点击次数:612发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
所 在 地:usa
Munsell 100 Hue Test
Munsell 100 Hue Test 是用來量度視覺對個別顏色的測試。 此簡單的測試在工業界已存在超過 40 年。它有 4 盒,總數共 85 顆顏色棋子(每顆棋子都是遞增變化色度),包括整個可見光的色譜。只要能夠將顏色棋子的色度順序排列,便可測試出閣 下對顏色的視覺反應及判斷。
這測試還包括 Windows®-based PC 計分軟件。這軟件連同 4 盒顏色棋子是放在一個手提式的木質盒內。 此測試必須在標準的日光燈環境之下進行。可在 的 Judge II或Spectralight III 之對色燈箱環境之下進行。
Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
This simple and effective method for determining color vision abnormalities and testing color discrimination yields reliable data which can be applied to many psychological and industrial color vision problems. Used by goverment and industry for over 40 years, the set consists of four trays containing a total of 85 removable reference caps. The color caps have incremental hue variation on one side and are numbered on the reverse. Color vision anomolies and color aptitude are detected by the ability of the testee to place the color caps in hue order. A score sheet yields numerical and graphical results. Consists of four 20" x 1.75" x 1.25" trays, housed in a 21.5" x 6.12" x 2.5" carrying case. Color reference size is 7/16" diameter.