型号含义 Model implication
适用范围 Applications
1. 广泛用于石油开采、炼油、化工、军工等危险环境及海洋石油平台、油轮等场所作普通照明和作业照明之用;
2. 适用于节能改造项目及检修更换困难的场所;
3. 适用于防护要求较高、潮湿的场所;
4. 适用于爆炸性气体环境的1区、2区场所;
5. 适用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC类爆炸性气体环境;
6. 适用于T1-T6组温度组别。
1. It is widely used in dangerous locations such as oil exploitation, petroleum refining industry, chemical industry, war industry, etc., as well as offshore oil platform, oil tanker and other places for general lighting and task lighting;
2. It is applicable for energy-saving reform projects and locations where are difficult to overhaul or replace;
3. It is applicable for damp locations where have high protection requirements;
4. It is applicable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas atmosphere;
5. It is applicable for explosive gas atmosphere CAT. IIA, IIB and IIC;
6. It is applicable for temperature groups T1-T6.
产品特点 Features
产品规格 Product specifications
节能对比 Energy saving comparison
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
外形及安装尺寸 Outlines & installation dimensions