点击次数:906发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
所 在 地:英国Verivide
VeriVide CAC range creates the perfect alternative to natural daylight. The CAC range has been developed for the visual assessment of colour in accordance with British Standards 950: Part 1 directives and International Standards. With the use of nine phosphors and calculated to the CIE 51 standard, this cabinet produces the best fluorescent D65 daylight simulator with the highest Colour Rendering Index (CRI) available to the colour viewing world.
The CAC range are suitable for all industries and applications where there is a need to maintain colour consistency and product quality, e.g. Textiles, Automotives, Ceramics, Cosmetics, Dyeing, Food, Footwear, Furniture, Inks, Knitwear, Leather, Ophthalmic, Packaging, Printing and much more.