点击次数:1133发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
所 在 地:瑞士
准确度: 0.003aw
包括:主机, 控温系统, 100 个样品池,6点标定标准品。
软件NOVALOG ,电脑控制和打印输出。RS232 .
NOVASINA发明并享有的测定方法electrolyte-cell 法, 经广泛使用和验证 , 是准确、有效、直接的测量水分活度的方法, 可以与经典测量方法和理论计算方法互相验证 , 因而亦被很多检验机构的实验室用做校验工具,如美国NITS 。欧盟各国、日本的进出口食品检验检疫机构的实验室都有NOVASINA 水分活度仪在使用, 美国FDA在评定向美国进口的食品药品时在水分活度项目上推荐NOVASINA 仪器 。
测定范围:0.03-1.00aw , 温度0-50°C
准确度: 0.003aw
包括:主机, 控温系统, 100 个样品池,6点标定标准品。
软件NOVALOG ,电脑控制和打印输出。
Examples of aw measurements:
· All forms of pastry and baked goods
· Meat and sausages
· Cheese
· Fruit concentrates
· Dried foodstuffs
· Cosmetics
· Medications
A well-proven laboratory precision instrument for reproducible, precise aw measurements under accurately controlled temperature conditions for all types of foodstuffs, cosmetics, as well as dry pharmaceutical materials. The AW SPRINT is the only instrument in the world that enables measurements under precisely controlled chamber temperature conditions, se-lectable in the following range: 0°C to 50°C, with a precision of 0.2K.The instrument and its sensor are robust and have excellent long-term stability. The Novasina electrolyte sensor delivers essentially hysteresis-free measurements.The large, clear illuminated LC display is very easy to read.
A professional laboratory instrument for precision measurements of aw values water activity in foodstuffs and pharmaceutical products. The temperature of the measurement chamber may be set in the range from 0°C to 50°C, and is kept constant within +/-0.2K.
This is the most widely used instrument for measuring aw values throughout the world. Its advantages are appreciated by research and foodstuff production companies, as well as an increasing number of manufacturers of cosmetics, or of very dry pharmaceutical products.