 15 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 20 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 40 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 50 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 80 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OG 85 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OGH 0/00 | High Performance Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OGT | Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 OGXK | Low Temperature Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 U460L 2 | High Performance Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V100 1 | High Performance Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V100 3 | High Performance Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V100Q 2 | Special Low Noise Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V145KP 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Low Temperature Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220 0 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220 00 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Semi-Fluid Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220 1 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220 3 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 3 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220AD 2 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease with Solids | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V220AZ 3 | High Performance Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S2 V46KP 2 | High Performance Low Temperature Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 OG 2 | Premium Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 Repair | Premium Open Gear Running In Grease Containing Solid Lubricants | |||
Shell Gadus S3 T150J 1 | Premium Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 T150J 2 | Premium Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 T460 1.5 | Premium Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V1000A 2 | Premium Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V160C 2 | Premium Wheel Hub Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V220C 1 | Premium Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2 | Premium Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2 | Premium Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V460 2 | Premium Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V460D 2 | Premium Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease with Solids | |||
Shell Gadus S3 V460XD 1 | Premium Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease with Extra Solids | |||
Shell Gadus S4 OG 0 | Advanced Open Gear and Wirerope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S4 OGT | Premium Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S4 OGXK | Premium Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S4 V2600AD 1.5 | Advanced Plain Bearing Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S4 V460D 2 | Advanced Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease with Solids | |||
Shell Gadus S5 T460 1.5 | Advanced Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V100 2 | Advanced Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V110KP 1 | Special Purpose Fully Synthetic Blade Bearings Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V110KP 1.5 | Special Purpose Fully Synthetic Blade Bearings Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V142W 00 | Special Advanced Performance Semifluid Gear Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V150XKD 0/00 | Advanced Synthetic Low Temperature Multipurpuse Grease with Solids | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V220 2 | Advanced Multipurpose Extreme Pressure Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V25Q 2.5 | Special Synthetic Low Noise Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V460 00 | Advanced Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V460 1.5 | Advanced Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V460C 00 | Advanced Fully Synthetic Multipurpose Heavy Duty Grease | |||
Shell Gadus S5 V460KP 1.5 | High performance Wind Power Main and Yaw bearing Grease | |||
Shell GadusRail S2 Traction Motor Bearing Grease | High Performance Traction Motor Bearing Grease | |||
Shell GadusRail S3 AAR AL 1.5 | Premium Railroad Axle Box Grease | |||
Shell GadusRail S3 EUFR | Premium Extreme Pressure Railroad Axle Box Grease | |||
Shell GadusRail S4 High Speed EUDB | Advanced Railroad Axle Box Grease | |||
Shell GadusRail S4 High Speed EUFR | Advanced Railroad Axle Box Grease | |||
Shell Gas Compressor Oil S3 PY 220 | Special Application Ethylene Gas Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Gas Compressor Oil S4 PN 220 | Advanced Synthetic Gas Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Gas Compressor Oil S4 PV 190 | Advanced Synthetic Gas Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Gas Compressor Oil S4 PY 270 | Advance Ethylene Gas Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Gas Compressor Oil S4 RN 68 | Advanced Synthetic Gas Compressor Oil | |||
Shell Gear Oil S1 G 150 | Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Gear Oil S1 G 220 | Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Gear Oil S1 G 320 | Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Gear Oil S1 G 460 | Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell HD Premium N Antifreeze/Coolant Pre-Diluted 55/45 | Pre-diluted coolant | |||
Shell HD2 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell HD2 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell HD3 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell HD3 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell HD4 CHN 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell HD4 CHN 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Heat Transfer Oil S2 | High Performance Heat transfer fluid | |||
Shell Helix HX8 ECT 5W-40 | Passenger Car Motor Oil | |||
Shell HSO Oil 7749C | Automotive shock absorber oil | |||
Shell HSR Gear Oil S6 G 75W-80 | synthetic gear oil for railroad applications | |||
Shell HVI 105 | High Viscosity Index paraffinic base oil | |||
Shell HVI 115 | High Viscosity Index paraffinic base oil | |||
Shell HVI 160 | High Viscosity Index paraffinic base oil | |||
Shell HVI 650 | High Viscosity Index paraffinic base oil | |||
Shell Hydraulic S1 M 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Hydraulic S1 M 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Long Life-OAT -30C Antifreeze/Coolant | Long-Life antifreeze/coolant pre-diluted | |||
Shell Long Life-OAT -45C Antifreeze/Coolant | Long-Life antifreeze/coolant pre-diluted | |||
Shell Malleus Grease GL 205 | Special Purpose Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Malleus OGM Grease Heavy | Special Purpose Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease | |||
Shell Marine 40 | DEO for small marine and fishing boats | |||
Shell Melina S 30 | High Performance Multi-purpose Low-speed Marine Diesel engine Oil | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 100 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 150 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 220 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 320 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 460 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S1 B 680 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 100 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 150 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 220 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 32 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 320 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 46 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 B 68 | Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BA 100 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oil | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BA 100 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BA 150 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BA 220 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oil | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BA 220 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BL 10 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S2 BL 5 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S3 BA 320 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S3 BA 460 | Special Application Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S4 B 100 | Advanced Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S4 B 1000 | Advanced Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S4 B 220 | Advanced Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S4 B 220 | Advanced Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Morlina S4 B 460 | Advanced Industrial Bearing & Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Mysella S2 Z 30 | Zero Ash Stationary Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Mysella S3 N 40 | Low Ash Stationary Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Mysella S3 S 40 | Medium Ash Stationary Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Mysella S5 N 40 | Premium, Long Life, Low Ash Stationary Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Mysella S5 S 40 | Long Life, Low Ash Stationary Gas Engine Oil for Sour Gas applications | |||
Shell Mysella XL 40 | Very High Performance Long-life Stationary Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Naturelle Fluid HF-E 46 | Biodegradable, fully synthetic hydraulic fluid | |||
Shell Naturelle Fluid HF-E 68 | Biodegradable, fully synthetic hydraulic fluid | |||
Shell Naturelle Grease S5 V120P 2 | High Performance Biodegradable Extreme Pressure Multipurpose Grease | |||
Shell Naturelle S2 Wire Rope Lubricant A | Shell Naturelle S2 Wire Rope Lubricant A | |||
Shell Naturelle S4 Gear Fluid 100 | Special Purpose Biodegradable Synthetic Industrial Gear and Bearing Oil | |||
Shell Naturelle S4 Gear Fluid 150 | Special Purpose Biodegradable Synthetic Industrial Gear and Bearing Oil | |||
Shell Naturelle S4 Gear Fluid 68 | Special Purpose Biodegradable Synthetic Industrial Gear and Bearing Oil | |||
Shell Naturelle S4 Stern Tube Fluid 100 | Special purpose biodegradable stern tube fluid | |||
Shell Naturelle Transformer Fluid S4 I | Advanced synthetic electrical insulating fluid | |||
Shell Nerita grease 0460 | Superior Performance Ball Joint Grease | |||
Shell Omala Oil F 220 | Very High Performance Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Omala Oil F 320 | Very High Performance Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Omala Oil F 460 | Very High Performance Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Omala Oil HD 1000 | Special Purpose Heavy Duty Synthetic Industrial Gear Oil | |||
Shell Omala S1 W 460 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S1 W 680 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 100 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 150 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 220 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 320 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 460 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 68 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 G 680 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 100 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 150 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 220 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 320 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 460 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 68 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S2 GX 680 | Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S3 GP 460 | Special Application Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 150 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 220 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 320 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 460 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 68 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GX 680 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GXV 150 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GXV 220 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GXV 320 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GXV 460 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 GXV 680 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 WE 150 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 WE 220 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 WE 320 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 WE 460 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 WE 680 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 Wheel 460 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S4 Wheel 680 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Gear Oils | |||
Shell Omala S5 Wind 320 | Advanced Synthetic Wind Turbine Gearbox Oil | |||
Shell Ondina Oil 100 | Medicinal white oil | |||
Shell Ondina Oil 15 | Medicinal white oil | |||
Shell Ondina Oil 32 | Medicinal white oil | |||
Shell Ondina Oil 68 | Medicinal white oil | |||
Shell Ondina Oil 934 | Medicinal white oil | |||
Shell Paper Machine Oil S2 M 220 | Paper Machine Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Paper Machine Oil S3 M 150 | Paper Machine Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Paper Machine Oil S3 M 220 | Paper Machine Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Paper Machine Oil S3 M 320 | Paper Machine Circulating Oils | |||
Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 46 | Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant | |||
Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 68 | Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant | |||
Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-F 68 | Advanced Synthetic Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant | |||
Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V 32 | Advanced Synthetic Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant | |||
Shell Refrigeration Oil S4 FR-V 68 | Advanced Synthetic Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant | |||
Shell Rhodina Grease 0833 | Special Low Temperature Water Resistant Grease | |||
Shell Rhodina Grease BBZ | Special Purpose Blade Bearing Grease | |||
Shell Rimula K10 10W-40 | Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula K6 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula K8 10W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula Light Duty LD3 Multi 15W-40 | Specially Designed Engine Oil for Light Commercial Vehicles | |||
Shell Rimula Light Duty LD3 Multi 20W-50 | Specially Designed Engine Oil for Light Commercial Vehicles | |||
Shell Rimula Light Duty LD4 Multi 15W-40 | Specially Designed Engine Oil for Light Commercial Vehicles | |||
Shell Rimula Light Duty LD4 Multi 20W-50 | Specially Designed Engine Oil for Light Commercial Vehicles | |||
Shell Rimula Light Duty LD5 Multi 10W-40 | Specially Designed Synthetic Technology Engine Oil for Light Commercial Vehicles | |||
Shell Rimula R1 10W | Reliable Lubrication - Monograde Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 CNG 15W-40 | Reliable Lubrication for CNG Engines - Multigrade Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 Extra 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 Extra 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R2 Multi 10W-30 | Turbocharger Performance - Multigrade Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 10W (CF) | Extra Performance - Monograde Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 Multi 10W-30 | Triple Action - Multigrade Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 MV 15W-40 | Off Highway - Multigrade Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 ND 15W-40 | High performance dedicated CNG heavy duty engine oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 NG 15W-40 | Dedicated Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 Turbo 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R3 Turbo 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 15W-40 | Unique Active Technology - Multigrade Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 MV 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 Plus 15W-40 (CI-4) | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 Plus 15W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 Super 15W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 X 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R4 X 20W-50 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R5 E 10W-40 | Energy Saving - Synthethic Technology Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R5 LE 10W-40 | Synthetic Technology Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R5 NG 10W-40 | Synthetic Technology Dedicated Gas Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R5 X 15W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 LM 10W-40 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 LM 10W-40 | Low Emissions - Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 LM 10W-40 | Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 M 10W-40 | Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 ME 5W-30 | Energy Saving - Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rimula R6 MS 10W-40 | Maintenance Saving - Fully Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | |||
Shell Rotella DD+ 40 | Two-stroke heavy duty diesel engine oil | |||
Shell Sirius 15W-40 | High Performance High speed diesel engine oil | |||
Shell Sirius X 30 | Very High Performance Lubricants for high speed super high performance marine diesel engines (SHPD... | |||
Shell Spirax S1 ATF TASA | Quality Type A Suffix A Automatic Transmission and Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S2 A 140 | High quality, GL-5 axle oil | |||
Shell Spirax S2 A 80W-90 | High quality, GL-5 axle oil | |||
Shell Spirax S2 A 85W-140 | High quality, GL-5 axle oil | |||
Shell Spirax S2 A 90 | High quality, GL-5 axle oil | |||
Shell Spirax S2 ATF AX | High Performance ATF, PSF and Hydraulic Oil in Many MAN, Voith and ZF Vehicles | |||
Shell Spirax S2 ATF D2 | High Performance ATF, Power Steering and Hydraulic Oil On-Road Trucks and Cars | |||
Shell Spirax S2 G 140 | High Quality API GL-4 Oil for Manual Transmissions and Gear Sets | |||
Shell Spirax S2 G 80W-90 | High Quality API GL-4 Oil for Manual Transmissions and Gear Sets | |||
Shell Spirax S2 G 90 | High Quality API GL-4 Oil for Manual Transmissions and Gear Sets | |||
Shell Spirax S3 ATF MD3 | High Performance Automatic Transmission Fluid in Many Applications | |||
Shell Spirax S3 AX 80W-90 | High performance, GL-5 axle oil for general applications | |||
Shell Spirax S3 G 80W-90 | High Performance Manual Transmission and Gear Oil for MAN, ZF and other OEMs | |||
Shell Spirax S3 TLV | Premium, Low Viscosity SAE 5W-30, Tractor Transmission and Hydraulic Oil | |||
Shell Spirax S4 ATF HDX | Advanced Synthetic Technology Heavy Duty Automatic Transmission Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S4 CX 10W | High Performance Off-Highway Transmission and Hydraulic Oil for Many Applications | |||
Shell Spirax S4 CX 30 | High Performance Off-Highway Transmission and Hydraulic Oil for Many Applications | |||
Shell Spirax S4 CX 50 | High Performance Off-Highway Transmission and Hydraulic Oil for Many Applications | |||
Shell Spirax S4 G 75W-90 | High Performance Synthetic VW Manual Transmission Oil | |||
Shell Spirax S4 GJ 75W-90 | High Performance Manual Transmission Oil | |||
Shell Spirax S4 GS 75W-90 | High Performance Suzuki Manual Transmission Oil | |||
Shell Spirax S4 TXM | Preminum, SAE 10W-30, Multi-functional Tractor Transmission and Hydraulic Oil | |||
Shell Spirax S5 ATE 75W-90 | Premium performance, synthetic technology, GL-5/4 transaxle oil for sports cars | |||
Shell Spirax S5 ATF X | Premium Synthetic Technology Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S5 DCT 11 | High performance Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S5 DCT X | Premium Synthetic Multi-vehicle Wet Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid. | |||
Shell Spirax S5 G 75W-80 | Multi Vehicle Dry DCT Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S6 ADME 75W-90 | Synthetic high quality axle oil | |||
Shell Spirax S6 ATF A295 | Synthetic Extended Drain Heavy Duty Automatic Transmission Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus | Premium Synthetic Technology Voith Long Drain Automatic Transmission Fluid | |||
Shell Spirax S6 ATF X | Premium lower viscosity multi-vehicle ATF with OEM approvals | |||
Shell Spirax S6 ATF ZM | Premium Heavy Duty Transmission Oil for ZF Long Drain | |||
Shell Spirax S6 AXME 75W-140 | Superior performance, extended drain synthetic axle oil for Meritor, Scania and others | |||
Shell Spirax S6 AXME 75W-90 | Superior performance, synthetic, fuel efficient GL-5 axle oil for many premium applications | |||
Shell Spirax S6 D971 | Automatic transmission fluid for Mercedes-Benz passenger car automatic transmissions | |||
Shell Spirax S6 GXME 75W-80 | Premium, SyntheticTechnology, Fuel Economy Manual Transmission and Gearbox Ol | |||
Shell Stamina Grease 0275-2 | Superior Performance Hight Temperature Wheel Hub Grease | |||
Shell Super Marine 15W-40 | High Speed Diesel Engine Oil for Marine Vessels | |||
Shell Synthetic Technology Motor Oil 10W-40 (SN) | Passenger Car Motor Oil | |||
Shell Synthetic Technology Motor Oil 5W-30 (SN) | Passenger Car Motor Oil | |||
Shell Tactic EMV Drive Unit | Drive Unit | |||
Shell Tellus S1 M 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S1 M 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S1 M 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 M 100 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 M 22 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 M 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 M 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 M 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MA 46 | Industrial Detergent Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 100 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 22 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 MX 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S2 V 100 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 V 15 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 V 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 V 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 V 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 VX 100 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 VX 15 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 VX 32 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 VX 46 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S2 VX 68 | Industrial Hydraulic Fluid for wide temperature range | |||
Shell Tellus S3 M 100 | Premium Zinc-Free Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S3 M 32 | Premium Zinc-Free Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S3 M 46 | Premium Zinc-Free Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S3 M 68 | Premium Zinc-Free Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S4 ME 32 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S4 ME 46 | Advanced Synthetic Industrial Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S4 VX 32 | Special Application Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tellus S4 VX 32 | Special Application Hydraulic Fluid | |||
Shell Tonna S2 M 220 | Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Tonna S2 M 32 | Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Tonna S2 M 68 | Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Tonna S3 M 220 | Premium Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Tonna S3 M 32 | Premium Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Tonna S3 M 68 | Premium Machine Tool Slideway Oil | |||
Shell Transmission Oil MA 75W-90 | Synthetic high quality gearbox oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil 32 | Industrial Steam Turbine oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil 46 | Industrial Steam Turbine oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil CC 32 | Very High Performance Combine Cycle Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil CC 46 | Very High Performance Combine Cycle Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil GT 32 | Special Purpose Synthetic Gas Turbine oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil J 32 | Very High Performance Combine Cycle Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil T 32 | High Performance Steam Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil T 46 | High Performance Steam Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo Oil T 68 | High Performance Steam Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Turbo S4 GX 32 | Industrial Steam, Gas and Combined Cycle Turbine Lubricant | |||
Shell Turbo S4 GX 46 | Industrial Steam, Gas and Combined Cycle Turbine Lubricant | |||
Shell Turbo S4 X 32 | Industrial Steam, Gas and Combined Cycle Turbine Lubricant | |||
Shell Turbo S5 DR 46 | Special Purpose Fire Resistant Hydraulic and Turbine Oil | |||
Shell Ultra Low Temperature Oil | Ultra Low Temperature Oil | |||
Shell Vacuum Pump Oil S2 R 68 | Special Application Rotary Vacuum Pump Oil | |||
Shell WT Concentrate C | Supplementary treatment for use with Shell Omala HD |