点击次数:290发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00

更新日期:2009/6/12 10:27:48
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产品型号:Antaris EX
The AntarisTM process line extends the award winning Antaris FT-NIR analyzer platform into the process environment with the Antaris EX. The EX matches the power of near-infrared, fiber-optic-based sampling with manufacturing-based materials testing, monitoring, and control applications. The Antaris EX FT-NIR process analyzer offers a complete, fit-for-purpose solution providing:
- Ready-for-connection process communication
- Hazardous environment approval
- Simultaneous multipoint collection
- Integrated computing
- Background-free data collection
The New Standard for DesignThe Antaris FT-NIR analyzer continues to set the standard for the design and manufacture of full-range, near infrared analyzers. Antaris sets the standard by including:
- High performance combined with rugged design
- Reproducibility regardless of configuration, user, or environment
- Regulatory traceability incorporated into every element of design
- Suitable platform for every point in the NIR lifecycle (e.g. facilitating method development, deployment, transfer, and routine operation)
Process Monitoring and ControlThe Antaris EX Process analyzer is available in two or four channels for online process analysis. The EX is the only near-infrared featuring true simultaneous measurements of all four of the sample channels. This patent-pending system is also simultaneously self referenced, so stability is unequalled and background collections do not require a dedicated channel or probe disengagement.
Thermo Scientific offers a full suite of Product and Customer Services tailored to near-infrared and process analysis. Click here for more information.