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Nano crystalline Hydroxyapatite Q-Sense Crystal -
点击次数:1308 发布时间:2008/3/13 17:03:11
Hydroxyapatite HA is a calcium phosphate mineral Ca10PO46OH2 which is the main constituent in boneteeth. HA is known for its special proper-ties, especially when in contact with living tissue. HA''s bioactivity is ad-vantageous in a range of applica-tions, such as bone implantsstents. Due to HA’s unique similar-ity to the hard tissues found in bio-logical systems, it is widely used as reference material whenever inter-actions between hard tissuesbiological species are of interest. Q-Sense collaborates with the company Promimic that has devel-oped a proprietary method to coat materials with nanocrystalline Hy-droxyapatite having high stabilitysmoothness, called Promimic HANANO.
QSX 327 – HA crystal
TEM image of HA nano crystals XY axes
Hydroxyapatite HA is a calcium phosphate mineral Ca10PO46OH2 which is the main constituent in boneteeth. HA is known for its special proper-ties, especially when in contact with living tissue. HA''s bioactivity is ad-vantageous in a range of applica-tions, such as bone implantsstents. Due to HA’s unique similar-ity to the hard tissues found in bio-logical systems, it is widely used as reference material whenever inter-actions between hard tissuesbiological species are of interest. Q-Sense collaborates with the company Promimic that has devel-oped a proprietary method to coat materials with nanocrystalline Hy-droxyapatite having high stabilitysmoothness, called Promimic HANANO.
QSX 327 – HA crystal
TEM image of HA nano crystals XY axes