点击次数:77发布时间:2014/12/8 15:39:24

更新日期:2022/2/9 11:03:09
所 在 地:中国大陆
MSO2024B 混合信号示波器
MSO2024B mixed signal oscilloscope
Multifunctional mixed signal design debugging tool.
MSO2024B 混合信号示波器提供了 200 MHz 的带宽和 1 GS/s 采样率,以入门级的价格带给您高级调试功能。由于多达 16 条通道,您只需一台设备即可分析模拟和数字信号。再结合自动串行和并行总线分析、FilterVu? 低通滤波器和创新的 Wave Inspector? 控件,MSO2024B 混合信号示波器为您提供多功能工具,简化和加快复杂设计的调试工作。
MSO2024B mixed signal oscilloscope provides a bandwidth of 200 MHz and 1 GS/s sample rate, with the entry level price gives you advanced debugging function. Because up to 16 channels, you need only one device analysis of analog and digital signal. Combined with automatic serial and parallel bus analysis, FilterVu low pass filter and the innovative Wave Inspector from controls, MSO2024B mixed signal oscilloscope provides a multifunctional tool for you to simplify and speed up the debugging of complex design.
DPO4054, DPO4034, DPO4032, DPO4104, MSO4032, MSO4034, MSO4054, MSO4104, DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, DPO3052, DPO3054, DPO2012, DPO2014, DPO2024, MSO2012, MSO2014, MSO2024, MSO3012, MSO3014, MSO3032, MSO3034, MSO3054, DPO2002, MSO2002, MSO4034B, MSO4054B, MSO4104B, DPO4034B, DPO4054B, DPO4104B, MDO4054-3, MDO4054-6, MDO4104-3, MDO4104-6, DPO4102B, DPO4102B-L, DPO4104B-L, MSO4102B, MSO4102B-L, MSO4104B-L, DPO2002B, DPO2004B, DPO2012B, DPO2014B, DPO2022B, DPO2024B, MSO2002B, MSO2004B, MSO2012B, MSO2014B, MSO2022B, MSO2024B, MSO4014B, DPO4014B长期回收以上示波器,欢迎来电!!