点击次数:843发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
所 在 地:made in china
standard model developed by enhancing basic requirementsspectrophotometers are essential for quantitative analysis in a wide variety of fields, such as biotechnology, raw material development and quality control. basic performance requirements include measurement accuracy, ease of use and reliability. the u-1800 is a new spectrophotometer developed by enhancing these basic requirements in response to users" needs. new features include a large display screen, easy-to-use keypad and a self-diagnostic function |
the u-1100 is an entry-level spectrophotometer capable of answering a wide range of measurement needs. this instrument incorporates the latest technologies and features a host of diverse functions, making it easier to use and more accurate in measurement than previous models. come of the measurement modes that can be se-lected include quantitative calculation, wavelength scanning, time scanning, ratio measurement and multi- wavelength measurement. measurement results are displayed on the monitor and can be printed out. |
a self-diagnostic function is incorporated for checking instrument status and performance such as wavelength accuracy and noise leve
computer control using uv solutions?the u-1100 can easily be controlled from a computer using an rs-232c communication cable and the optional uv solution? control software. uv solutions features functions such as quantitative calculation, wavelength scan and time scan. data can be saved and exported into other applications to allow preparation of reports. |