
  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【未认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币万





欧盾科技有限公司 公司和产品简介

品牌介绍欧盾科技--中外(美国belton集团)合资企业,率先突破Hydraulic System Technology(简称HST技术)核心技术,为各行各业带来更的液压驱动技术体验。公司专注于HST领域的研究和开发,坚持稳健经营、持续创新、开放合作的理念。目前国内外已拥有子公司及地区办事处二十余家,负责国内外各个行业及专业领域的产品销售及技术服务,拥有数千家经销商遍布全球各地。经过十几年的积累和发展不仅拥有了一支以客户是上帝为理念的客户服务团队,还培养了一批以市场需求为导向的设计研发团队。公司和浙江工业大学共同研发行业技术,拥有百余项,和多所高等院校签订实习就业基地。欧盾科技在消防救援、工程施工、电网建设、铁路建设、建筑机械等领域提供了各种环保节能液压驱动的解决方案优势。公司致力于提供各种消防救援、轻便施工设施及智能化装备,并提供更加节能环保、精密便携的电动、气动、机动、混和动力的各种产品、设计方案。在应对急难险重的消防救援和工程施工中,快速轻松解决各种应急、消防、施工的难点,并建立专业领域行业独有的金融体系。Brand profile ODe Technology--Sino-Foreign (Belton Group) joint ventures, the first to break the hydraulic System Technology (hereinafter referred to as HST Technology) core technology, which can bring more advanced hydraulic driving technology experience for all walks of life. The company focuses on the research and development in the field of HST, adheres to the concept of steady operation, continuous innovation and open cooperation. At home and abroad, it already has more than 20 subsidiary and regional offices, and responsible for various industries and professional field of product sales and technical services, with thousands of distributors all over the world. After more than 10 years of accumulation and development, it not only has a customer service team, whose concept is the customer is God, but also trains a group of market demand-oriented design and development team. The company jointly cooperates with Zhejiang University of Technology and development industry-leading technologies, with hundreds of patents, and signed internship employment base with many colleges and universities.ODe technology provides a variety of environmental protection and energy-saving hydraulic drive solution advantages in the fire Rescue, engineering construction, power grid construction, railway construction, construction machinery and other fields. The company is committed to providing a variety of fire rescue, light construction facilities and intelligent equipment, and provides more energy-saving and environmental protection, precision portable electric, pneumatic, mobile, hybrid and power of various products, design programs. In response to emergency risk of the heavy fire rescue and engineering construction, quickly and easily solve a variety of emergencies, fire, construction difficulties, and the establishment of professional sector industry unique financial system.全国招商全国免费服务热线:邮件:server@bco.hk网址:www.ode119.com公司地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区江二路400号和瑞科技园采购部采购经理13588357623人力资源部人事经理13588867180 线上市场:市场部: 网络渠道经理:13588356791,13588867391负责网络渠道平台,全网渠道销售线下市场:建机全国大区经理:13588299301河南 安徽 江苏 黑龙江 湖南 宁夏 北京 河北 青海 广西大区经理:13588299295浙江 贵州 云南 四川 湖北 天津 上海 甘肃 辽宁 西藏 陕西大区经理:13588299809广东 福建 江西 吉林 山东 新疆 重庆 内蒙 山西 海南 消防全国大区李经理 13588353579安徽,河南,云南,贵州,四川大区王经理 13588299951江苏,上海,吉林,湖南,陕西,新疆,广西,湖北,海南大区赵经理 13588299767浙江,江西,北京大区俞经理 13588867705河南,甘肃,河北,青海,广东,重庆 市场外贸胡经理 13588299581外贸韩经理 13588299832外贸邹经理 13588391519消防渠道苏经理13588299505 QQ: 56673181

