租售/维修HP86142A 安捷伦86142A光谱分析仪-李海凤
仪器型号: 86142A
仪器品牌: HP
技术指标: 600 nm to 1700 nm
Description : Agilent 86142A Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA)
Specs at a glance for the 86142A
This product was manufactured by Agilent or Hewlett-Packard many years ago. We provide this page to assist you in using or replacing your product.
If this product's status is "Discontinued": This product is no longer sold by Agilent, but is still fully supported. You can receive free enhanced self-support via the Agilent website or (if you have a valid support agreement with Agilent) by calling or emailing the Agilent Contact Center. Repair and calibration agreements and per-incident services are available from Agilent Service Centers. You can reach Agilent by using the "Contact Us" link at the top right of this page.
If this product's status is "Obsolete": You can receive free self support via the Agilent website only; technical support is not available through other Agilent support channels. Calibration may still be available from an Agilent Service Center if no repair or parts are needed.
The 86142A is an Optical Spectrum Analyser for a wide range of applications including
light source evaluation, measurement of loss wavelenght characteristics in optical
devices and waveform analysis of WDM Systems.