您的位置:易推广 > 行业设备 > 印刷设备 > 绷网机 > 利辛县恒丰筛网织造有限公司 > 产品展示 > 丝网印刷网纱 > 丝印网纱 > 涤纶印刷网纱 网面均匀 张力稳定 进口机器生产16T-120T-165T


涤纶印刷网纱 网面均匀 张力稳定 进口机器生产16T-120T-165T

点击次数:190发布时间:2013/11/3 8:51:16

涤纶印刷网纱 网面均匀 张力稳定 进口机器生产16T-120T-165T

更新日期:2018/8/31 9:38:31

所 在 地:中国大陆





 聚酯丝网印刷网纱,丝网印刷网纱,聚酯印刷网纱,陶瓷印刷网纱,玻璃丝网印刷网纱,线路板印刷网纱,电路板印刷网纱,PCB印刷网纱,涤纶印刷筛网,锦纶丝印网纱,尼龙丝网印刷网我们公司专业生产型号:(10T25目250线)(12T30目250线)(16T40目200线180W)(60目24T140线120W)(27T70目120线)(DPP80目32T-100W120线)(DPP90目36T-90W100W)(DPP100目 40T-80W)(DPP110目43T-80W)DPP120目48T-70W)(DPP130目51T-71W)(DPP140目55T-64W)(DPP150目59T-64线)(DPP155目 62T-64W)(DPP160目64T-64W)(DPP180目72T-55W)(DPP180目72T-48W)(DPP195目77T-55W)(DPP200目80T-55W)(DPP200目80T-48W)(DPP230目90T-48W45W)(DPP250目100T-40W39W)(DPP280目110T-39W)(DPP305目120T-35W)(DPP305目120T-40W)(DPP305目120T-34W)(DPP300目120T-31Y)(DPP350目140T-34W)(DPP350目355目140T-31Y)(DPP380目150T-31W)(DPP380目150T-31Y)(DPP420目165T-31W)(DPP420目165T-27Y)W代表白色(white),Y代表黄色(yellow)产品应用:被广泛地用于PCB、电子、塑胶、金属、纸张、纺织品等多种行业 和材料,由于张力高,网距小,离网性和油墨剥离性出色,能得到高精细、高质量的印刷效果。图形丝网印刷 CD、DVD印刷 电子业 制陶业 玻璃印刷 纺织品印刷 运动用品印刷。丝网印刷网纱,聚酯印刷网纱,陶瓷印刷网纱,玻璃丝网印刷网纱,线路板印刷网纱,电路板印刷网纱,PCB印刷网纱,涤纶印刷筛网,锦纶筛网,尼龙筛绢,尼龙丝网,网布,网纱,筛网,丝网

Welcome to Lixin Hengfeng mesh Weaving Co. - May God bless you and your family.

We will provide you with first-class services and products.


Our company specialized production model,Hengfeng Mesh,PET 1000,PET 1500,


(27T70mesh120w)(DPP80mesh 32T-100W120W)(DPP90mesh36T-90W100W)(DPP100mesh 40T-








Application: widely used in PCB, electronics, plastics, metal, paper, textiles 

and other industries and materials, high tension fabrics,screen low elongation , 

off-grid and ink stripping well, can get high-precision, high-quality printing 

results. Graphics Screen Printing CD, DVD printed electronics industry Ceramics 

Glass Printing Textile Printing sporting goods printing. Screen printing mesh, 

polyester printing mesh, ceramic printing mesh, glass printing mesh, mesh printed 

circuit boards, printed circuit boards gauze, PCB printing mesh, polyester 

printing mesh You may find membrane switches everywhere in our common life, on 

which device as keypads and buttons of cellular phones,remote 

controls,calculators,machine controls, microwave ovens and other kitchen 

appliance. Graphic printing is required for membrane switch manufacturing 

process. Hengfeng Mesh polyester mesh can be used for membrane switch graphic 

overlays screen printing, which offers wide range of specifications for specific 


 HengFeng mesh products 13 mesh 15 mesh 18 mesh 20 mesh 23 mesh 25 mesh 30 mesh 

36 mesh 38 mesh 40 mesh 41 mesh 46 mesh 48 mesh 50 mesh 53 mesh 60 mesh 68 mesh 

70 mesh 74 mesh 76 mesh 80 mesh 86 mesh 90 mesh 100mesh 110 mesh 120 mesh 135mesh 

140 mesh 150 mesh 160 mesh, 195 mesh, 180 mesh, 200 mesh and 230 mesh, 250 mesh, 

255 mesh, 280 mesh, 300 mesh, 305 mesh, 330 mesh, 350 mesh, 355 mesh, 380 mesh, 

400 mesh, 420 mesh, 450 mesh, 500 mesh, the scope of application: apply in 

spinningWoven printing, PCB printing, electronic printing, ceramics, glass, paper 

flower printing, signage, advertising, arts and crafts, speaker phone speakers 

and other industries. Conventional 115,127,136,145 have 

wide,158,165,220,260,280,315,360 specifications such as width, for different 

manufacturers printed. Yellow, white and black.HengFeng mesh Product Features: 

Imported Swiss Sulzer machine production Many advantages, quality, resistance and 

structural strength of resistance, good printability, the mesh high accuracy, 

good dimensional stability, good chemical resistance performance over the ink 

performance is not easy to jump wire.

  We offer screen used in food processing(e.g. milling, starch and glucose 

production, milk powder, babyfood)chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, gas filters for 

air-conditioning and air purification, and liquid filters for automobile 

gasoline, oil strainers, and medical purposes- from the original fabric stage 

through to second- or third-stage processing. For materials development and 

three-dimensional processing as well, our superior technologies and proprietary 

facilities are employed to meet a diverse range of needs.In order to better meet 

the needs of all industries, with clients to develop more new products.





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【未认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

