德国pco.edge 5.5 16bit高灵敏度sCMOS相机
点击次数:128发布时间:2020/6/24 11:42:41
更新日期:2023/6/29 13:50:25
所 在 地:欧洲
pco.edge 5.5 使用科学SCMOS相机,使用科学的sCMOS芯片,5百万像素成像分辨率,量子效率可以达到57%,16位的动态范围,低的读出噪音,小于1.1个电子,并提供高速的成像100幅/@全分辨率情况下,动态范围30000:1,可满足科学应用中对于低噪声、高帧速、宽动态范围及高分辨率的需求。
l 相机制冷温度:0°C / +5 °C / +7 °C
l 低的读出噪音1.0 med e- / 1.4 rms e- @ RS/GR(CLHS型号, USB型号)/ 1.1 med e- / 1.5 rms e- @ RS/GR(CL型号)
l 相机分辨率2560 x 2160 pixel
l 动态单位30 000 : 1 (CLHS型号, USB型号) / 27 000 : 1 (CL型号)
l 量子效率高60%
l 曝光时间500 µs 到 2s (滚动快门)
l 大帧率100 fps
l 滚动快门或全局快门/ 全局重置功能
l Lightsheet 模式
l 数据传输接口Camera Link HS, Camera Link full 或 USB 3.0 传输
l 单色或彩色芯片
l 相机尺寸: 102 x 79 x 70 mm
l 可选购: water cooling 水冷系统
pco.edge 5.5
groundbreaking sCMOS technology for outstanding image quality
The pco.edge 5.5 is equipped with an innovative scientific CMOS sensor providing crisp images and precise measurements. It can be optionally upgraded with a water cooling system.
The pco.edge 5.5 camera system is designed for users who require high resolution, high frame rates, best 16 bit dynamic range, selctable shutter variants and optionally a color sensor.
Camera Link HS guarantees uncompressed and secure data transfer. The latest standard of high-performance data interfaces enables the bridging of long distances via fiber optic cable.
Key Features:
- thermal stabilization at 0°C / +5 °C / +7 °C
- extreme low readout noise of 1.0 e- med
- high resolution of 2560 x 2160 pixel
- dynamic range of 30 000 : 1 (CLHS, USB) / 27 000 : 1 (CL)
- quantum efficiency up to 60%
- exposure times from 500 µs to 2s (RS)
- maximum frame rate 100 fps
- rolling shutter or global shutter / global reset functionality
- lightsheet mode
- Camera Link HS, Camera Link full or USB 3.0 interface
- monochrome or color sensor
- small form factor: 102 x 79 x 70 mm
- optional: water cooling system
注:产品信息若有变更恕不另行通知 / 德国PCO公司中国区域核心授权代理商--广州市元奥仪器有限公司(www.gzyaco.com)