hypurity c18 columns are based on the latest in silica technology - hypurity silica, which has less than 10ppm total metals and is exceptionally stable at low ph. the hypurity silica manufacturing process ensures reproducibility and quality. the homogeneous surface leads to uniform bonding coverage and eliminates silanol-analyte interactions that cause poor peak shapes for bases, acids and chelating compounds. hypurity c18 columns undergo forty separate quality control tests to meet stringent performance specifications. the 190? pore size and excellent mass transfer properties of hypurity c18 makes it ideal for chromatography of large peptides, as well as small molecules, with unbeatable peak shape for all sample types. hypurity columns have proven performance for a wide range of applications, including small pharmaceuticals and peptides.
other column dimensions and hardware designs are available. please contact us for more information if you do not see the exact column that you are interested in.