点击次数:18发布时间:2021/6/15 17:33:26
更新日期:2021/6/15 17:33:26
所 在 地:中国大陆
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provides user controls for sleep-depriving mice and rats without direct human intervention. Sleep deprivation simulates gentle handling
by a rotating bar placed a short distance above the cage floor, lightly nudging the animal from sleep and encouraging the animal to
maintain wakefulness without excessive exercise. The system is sold either as a core system or with Pinnacle’s Sirenia Feedback Pro
software and EEG hardware. Adding Feedback Pro allows real-time EEG/EMG signals to be used to determine sleep/wake state and
initiate deprivation as required.
神经化学物质实时测量 Biosensor Recording |
脑电/肌电记录分析 EEG/EMG System |
光遗传学实验 Optogenetic System |
微透析实验 Microdialysis |
睡眠剥夺实验 Sleep Depivation |
视频及运动轨迹分析 Video and X-Y Tracking |
电刺激 Direct Current Stimulation |