- 会员类型:免费会员
- 工商认证: 【未认证】
- 最后认证时间:
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- 企业类型:经销商
- 注册资金:人民币万
广州乐丰国际供应链有限公司 公司和产品简介
.乐丰供应链___广州越南陆运双清广州乐丰供应链有限公司, 是家新兴的供应链物流提供商,乘中国“带路”东风, 越南乃至东盟地区经济快速发展,我们 致力于中国与越南,中国与东南亚之间的进出口 海运整柜,散货,陆运整车,陆运散货,空运,快递双清到门服务。 我们是个具有丰富业物流操作经验,优良海关关系,强大船公司、航空公司关系的物流业团队。我们竭诚为物流同行,国内外生产厂家, 贸易商,提供个便捷,安全,实惠的,***物流服务,合作共赢。LEFENG GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS GUANGZHOU LTD is one of new international global supply chain solution providers. By the wind of Chinese “the Belt and Road” , Vietnam and south Asia developing fast. We are focus on the “Import and Export” to door service of the Ocean FCL /LCL FULL truck LCL Truck air express between China and Vietnam China and South Asia countries. We are the team with very professional and excellent operation experience of global logistic, We have very good relationship with Local customs, air company shipping carrier. We do our best to provide quality、 security service, with affordable?prices. We expected a WIN- WIN cooperation with you!