Deublin 7100 Series系列旋转接头_导电滑环
DEUBLIN Rotating unio 7100 Series for High Pressure Hydraulic Service,DN 8 - 20,Duoflow
The rotating unios of series 7100 supply the feeding of hydraulic oil. The respective medium has to comply with the following specification: Mineral oils according to DIN 51524-2 (HL; HLP) | ISO 6743-4 , viscosity classes 10, 22, 32, 46, 68 and 100 cSt.The admissible performance of the rotating unios depends upon the diameter of the pipe through which the consuming equipment is provided with hydraulic oil.美国DEUBLIN公司成立于1945年。是世界上的专业生产各种精密旋转接头、蒸汽接头、虹吸管和各类内部膨胀管的厂家。该公司产品设计新颖,加工精良,性能可靠,不易泄漏,使用寿命长,维护方便,型号系列化。广泛应用于造纸、冶金、钢铁、印刷、机械等行业,在世界同行业中享有较高的声誉。
Brand: Deublin
Product Code: Series 7100
Series 7100 are duoflow rotating unios, body - stainless steel, rotor - hardened steel. They are designed for hydraulics, low rotation speed, pressure up to 250 bar and temperature up to 90°C.
温度: 90°C
Rotary unio Sizes尺寸: 3/4" RH 1" RH 1 1/4" RH 1 1/2" RH
For connecting the rotor to the shaft a threaded or a flange connection is offered.
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- Duoflow design
- Self Supported
- Hydrostatic bearing design
- Wear-resistant bearing
- Shaft seal for secondary sealing
- Stainless steel housing
- Hardened steel rotor