CeBr3 scintillation crystals offer an alternative to NaI(Tl) crystals for high resolution gamma
spectrometry. Above an energy of 200 keV, the resolution is superior to NaI(Tl). CeBr3
scintillation detectors do not suffer from the intrinsic La-138 background typical for Lahalide
Composition : CeBr3
Density : 5.2 g / cc
Maximum emission : 380 nm
Decay time (typical) : 18-20 ns
Size : up to 102 mm diameter, 152 mm length
Typical energy resolution ( FWHM) in % :
Energy ( keV) NaI(Tl) CeBr3
30 18 20
60 11 13
81 10 11
122 8.5 8
356 8 5
662 7 4
1332 5 3
2600 4 2