点击次数:409发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
所 在 地:德国Rheotec
旋转轴测试控制切变率 (手动操作或经由个人计算机操作)., 切变率程度及斜面涵数定义于速度或切变率
CSR - rotational test with controlled shear rate. (manually and via personal computer) ramp-functions with defined speeds or shear rates
旋转轴测试控制切变应力 (手动操作或经由个人计算机操作)., 切变率程度及斜面涵数定义于扭距或切变应力
CSS - rotational test with controlled shear stress. (manual and via personal computer) Shear stress levels and ramp-functions with defined torque or shear stress
潜变试验 (Creep test)
计测及量的评鉴: (Measurable and evaluable Quantities)
黏度 (Viscosity) 扭距 (Torque)
切变率 (Shear Rate) 温度 (Temperature)
切变应力 (Shear Stress) 时间 (Time)
速度 (Speed)
附属装置: (Attachments)
圆柱状量测系统用恒温调节器 (Thermostat for cylinder measuring systems)
温度量测器 (Resistance thermometer Pt 100)
标准圆柱状量测器 (DIN 53019) 及双缺口量测器 (DIN 54453), 亦可用于单向计测系统
(Standard cylinder and double-gap measuring systems (DIN 53019), also as one-way measuring (DIN 54453) systems)
(Optional measuring device for cone/plate and plate/plate measuring systems)
(Peltier-thermostatic device for cone/plate and plate/plate measuring systems)
可垂直升降调节的仪器架 (vertically adjustable stand)
附加设备: (Additional equipment)
个人计算机及打印机 (Personal Computer/Printer)
恒温液槽 (Liquid thermostat)
校正用标准液 (Normal an Calibrating liquid)
特殊的功能: (Special Features)
微程控量测仪器, 使用电源为交流电 (microprocessor-controlled measuring device for mains power operation).
具有扭力超负载保护装置 (torque overload protection).
使用计算机控制软件程序 RHEO 用于图标数据呈现及回归
(PC controlled measuring by using user-software RHEO for graphical data-presentation and regression)
操作者易于使用的防尘按键面板 (user-friendly, dust proof keyboard for manual use)
完整结合的四行数字显示可选择当时的操作参数 --- 黏度, 切变率, 切变应力, 扭力, 速度, 温度
(integrated alphanumeric display (4 lines) for optional displaying of current parameters of viscosity, shear rate, shear stress, speed, torque, temperature)
随机内存具有数据缓冲功能, 可储存十个测试项目, 4800 笔数据点
(data buffering in RAM, storage of measuring data with and measuring-count for up to 10 measurements with up to 4800 data-points)
实验研究用 圆筒同心轴旋转式流变仪 / 黏度计
Laboratory Rheometer / Viscosimeter, RC-20
Rheometer RC 20 - ensuring quality and development
高精密度实验研究用流变仪 / 黏度计 是保证产品质量及提升研发技术的利器, Rheometer RC 20 是采用高科技圆筒同心轴旋转技术量测动态的旋转轴测试控制切变率 (CSR - Controlled Shear Rate) 及旋转轴测试控制切变应力 (CSS - Controlled Shear Stress).
The Rheometer RC 20 is a rotational viscosimeter (Searle principle) for quality control and for the development of techniques and products in the laboratory.
The highly dynamic measuring drive system enables rotational tests with controlled shear rate and controlled shear stress (CSR and CSS)