
  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万





上海摩翱实验设备有限公司 公司和产品简介

世界500强企业诚信合作伙伴——上海摩翱实验设备有限公司欢迎您!提供实验室家具的规划、制作和安装;通风柜及通风系统的设计及安装;专业防静电工作台的设计、制作和安装。气路的设计和安装;为您精心打造安全的、科学的、绿色的实验室。上海摩翱实验设备有限公司是一家专业从事实验室规划、生产、安装及售后服务的实验室设备工程公司。主要产品有实验室家具、实验台、通风柜、防静电工作台、专业气体排管天平台、水斗台、药品柜等。自公司成立以来,不断吸取和总结、*科学的实验室规划经验,并将其与国内实际相结合,研发出全新的实验室系列产品。公司全部技术人员都经过专业的培训,在设计方面充分考虑客户的要求及场地空间、安全性、便利性、工程预算情况,本着“人性化”的原则,为客户提供更直观、更专业的产品建议和布局方案。专业的安装人员和专门的今后服务跟踪人员,及时周到的服务深得广大用户的赞许。品质服务是企业生存和发展的基本要素,MOAO将为明天成为国内和知名品牌而努力,同时我们将为所有新老客户提供更加完美的售前售后服务。Shanghai MOAO Laboratory Equipment Co.,Ltd. is specialized in laboratory planning, installationafter-sale service. Main products are laboratory furniture, fume hood, ESD workstation, storage cabinet, high purity gas distribution, etc. Since its foundation, the company has kept on assimilating the most advancedstate-of-the art laboratory planning technologyexperience in the worldcombined them with the practical situation domestically. Thus, a completely new series of laboratory equipment has been domestically. Thus, a completely new series of laboratory equipment has been developed. All the engineerstechnicians from the R&D department to the design department have been professionally trained. The customers ’requirements,laboratory space,safety, convenienceproject budget are taken into our consideration in design. Based on the “people-oriented” principle, the more visualizedprofessional product proposalslayout will be provided for the customers. The professional installation personnelafter-sale service personnel have peovided timelysatisfactory service, thus winning the favorable comments from our customers. Qualityservice are the basic elements for enterprises to survivegrow. MOAO will make great efforts to turn it into a domestic-famousworld-famous brand tomorrow. We will provide bettermore satisfactory beforeafter-sale service to all our newold customers.上海摩翱实验设备有限公司 欢迎您!

