在燃烧器上,相对于指示灯管,有个金属火焰高度测量仪间隔13毫米(1/2英寸)从桶和延长以上的燃烧器。该杆有两个8毫米(5/16英寸)的尖,标记距离19毫米(3/4英寸)和38毫米 (1又1/2英寸)在燃烧器顶部以上。当根据适用的测试方法调整燃烧器火焰高度时,请使用此量规。
安装指南1. 将控制模式开关设置为自动位置。
2. 准备好您的测试样品,并将其安装在仪器测试室内适当的支架中。
3. 如果可以的话,按照你的测试方法,将燃烧器放置在样品下方。
4. 在AGC上,通过向上提起拨动杆打开主气体关闭阀,直到拨动杆从面板上指向外。
5. 点燃先导燃烧器。
6. 关闭仪器室门。
7. 按下AGC上运行时间显示下面的计时器复位按钮。如果显示器正在计数,按定时器开始按钮关闭它。按定时器复位按钮使显示为零。
8. 要启动测试,同时按下AGC上的燃烧器启动按钮和计时器启动按钮。(正确操作将由两个开关的照明指示。如果两者都没有点亮,按下计时器开始开关熄灭灯,并按下运行时间显示下面的计时器复位按钮。同时再次按下两个启动开关启动测试。
9. 当计时器指示15(HMV)或12(VFC)时,燃烧器将熄灭。您可以通过按定时器开始按钮,让已经过的时间显示继续计数并按需要停止它。您还可以使用定时器启动按钮停止它,使用定时器复位开关将其复位为零,并通过按定时器启动按钮重新启动它以计时烧伤事件。再次按定时器开始按钮来停止它。
10. 使用上面描述的运行时间显示或使用AGC提供的手持事件计时器计时所需的事件。
11. 额外的测试可以通过重复上面的步骤6-8进行。
12. 当您完成AGC的使用后,总是通过将切换杆推到完全向下的位置(不要指向面板外)来关闭主气体关闭阀。切断你的油箱或设备的气体供应。通过将控制模式开关移动到中心位置,电动关闭AGC。
公司介绍Shanghai Litao Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to textile instruments, textile testing instruments, leather testing instruments, combustion testing instruments, packaging materials testing instruments. Its main products include: color and color evaluation, microscopic and legal inspection, mattress testing instruments, carpet testing instruments, toy testing instruments, humidity measurement & control system, soil temperature and humidity meter accessories, etc Textile and clothing tester, non-woven fabric and geotextile tester, air permeability tester, one-way wear tester, leather and shoe material tester, filter material tester, vehicle tester, weathering and aging tester, high accelerated aging test system, oven environmental equipment, light industry and packaging material tester, electronic and electrical tester The company is a comprehensive supplier of consulting, sales promotion, technical consulting and after-sales service of photochemical spectrum and other laboratory equipment. It has a wide global procurement and trade network and good business reputation. It is committed to providing professional, high-quality and practical laboratory equipment and related technical services for domestic universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises for a long time.
公司介绍Shanghai Litao Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to textile instruments, textile testing instruments, leather testing instruments, combustion testing instruments, packaging materials testing instruments. Its main products include: color and color evaluation, microscopic and legal inspection, mattress testing instruments, carpet testing instruments, toy testing instruments, humidity measurement & control system, soil temperature and humidity meter accessories, etc Textile and clothing tester, non-woven fabric and geotextile tester, air permeability tester, one-way wear tester, leather and shoe material tester, filter material tester, vehicle tester, weathering and aging tester, high accelerated aging test system, oven environmental equipment, light industry and packaging material tester, electronic and electrical tester The company is a comprehensive supplier of consulting, sales promotion, technical consulting and after-sales service of photochemical spectrum and other laboratory equipment. It has a wide global procurement and trade network and good business reputation. It is committed to providing professional, high-quality and practical laboratory equipment and related technical services for domestic universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises for a long time.