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流量校准器Bios Defender 530-Low Flow

点击次数:72发布时间:2013/8/22 17:01:48

流量校准器Bios Defender 530-Low Flow

更新日期:2013/8/22 17:01:48

所 在 地:欧洲


简单介绍:Bios Defender 530 Standardized & Volumetric Flow Primary Standard Air Flow Calibrators Air Flow Calibrators with DryCal? Technology The Bios Defender 530, 流量校准器Bios Defender 530-Low Flow

相关标签:仪器仪表 流量校准器 



流量校准器Bios Defender 530-Low Flow 的详细介绍
流量校准器Bios Defender 530-Low Flow

Bios Defender 530 Calibrator -- Coming January 2010

The Bios Defender 530, with the ability to take both volumetric and standardized readings, is the latest addition to the popular Defender 510 and 520 line of Bios DryCal primary flow calibrators. Automatic correction of readings for temperature and pressure, rather than merely recording of ambient conditions, is essential for many applications.

The Defender 530, like the other instruments in the line, provides users with a true primary flow calibrator for industrial hygiene, environmental and laboratory applications. The design offers low cost, light weight and ultra-compact size, incorporating the highly-regarded DryCal technology. It is small enough to fit easily into a slim briefcase for convenient transport.

Like all Bios calibrators, the Defender 530 is easy to use.  Turn it on. Connect it to a sampling pump. Start taking readings. It's as simple as that. Calibrations within a minute with no messy soap bubble solutions.

The Defender 510, 520 and 530 can take hands-free continuous readings while quickly and accurately setting the flow rate on air sampling pumps or other instruments. The Defender 510/520/530 calibrators connect to any PC and pre- and post-calibration data can be downloaded with the included Integrator 110 with the Optimizer Collect Light software. 






  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【未认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
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  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

