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上海杰普斯生物科技有限公司 主营产品:ELISA试剂盒,生化检测试剂盒,HPLC检测,,,液质检测,气相检测,,重金属检测,,WB,,免疫组化

当前位置: 易推广 > 生物试剂/抗体/细胞 > 试剂盒 > 其他试剂盒 > 上海杰普斯生物科技有限公司 > 产品展示 > ELISA试剂盒 > 科研ELISA试剂盒 > 市场推送:NF200ELISA试剂盒@2023已更新现货




品牌名称:$brandModel.Title(进口品牌)型号: 原产地:中国大陆 发布时间:2023/10/18 12:13:49更新时间:2024/12/4 16:52:40

产品摘要:市场推送:NF200ELISA试剂盒@2023已更新现货上海杰普斯生物科技有限公司是一家注于免疫检测类试剂的高科技生物公司,主要产品为ELISA试剂盒、生化试剂盒、培养基、血清、外包服务和其它相关配套试剂。ELISA KitNF200ELISA试剂盒

产品完善度: 访问次数:159



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注册资金:人民币万 【已认证】






电话:19101731816 手机:19101731816 联系人:张经理   Q Q:2369388748








ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is an immunoassay method based on porous plate, which adsorbs the antibody or sample that is usually one of the detection components on the solid surface (this method adopts porous plate). ELISA is one of the simplest analytical methods to detect analytes quickly, quantitatively and sensitively at relatively low cost. In addition, ELISA can be easily transformed into a higher throughput screening method to help researchers detect a large number of samples through a single run. Sandwich method, direct method and competition law ELISAs

Our ELISA adopts a simple and easy method, which can be used to study soluble protein markers in various matrices such as serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant or lysate. It includes more than 1000 "research only" test kits, and the applicable sample types include human, mouse, rat and other animal models (such as agriculture and associated animals). Each kit provides the reagents required for the specific experimental protocol and 96-well plate. The ELISA kit is mainly of 96-well specification, and the reagents required for target detection and quantification are provided by the manufacturer. Various ELISA methods such as sandwich method, direct method and competitive method were used.

Sandwich method uses a pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) targeting different epies of the same target antigen. The first antibody fixed in the microplate is used to extract the protein from the solution. The second antibody is used to complete the "sandwich" and provide signals indicating the presence of the target antigen. The kit provides recombinant antigen protein with known content, which is convenient for users to establish standard curve to analyze sample signal. Most of our products use this sandwich ELISA.

Direct law and competition law are relatively rare. The direct method first uses a monoclonal antibody to detect the sample fixed on the microplate. Then the first antibody will combine with the enzyme-labelled second antibody of to provide signals.

The competitive method pre-coated the known amount of biomarkers on the microplate. The enzyme-labeled antibody is incubated with the sample, and carries out a "competitive" binding reaction with the pre-coated antibody. The specific result depends on the concentration of the target in the sample. The free antibody can then bind to the antigen on the microplate and present a signal after the sample is washed. The signal is inversely proportional to the concentration of the target marker.



  1. 血清:将收集于血清分离管的全血标本在室温放置2小时或4℃过夜,然后1000×g离心20分钟,取上清即可,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

  2. 血浆:用EDTA或肝素作为抗凝剂采集标本,并将标本在采集后的30分钟内于2-8℃1000×g离心15分钟,取上清即可检测,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

  3. 组织匀浆:用预冷的PBS (0.01M, pH=7.4)冲洗组织,去除残留血液(匀浆中裂解的红细胞会影响测量结果),称重后将组织剪碎。将剪碎的组织与对应体积的PBS(一般按1:9的重量体积比,比如1g的组织样品对应9mL的PBS,具体体积可根据实验需要适当调整,并做好记录。推荐在PBS中加入蛋白酶抑制剂)加入玻璃匀浆器中,于冰上充分研磨。为了进一步裂解组织细胞,可以对匀浆液进行超声破碎,或反复冻融。将匀浆液于5000×g离心5~10分钟,取上清检测。

  4. 细胞培养物上清:请1000×g离心20分钟,取上清即可检测,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

  5. 其它生物标本:1000×g离心20分钟,取上清即可检测。

  6. 样品外观:样品应清澈透明,悬浮物应离心去除。

  7. 样品保存:样品收集后若在1周内进行检测的可保存于4℃,若不能及时检测,请按一次使用量分装,冻存于-20℃(1个月内检测),或-80℃(6个月内检测),避免反复冻融,标本溶血会影响检测结果,因此溶血标本不宜进行此项检测。

Sensitivity: see the instructions

Test scope: see the instructions for details

The coefficient of variation within the board is less than 10%, and the coefficient of variation between boards is less than 10%.

Equipment and reagents to be prepared by oneself:

1. 450 ± 10nm filter enzyme marker

2. High-precision sampler and gun head: 0.5-10uL, 2-20uL, 20-200uL, 200-1000uL

3. Eppendorf pipette

4. Distilled water or deionized water

5. absorbent cotton paper

6. 37 ℃ thermostat

8. Prepare several standard dilution tubes

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is an immunoassay method based on porous plate, which adsorbs the antibody or sample that is usually one of the detection components on the solid surface (this method adopts porous plate). ELISA is one of the simplest analytical methods to detect analytes quickly, quantitatively and sensitively at relatively low cost. In addition, ELISA can be easily transformed into a higher throughput screening method to help researchers detect a large number of samples through a single run. Sandwich method, direct method and competition law ELISAs

Our ELISA adopts a simple and easy method, which can be used to study soluble protein markers in various matrices such as serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant or lysate. It includes more than 1000 "research only" test kits, and the applicable sample types include human, mouse, rat and other animal models (such as agriculture and associated animals). Each kit provides the reagents required for the specific experimental protocol and 96-well plate. The ELISA kit is mainly of 96-well specification, and the reagents required for target detection and quantification are provided by the manufacturer. Various ELISA methods such as sandwich method, direct method and competitive method were used.

Sandwich method uses a pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) targeting different epies of the same target antigen. The first antibody fixed in the microplate is used to extract the protein from the solution. The second antibody is used to complete the "sandwich" and provide signals indicating the presence of the target antigen. The kit provides recombinant antigen protein with known content, which is convenient for users to establish standard curve to analyze sample signal. Most of our products use this sandwich ELISA.

Direct law and competition law are relatively rare. The direct method first uses a monoclonal antibody to detect the sample fixed on the microplate. Then the first antibody will combine with the enzyme-labelled second antibody of to provide signals.

The competitive method pre-coated the known amount of biomarkers on the microplate. The enzyme-labeled antibody is incubated with the sample, and carries out a "competitive" binding reaction with the pre-coated antibody. The specific result depends on the concentration of the target in the sample. The free antibody can then bind to the antigen on the microplate and present a signal after the sample is washed. The signal is inversely proportional to the concentration of the target marker.



1. 450±10nm 滤光片酶标仪
2. 高精度加样器及枪头:0.5-10uL、2-20uL、20-200uL、200-1000uL.
3. Eppendorf 移液器.
4. 蒸馏水或去离子水.
5. 脱脂棉吸水纸.
6. 37℃恒温箱.
8. 准备若干个标准品稀释管.
上海杰普斯生物科技有限公司(JEPPS Biotechnology Co., Ltd)是一家注于免疫检测类试剂的高科技生物公司,主要产品为ELISA试剂盒、生化试剂盒、培养基、血清、外包服务和其它相关配套试剂。




电话:19101731816 手机:19101731816 联系人:张经理   Q Q:2369388748


