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点击次数:1601 发布时间:2016/2/29 15:44:56

                 CE & ROHS






Welcome to select a series of shunmiao. Please read it carefully before to use.



成都万贯五金机电城C区超市三楼6 服务热线: 028-62460899

产品说明(Product Manul





l 数码显示箱内温度湿度,红色为温度,绿色为湿度,其中温度湿度显示为箱内的实际情况,温度会比环境温度高1~3度。温度不可调。

In the digital cabinet, red means temperature, green means humidity. The temperature will be high 1-3 degrees than the environment temperature during the humidity elimination products.

l 主机红灯亮时,为排湿过程,箱内湿度不会下降。整个过程将持续1个小时左右。

When the red indicator of  the de-humidity device light, it means de-humidity period, the humidity dose net drop down. The time is about one hour.

l 中湿度防潮箱请调节到较低湿度,这样使用比较理想,调节值必须在环境湿度的10个点以下。

PL set low humidity about middle humidity cabinet.

l 本产品通过CE认证。

The products have acquired CE certification.

l 本产品箱体表面涂层已经通过ROHS认证

The surface coating has acquired ROHS certification.

l 如型号变动增加,恕另不通知。

If we design a new style, please understand that we will not notice.

安装调试及注意事项 (Installation Proceeding)





1.         防潮箱须放置在水平坚固的表面

Place the dry-cabinet on a level and strong surface. Turn the adjuster to be balance.

2.         多个主机的防潮箱请将主机从一个串联连接至另外一个,上面有‘P1’、‘P2’等标识。

PL link the power line from the de-humidity device to another

3.         请不要存放湿气含量较重的物品,这样会导致箱内湿度无法在短时间达到设定湿度,如纸箱等纸质物品、纤维类木制品等。

PL do not store the material, such as fibreboard boxes, paper or wood etc., which contains high moisture. It will cause the humidity can not reach the setting humidity in a short time.

4.         请不要频繁开关门,尽量控制开关门次数。

PL do not open the windows frequently and try control the open times.

5.         放置好箱体内搁板,高度可根据存放物品调至适合,搁板扣如图放入。

The height of the shelf is adjustable for the convenient of storage, and the shelf clasp should be put as drawing.

6.         防潮箱背面留一定空间,距离墙或其它物品必须5CM以上。

Leave a space of at least 5cm behind the unit for ventilation.

7.         请不要放在气流方向,如空调出风口处、高温地方。

Please don’t set cabinet at areas where there is direct air flow, such as in front of air conditioner and hot area.

8.         请不要放在阳光直射地方。

Please don’t place the cabinet in direct sunlight.

9.         请不要放在烟雾、水汽的地方。

Please don’t place cabinet at area where there is smoky or stream.

10.     湿度可设定产品可调接UPDOWN按钮,将湿度调至需要值。

The humidity can be set by the up and down button when you need.

11.     超低湿全自动机种无须设定湿度,微电脑控制全自动工作。

Ultra-low humidity type(full automatic type) do not need to set and the micro-computer can control it automatically.

12.     次通电及长时间没使用后再次使用,请空箱运行12小时以上,并确认湿度下降到较低水平。

When electrifying at first time or using again after leaving unused for a long time, please run more 12 hours with empty container, and affirm that humidity has moved down to lower level.

13.     湿度设定后,本产品对设定值有记忆功能,即使断电也无须再设定.

       The product has the memory function, after setting the humidity, even if cut off the power, we do not set it again.

14.     请不要放在温度较高的地方。

PL do not place the dry cabinet at the high temperature location

数码显示板示意图 Digital Display Panel Figure







The humidity can be set byUPandDOWNbutton for adjustable type.


Red shows temperature of inside cabinet and the temperature can’t be adjusted.


       Green shows the relative humidity of inside cabinet.





保险丝更换示意图 Changing Fuse







This part locates on back of the de-humidity device, pulling out and changing the fuse as the figure. The inside fuse is working fuse and the out fuse is spare fuse. 



搁板扣安装示意图  Shelf Clasp Fixing Figure
















使用事项(Using Notices)





1. 每次开门时间尽可能短,推荐控制在1分钟之内。Every time of opening the door should be as short as possible, you'd   better control it in 1minute.

2. 请尽量不要断电,以免影响使用

Please try not to switch off the power, so as to avoid impairing its use.

3. 当物体放入防潮箱内时,如果物体本身所含湿气较大,防潮箱内湿度将会上 升,也许要花12天湿度才会下降,对于含有包装纸或布类物件,湿度下降时间要更长一些。

 When parts are placed inside the cabinet for storage, the humidity will rise    due to the moisture contained in the parts, and it maybe take about 1 to 2 days for de-humidity, if the parts that contain a lot of paper or cloth, the humidity drop down to normal status for more than 2 days. 

4. 湿度设定后,本产品对设定值有记忆功能,即使断电也无须再设定。

  The product has the memory function, after setting the humidity, even if cut off the power, we do not set it again

5. 湿度显示值误差±3%RH,采用进口传感器,温度显示误差为±1度左右。

 The error of humidity display value is ±3%RH and the temperature display error is about ±1. The humidity sensor is imported sensor

6. 不要遮盖背部除湿机芯散热孔。

 Do not cover the de-humidity device's exhaust vent located on the back of cabinet.

7. 如果停电24小时以上,箱内存放物品建议转移。

If the power has been cut off more than 24 hours, we suggest you changing the parts kept in the cabinet.

8. 配防静电台垫的请连接好线。防静电产品脚轮防静电。无论地坪防不防静电,建议连接静电接地线。

  Please connect the electric line of preventing static electricity pad.

9. 除湿期间,外部叶片门打开,除湿机芯表面温度略高,这是正常的,请不要误认为是除湿机芯故障。

During de-humidity period, the outer shutter will be open, and the surface temperature of de-humidity device will be rise several degrees, and the area around the de-humidity device will get warm, however this is normal and there is nothing wrong with the dry cabinet.

10.             请使用220V/50HZ电源。

   Please use 220V/50HZ power supply.

11.             湿度不下降时请让防潮箱停电并重新启动运行12小时以上,箱内湿度下降则正常。

  If the humidity dose not drop down, please switch off the power and restart it again more than 12 hours, if the humidity has drop down, the dry cabinet is running well




l 电源220V/50HzUsing 220V/50Hz power supply.

l 在流量计进口插上氮气管,进口压力控制在0.2~0.4Mpa以内,流量0~25升每分钟可调。

Plugging into the N2 pipe at the inlet of flow-meter and the inlet pressure should be controlled within 0.4Mpa. The rate of flux can be adjusted within 0~25L/M.

l 出厂配置的进气口为8mm,并配有快速接头。

  Plugging into the N2 pipe is 8mm.

l 放置好箱体内搁板,高度可根据存放物品调至适合,搁板扣如图放入。

The height of the shelf is adjustable for the convenient of storage, and the shelf clasp should be put as drawing. 

l 设定所需要的湿度值,在日常使用中,如果开门时间较长,建议每次开门存取物时,先关闭流量计,关门后再打开流量计,调到合适的流量,节省氮气以达到*佳的使用效果。

Setting the needed humidity during the running period, and you’d better shut off the flow-meter before open the door, then open up the flow-meter again after close the door and adjust the flux for saving N2

l 当湿度低于设定值3个点时,电磁阀会自动将氮气切断,此时流量计的浮球会在部,如果发现依旧会有流量,请检查箱体内气管与接头是否漏气。

When the humidity is 3 points lower than setting humidity, the electromagnetic vale will shut off  N2  automatically in a half minute, The float ball will be on the bottom at this time. If you find the float ball will not be on the bottom, pl check whether there exists gas leakage at connectors.

l 当湿度高于设定值3个点时,电磁会打开,氮气会冲入箱体内,此时浮球会浮起。

When he humidity is 3 points more than setting humidity, the lectromagnetic vale will power on automatically, then the float ball will rise up and the cabinet will be full of N2

l 湿度高于与低于判断的时间间隔在1分钟。

  The  automatic active time of electromagnetic valve is about one minute.

l 氮气的洁净度要求,尽量不要含有油及固体颗粒,以防电磁阀损坏。

The Nshould be clean and do not contain a lot of impurity such as the oil or granulated solid to protect the electromagnetic valve.

l 如果发现控制不了,请停电半分钟,再重新启动并重新设定控制湿度。

If you find the cabinet running wrong, please power off firstly. Then power on again after a half minute and adjust the setting humidity once again.

l 请不要存放湿气含量较重的物品,这样会导致箱内湿度无法在短时间达到设定湿度,如纸箱等纸质物品、纤维类木制品等。

PL do not store the material, such as fibreboard boxes, paper or wood etc., which contains high moisture. It will cause the humidity can not reach the setting humidity in a short time

l 请不要频繁开关门,尽量控制开关门次数

PL do not open the windows frequently and try control the open times.

l 请不要放在阳光直射地方。

Please don’t place the cabinet in direct sunlight.

l 请不要放在烟雾、水汽的地方。

Please don’t place cabinet at area where there is smoky or stream.

l 请不要放在气流方向,如空调出风口处、高温地方。

Please don’t set cabinet at areas where there is direct air flow, such as in front of air conditioner and hot area.

l 另流量不要调太大,一般在10~20L/M.比较合适。

The suitable flow rate is about 10-20 L/M


维修前请确认Please affirm the following  before maintenance





l 插头是否正确?电源切断了吗?保险丝是否完好?

Is the plug in properly? Has the power supply been cut off? Has the fuse broken?

l 湿度设定是否正确?

Is the initialization humidity correct?

l 次使用或长时间没使用时,是否空箱运行12小时以上?

When operating cabinet for the first time or having a long time no using,did you  switch on and leave it for at least 8 hours with the door shut?

l 是否存放了大量水气较大的材料?如大量的纸等。

If you store material with a high water content at first, such as a of paper in the cabinet, it may take several days for the humidity to drop.

l 依上述条款检查后,便可确认主机故障,请联系检修。

If after checking the above items the de-humidity device fails to operate, please contact us.



成都一恒科技有限公司 维修电话:028-62460899








